Chapter 26: Gift Hunting

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Mark opened his eyes lazily, staring at Yugyeom's who was still sleeping next to him. Yugyeom snored the whole night and Mark remembered that he woke up two times last night, because of the noise.

"Uhh," he stood up, putting another blanket on Yugyeom. 

He went out of the room, finding Bambam and Jackson is already outside, having breakfast together.

"Hey yo, wake up already?" Jackson asked.

Mark nodded, "Yeah, it's just 9am and I can't sleep again because Yugyeom snored too loud,"

Bambam laughed, "He snored like that,"

Mark took a seat next to him, "I don't know how you survived as his roommate all this time,"

Jackson offered Mark a bowl of cereal, and he offered him a bottle of milk. Mark took the bowl and filling it with the milk.

"What's your plan for today?" Jackson asked Mark, "You said you wanna buy something today?"

Mark nodded, "Yeah, I need to buy a polaroid camera,"

Jackson and Bambam looked at Mark at the same time.

"I thought we all bought a polaroid camera already," Bambam said.

When they debut, all of collected money and buy one polaroid camera, for the seven of them. They used it together until now.

"It is for someone else," Mark answered while giving Jackson a signal. Jackson nodded while smirked at Mark, understanding the signal.

Bambam caught that, and he smiled too, "Hmm.. For Hee Young, huh?"

Mark and Jackson stopped eating, both raising their eyes.

"Bam!" Mark exclaimed, "How did you know?"

Bambam smirked, "Haha, yeah! Got you, hyung!"

"Seriously, Bammie, how did you found out?" Jackson pulled Bambam's hand.

"Okay, okay," Bambam smiled, "Yugyeom and I were eavedropping when the two of you were talking about Hee Young. Now we know that you liked her, hyung,"

Mark blushed and looked away, "Crap,"

Jackson laughed a bit, "Hmm.. it's bad, Mark,"

"Hyung," Bambam raised his eyebrows, "Why you have to keep it as a secret? You can tell us about it!"

Mark stared at Bambam, "I was afraid that all of you might think that it is funny. Anyway, I am not sure yet about what I feel, so, I am not gonna tell anyone about it. Bambam, please don't tell the others yet,"

Bambam nodded while curling his lips, "Okay, hyung. I won't. But Yugyeom knows already,"

Mark took a deep breath, "I will talk to Yugyeom. But, please, keep it as a secret first, okay?"

Jackson smiled, "Why are you so scared, Mark? These are your friends, we are all GOT7, why you have to keep secrets?"

"Exactly!" Bambam exclaimed.

Mark stared at the both of them, "Not yet, okay?"

Bambam looked down and Jackson just smiled at Mark. Bambam really wants Mark to be open about it, while Jackson understood that Mark needs space and some time to think. Love is not an easy thing for Mark, he wanted to be serious.

"You wanted to buy her a polaroid camera?" Bambam asked.

Mark nodded, "She told me that she's trying to save some money to buy that. She wants that,so I will just buy that for her birthday gift,"

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