Ch 10 - Kody

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It took one second of my life to realize it.
It took me one second, to black out and wake up in a totally different room to realize it.
I was an impulsive, irrational brat that didn't think twice before running off to who knows where without checking my surroundings twice. The answer was so obvious. If I only had thought about it, this mess would have been avoided.

I woke up not knowing how much time has passed ever since I blacked out. I couldn't move. Of course! Awesome, how did I even get into such a situation? I was apparently lying on a bed, at least there's that. But both my arms and legs were tied together.
I used my strength to try and break them off, I even tried turning into a werewolf to get those out of the way... but it didn't quite work.
Were they enchanted?
I tried to push the thoughts of death to the back of my head and focus on the present. What was I doing there? And... Kody! Where was Kody? All I remember was seeing him last, then... was this his work? It couldn't have been him. He would never do this to me.

My thoughts spiraled from one bad thought to another, panic flashing before my eyes. I have never felt this helpless before. I wanted to scream, to cry for help but my throat was surprisingly dry and nothing came out instead. Not a single yelp for help.
That was when I started to feel the tears prick my eyes, a slight sting that reminded me of how vulnerable I was in that moment. I was scared, worried, weak. I did try to bite the ropes off, scratch, pick at them but it all turned out useless and a waste of time.

Maybe a few hours have passed, maybe they were only a few minutes. Time seemed to go way slower when you're waiting for something to happen. I felt a turn of keys and suddenly a streak of light managed to creep in, a dark figure looming still by the door frame.
"Greetings, Lumine."
The voice appeared familiar... was it Kody? No, it couldn't be.
I squinted my eyes, I still couldn't tell.
"I know you're awake, c'mon, get up."
If it only were that simple... I hurriedly tried my best to sit up, having a lot of trouble with it at first.
Now the figure was a bit more clear.

"I apologize for the ropes, but I can't afford you going all werewolf on me. I hope you don't mind that much."
That was... Kody?!? Impossible, it couldn't be! Kody wouldn't ever even try to kidnap me... we literally live in the same house!
Besides, he wouldn't hurt me or tie me up. Why? What was happening??
The figure took a step closer, at this point I was sure it looked like Kody.
"Here have some water..." The boy held a cup in his hands, should I actually trust him?
As he took a few steps closer, I could finally tell it was indeed, Kody. Those same green eyes, that raven hair, the little moles under his eye. Everything was the same... then why?!?

I took a gulp of the water, if it was poisoned I might as well just die now. But I still wanted to know... why did Kody do such a thing? What was his motive? I couldn't understand at the time...
But his voice woke me up from my thoughts.
"Better? Good. Now, I'm sure you have some questions... but before you do, let me tell you something,"
Kody stood up and straightened his shirt, an action rather bizarre of him. Now that I took a closer look at it, he was acting in a rather strange way. What was going on?

"The name is Korrine, yes, I know, but let me explain. I am Kody's spirit, or well... cat, you could say. I just so happened to take over his body. Yeah yeah, no big deal, don't go all werewolf on me now. I mean, you can't." Kody emitted a dry laugh, his eyes staring right at me. He felt like a totally different person. I felt threatened by his cold piercing eyes, I want to dash off, run, hide. But I barely could move.
"Anyways, you know? You've been hurting him a lot lately. He fled off all alone and found himself in some serious trouble. Usually, I don't do this kind of stuff. It's too exhausting. But I saw too much. So I stepped in to help."
I was speechless, what was this nonsense?!? But Kody, or well, Korrine lifted his..her? Shirt slightly. And I could see the visible marks of a fight. Bites... cuts, bruises. What exactly happened?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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