Ch. 2 - You're still my bro!

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A few other weeks had passed; it was spring already. The whole journal story about me and Kody was just an old memory to everyone. We never saw the red haired girl since then, i wonder why?
It was Friday evening, i was in my (and Kody's) room, getting changed into my pajamas before i heard a loud thud coming from the bathroom. It was immediately followed by a curse word; "S*it!!".

Worriedly i rushed towards the bathroom, knocking on the door before opening it out of instinct. I stood there, without any shirt on and a very red face as I saw Kody on the floor, his towel covering his lower half as it seemed he had slipped on his way out of the shower.
I couldn't say a word or move, i was petrified before his touch snapped me out of my thoughts. He had pulled me inside and closed the door with his foot, making me violently fall on top of him.
I didn't knew what was happening anymore and i tried to get up, but i was immediately blocked by his legs which were intertwined around mine.
"Kod-..". My mouth was covered by his hand, my muffled sounds quieting down as we just laid there in silence, hearing some loud footsteps furiously walking past the bathroom. After that he finally moved his hand away and looked at me, realizing the compromising position we were in.
We both started to panic, not really knowing what to do at this point. We were two disasters in a pod.

I've never seen Kody this embarrassed before, of course he didn't want me to see him that way so he quickly cupped the back of my head and moved it to his chest, letting me listen to his heartbeat.
"K-..Kody.. uhm.. wh-Ah!" I yelped, he somewhat decided that pulling at my hair was a good idea to get me to shut up. And it certainly worked well.
After a quite long amount of time, I finally  lifted my face from his chest and glanced at him, his face was even more red than before and he was biting his bottom lip, it was obvious he was quite nervous. "..S-..Sorry... " He mumbled, waiting for me to get off. But being the idiot I was, I didn't get the message. At all.
That was when we heard Aiden call out; "Kody? Still in there? Get out."
We stayed silent, both having completely red and flustered faces as our faces were only inches apart.
"Uh- Yeah just a sec." And with that, the steps could not be heard anymore, which was when Kody finally exhaled in relief.
"What are you waiting for?" He said after a few seconds, his expression showing clear confusion. Oh yeah, of course. I needed to get up.

But as we both finally got up, we realized how awkward and embarrassing the situation was.
"Uh... I'm just gonna..." Turning around to probably walk out of the bathroom, I acted on impulse.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me.
He pushed me away, making me realize what I had done.
"S-..Sorry.. i had probably gotten to you.. i shouldn't have.." he said, actually surprising me for the real reason he pushed me away.
All I could do was smile and snicker softly, rubbing awkwardly on my arm.
"You didn't get to me.. it was stupid of me to do that.. sorry. Let's just pretend it never happened okay..?" I didn't want him to know the exact reason why, but I might have figured my feelings toward Kody. I might l-..
"..Yep... well, now there's no one out there.. so you can go.." He replied, snapping me out of my thoughts again.

Nodding my head hurriedly I took that as an order, immediately rushing out of the bathroom and going into my room, sitting down on the bed.
I felt butterflies in my stomach and even though that was a total disaster... I couldn't help but wonder.
Am i really.. gay?. I thought to myself, laying down on my bed for a long moment before deciding it was best to finally finish getting changed for then heading to bed early.
Although i had a cup of milk and a warm and nice blanket i still couldn't sleep, Kody was sleeping at the other side of the room, on his bed.

I wasn't sure if he was actually sleeping or not, it was so dark that i couldn't really see his face to be able to decide that.
I actually wanted to ask him badly, but i simply couldn't due to the fact that there was an awkward tension between us since earlier in the bathroom, I wonder if he was embarrassed because of the position or rather... either way it made me feel somehow happy, I didn't know why but I felt a sense of happiness when thinking about it.
I tried to shook that feeling off and convinced myself i was simply happy because he was growing up, yeah absolutely.

The next day, i woke up from the loud chirping noises coming from the trees.
I yawned and tapped hard onto the home button of my phone which was placed onto the nightstand next to my bed;
8 : 30 am, Saturday. It said. Letting the phone close off by himself i rolled out of bed, slowly getting up before starting to change.
Strangely Kody wasn't there, he must have woke up before me. I wonder how?
Anyways i tried not to focus on that too much but instead work my way to the kitchen, actually finding him sitting at the table, finish up a bowl of cereals.
I got some cereals as well and sat right next to him. "Hey." He mumbled, still feeling a little awkward from last night;
but i tried to act like i didn't remember and simply start carrying a random conversation about wolves and cats or other pets, finally breaking the tension between us.

After we both finished eating we went to brush our teeth and were almost obliged by Aiden to go outside to get some fresh air.
Going out often will improve your lives! He said, but i'm pretty sure he was looking for a bad excuse to get our annoying ramblings somewhere else.
Me and Kody were walking down the streets, we had decided to visit around the city since we never really had gotten the chance to fully explore it in the past.
I was just concentrating on a few shops around before Kody yelled out "Ice cream!".
He pointed at a nearby shop that i strangely didn't notice when i was looking around, walking right in.
Aiden had given us a bunch of bucks so that we could do whatever we wanted, to not disturb him in his work hours; Kody immediately started to peek over at all the different ice cream flavors that were displayed through the glass, deciding on what to pick.
Shortly after, me and Kody were walking towards a small park with the ice cream in our hands as we kept our distance.
I chose Vanilla ice cream, while he went with something greenish, i think it was called pistachio, a flavor that i had never tried before.
The walk was very short due to the fact that the park was incredibly close to the ice cream shop, which made sense if you think about it.
I sat down on the bench along with Kody, licking up the ice cream happily.
"Hey uhm... Sorry about yesterday.." he mumbled, looking away as he took a small bite out of his ice cream.

I smiled a little and patted his back in a friendly way, "It's fine! Besides.. it wasn't your fault.. it was an accident. So don't worry about it.."
Kody looked back at me, smiling and sighing out of relief. "I'm glad that it hasn't changed anything.. you're still my brother, right?"
We both laughed together and i mumbled a soft "silly", punching his arm in a playful way.
The rest of the day was spent in the park, chilling and talking together.
Sometimes we were so bored that we would go and chase the ducks until they would swim in the lake, or the pigeons around, making all of them go somewhere unreachable.
It was fun while it lasted but soon enough it happened to become dark.

"We're back.." He mumbled while opening up the front door, stepping inside and removing his shoes.
Aiden immediately rushed over and hugged us both, we both knew what that meant; that something had happened.
"Someone tried to attack the house while we were out? Steal something? ..what happened?" I asked in a worried tone, quickly kicking off my shoes and sit down on the couch along with Kody and Aiden.
"Well.. Sherry and Silver are leaving the house.. for quite a long while..." Aiden spoke, quite a sad look on his always cheerful face, which was rare to see.
"What..? But they're like family!.. how long??..." I asked, my ears and tail plopping down.
"Six months.. they have an important mission to do.. and it is really required for them to go.. tonight we're gonna have our last dinner together before they go tomorrow morning.. all i ask from you two is to not make it harder than it already is.." he explained, slowly getting up and walking away.

That dinner was more talkative than any other we had before; we all spent a happy and nice long dinner, trying not to give in to the melancholy. Sherry and Silver shared a lot of things that they would do in these six months, but still i couldn't believe they were going out for that long.
The next morning we said our goodbyes, i admit i might have shed some tears while Kody didn't at all.. so cold i thought to myself. But i guess you can't blame him for not wanting to cry, after all.

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