Ch. 8 - A red haired girl

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The morning sun shined through the open window as light ticks filled the messy yet empty room.
I slowly opened my eyes, who were heavy and suddenly blinded from the sudden light; rolling to my side I checked the time: 5 : 06 Am
Was it only me or was I getting up more and more early with every passing day? It was rather weird because I had never been an early bird. Strange.
Anyways, I simply ignored that probably useless fact and went to lay down in bed again, with my head drowning in thoughts.
I had so much to do that day.. My motivation was overall lacking and I was just silently procrastinating, not wanting to get up. But that was until I heard the sound of shuffling. Tilting my head towards the bed besides mine; Kody was kicking off his blankets. Again.

In fact.. Sometimes he used to do that, especially when he was younger. He just had that bad habit. Probably because he didn't get the chance to be much active.. so he had too much energy that he didn't use. ..At least, that was the interpretation Aiden gave me..
But we all know he makes things up way too often.
So.. while he kicked off his blankets for a good 6 months.. I had to watch over him at night, to make sure he was always safe and warm. (Although he obviously didn't know that; he'd start doubting my honesty if he did).

Returning back in track.
I slowly got out of my bed, with the intent to not make any noise, wanting to put the blanket over him again.
But when I did I couldn't help but stay a second too long to watch him breathe, peacefully.
"So cute..", I mumbled as I just sat down there, besides his bed and smiling upon his angelic sleeping figure.
When he was asleep he really did remind me of his younger self, in fact he still had the same features as before. The only main difference is that he now had a more grown up face and looked like a teen other than an edgy angsty kid.

Then I heard him groan and mumble something, starting to move a little. It seemed like he was about to wake up.
"Gah!!", I exclaimed as suddenly a huge weight was pushed onto me, making me fall and roll backwards.
Kody opened his eyes, "Lumine!- wha.. What are you doing here?".
He seemed a little confused yet flustered by his face; but I tried to get him off, sitting up once I was freed from his weight.
"What do you mean- I live here..?"
Silence. ...that was a very stupid response. But from the smile forming on Kody's face I could tell he had found it hilarious.
"Oh shut up wolfy!" The other groaned before surprising me with his still dry lips pushed onto mine. I couldn't help but return the kiss, at first a bit mad at the nickname but it was inevitable to melt at his touch. He was after all so good at kissing... it made me wonder if I was his first too.
It was truly a surprise that it took him a good 3 years to figure out his feelings though.. but it was obvious, we were just little kids. We couldn't possibly understand what love meant so simply.. and yet I still think I don't have the right to say that even now. You really can never know what truly love is.

Either way.. the weird part here is that. the kissing turned strangely more aggressive, a bit more needy.
It was truly shocking of him to be that way. And I think he realized that himself once I started pilling hard at his shirt, as a sign to slow down. And of course... that was not in a romantic way.
After doing so he finally realized what he was doing... so he immediately stopped, our breathing heavy and his hands wrapped around my waist, quickly removing them as if he had touched something forbidden.
He glanced at the clock and then looked at me again, his half asleep face darting awake. "Lumine.. we should prepare now.. err. I promised I would help out with the daily preparations at the Journalism club.. if you don't mind of course"
My face dropped a bit before it was replaced with a bright smile, like always.
"Of course not! Why would it bother me?... I'm just glad you're making some friends."
Kody stared at me for a long moment, as if he was scanning me. "Alright then." And after that he was up and gone, leaving me sitting on the ground.
I was good at lying.. wasn't I?

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