Chapter 28: Welcome Back, GOT7

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Incheon Airport is insanely crowded. There are so many fans, so many girls, so many people gathered in the airport, only to see a glimpse of GOT7 members, who are returning to Seoul, Korea, this morning.

As they walked out of the Arrival Door, hundreds of girls screamed and shouted their names.

JB, Mark, JR, Youngjae, Bambam, Jackson, and Yugyeom waved back and smiled at their fans as they walked out of the door.

"Great to be home," JB smiled while saying to everyone.

Bambam nodded, "No matter how much fun we had in Japan, I missed Korea a lot,"

Everyone smiled and nodded in agreement.

Mark took a deep breath, while smiling at some girls, who are taking pictures of him. 3 months has passed, and it feels so good to go back to Korea.

Mr. Kim, who was walking in front ot them, turned back, "C'mon guys, the car is here. We have to go back to JYP straight away,"

"Okay, hyung," Jackson answered for everyone. The others walked faster, following Mr. Kim to their car.

Mark smiled to wide, holding the pendant on his neck.

Gonna see you really soon.


I. Just. Can't. Stand. This. Anymore.

Oh. My. God.

Well, I knew since I decided to enter the company, JYP Entertainment, that this day would come. But... I just never expected that this will happen 'all at once'.

GOT7 is coming back today. I knew that, because Bambam and Mark kept on telling me since a week before. But... I just knew this morning that... all of JYP stars are coming back too.... today. TODAY.

That's why JYP is arranging a welcome party for their stars, today. All of the staffs, crews, workers, and trainees will be invited to the party too.

It means, today, I am going to see: 2AM, they just finished their Africa Charity Visit, 2PM, they just finished their Asia Tour. Also, Miss A, Sunmi, and 15&. Also, the groups and artist that haven't debut yet, such as 6MIX, 5LIVE, and Bernard Park.

I am going to meet all of them. All at once. Today.


I am going to meet everyone in JYP Family!

"You okay, Hee Young?" Jae In, who is standing next to me, asked me in a confused face.

"Oh, I am very fine," I answer quickly.

"You looked... nervous," Jae In learned my face, "Are you nervous because GOT7 is going back today?"

I shook my head, "We are going to meet many more people other than GOT7!"

She looked at me blankly, "Yeah, so? Why you have to to be nervous?"

Geez, she has no feelings. No, she had no ability to feel.

Now, all of us, the special trainees, and the other trainees, are standing up in front of JYP, to greet the stars when they arrived. Se Young unnie, Kahi unnie, and Park Jin Young are also standing with us.

The first car arrived. A black car stopped in front of JYP, making all of us stand up straight.

"15& is here," Se Young unnie said, "Yerin and Jimin,"

All of us bowed to them. Even some of us is older than these girls, we still have to greet them, because they debut first, and it makes them our senior.

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