Chapter 13: "I never felt this way before about girls,"

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"No, I am wondering too. Why everybody is teasing me and Youngjae lately?" I said to him.

"Because... everybody thinks that you like him," he answered, "Is it true? Are you developing some feelings for him?"

I shook my head, "No. I am being nice to him, it's just because he was having a cold. Everybody is worried about him,"

Mark is smiling slowly. What? He's happy now?

"Oh, so you were worried about me too, huh?" he smirked. I stared back at him. He's becoming so playful now. 

"Hey, what did you do to the bear bag anyway?" I suddenly remember that, and I am glad that finally I have a chance to ask him about it.

He looked away suddenly. "Mark?" I called him.

"I took both bags," he turned at me agaib, "The frog one and the bear one,"

"Ya," I complained, "That one is for Youngjae. You got one already,"

"But you said that bear and frog potrays me well. So, I deserve to have both, right?" he smirked again.

Gosh. So that is why he changed the bag into a white plastic bag. He is being so greedy, but I don't know why, I am happy hearing it. He likes those cute bags.

"Have you drink them?" I asked again. "Of course," he asnwers quickly.

"Are you feeling better?" I wondered. He's not wearing his mask again, it is a good thing.

"Yeah, thanks a lot. I am feeling better," he smiled, "You know, no one ever really packed me something like that. Like medicines, vitamins, or even lunch,"

I looked at him, giving him a disbelief stare, "No way. There are thousands of girls that would die to do that for you!"

He laughed quite loud, making JB noticed us. He didn't say anything though, he just smiles, before watching the movie again.

"True, haha, true," he chuckled, "But, no one ever do that to me. That is why I feel kinda weird when you gave me those bags."

Uh oh.

"In a good way or bad way?" I watched his face. His expression can't be read, but his smile makes me feel... special.

"Of course in a good way. Thank you, Hee Young-a," he said in a sincere face.

He is... extremely.... handsome.

We don't talk for a several minutes. I am busy thinking while he is watching the movie. No one ever packed him lunch. It is weird to know that someone like him is actually... can be touched easily by small things like that. It was only vitamins!

"I am thirsty," he whispered, "I want to get water. You want to come?"

I nodded. Yeay, I want to see their kitchen. Mark stands up, and I follow him to the kitchen. No one seemed to notice us leaving the living room. Probably because they focused too much, and the room is dark.

He is leading me to the kitchen. The kitchen is nice as well, except for the mess they made on the dining table. There are so many snacks there.

Mark opened the fridge, taking two bottles of water. He offered one to me.

"Thank you, oppa," I take the bottle. He smiles again. He opened his black hat, putting it on the kitchen table, before opening his own bottle.

"Why are you guys like caps so much?" I take his hat. It is a black hat, with no writing on it. It is a plain black cap.

"You don't like wearing caps?" he asked me after drinking, "You know our style. We love caps. You should see our caps shelf,"

"There's a special shelf for your caps?" I am shocked. He nodded while laughing, "Yeah. We shared hats actually. Whenever we buy a cap, we just put it there, mixing it all together. Anyone can wear anything,"

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