Ch. 4 - Changes

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The next day was the day i could finally go home; the doctors gave me a few medicines, painkillers and such, in case my arm started hurting again. But i didn't thought i'd even need them to be honest.
Kody instead kept walking close to me, always holding out his arms to catch me if i would fall; which was cute but slightly too overly protective.
"Kody, i can perfectly walk!! Don't worry about it.." I said to him, slightly moving away from him and walking faster to prove my point.
"Hey! Get back here! ..God you can be so annoying Lumine!" He replied; hurrying towards me.
It was then when i accidentally tripped on a tiny little rock, not being able to notice it before, causing me to fall.

But instead of the cold ground i felt warm arms wrapping around me and holding me just before i could fall; How could anyone be so precise to catch me right before i fall?? Kody.
He saw me tripping and sprinted to catch me.. that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.. Aiden adopting me aside.
I finally looked up and around, Kody slowly easing his grasp on me, having an angry look on his face.
"I told you to not run away idiot! You could have gotten seriously hurt!!" His voice was sharp and cold, burning in anger. But i could see in his eyes that we was actually really worried for me.
With a soft sigh i simply reached and hugged him with only my left arm; my right arm now wearing a cast to keep it still.

"Thank you Kody.." I mumbled, snuggling onto his chest due to my shortness.
He let out a sigh as well and it seemed like he was pouting and yet blushing; "Jeez.. stop worrying me like that.. and let's get home before Aiden gets back from work.. so that we won't worry him more..".
I let go and nodded my head, cheerfully walking alongside with Kody; holding hands due to him insisting to prevent me from tripping again.
Now my heart was beating really fast; but i surely was hoping that he wouldn't have noticed my bashful face and sweaty hands while we were walking down the forest path, not wanting to take the short way through the city roads, due to what happened earlier before.

Once we arrived in front of the house, Kody opened the door for me and led me to our room, walking away right after to make some food or something. I immediately started changing out of the most normal clothes the hospital could give me and rummaged through the wardrobe me and Kody shared. In that moment? I felt like a girl.
A whole wardrobe in front of me and nothing to wear. I didn't have any casual clothes, mostly because i almost never wore sweaters, hoodies and such.. but now? I really needed one. So, unsure on what to do i simply grabbed Kody's usual hoodie and wore it. Only then i noticed how big he was compared to me, the sleeves completely covering my hands and cast also.
But i couldn't help not to sniff it; it had the smell of Kody all over it, getting so lost in his sweet scent, not noticing him coming in.

"Hey-.. Lumine?.. why are you..- uhm... " His face was now blushing, his cheeks turning into a soft pink as he noticed i was sniffing and only wearing his hoodie and boxers. He never saw me wearing casual clothes like that; the only thing i would ever wear that could be considered normal-like would be a shirt. But only as pajamas.
His voice had startled me, snapping me away from my fantasies and imaginations, facing reality again.
"Gah!!... U-Uh.. s..sorry!! ....uhm.. it's just.. i don't have any casual clothes.. so.. i thought.. uh.." I couldn't help my stuttering; my face turning completely red from embarrassment.
Real smooth Lumine, real smooth.. i thought to myself, swearing that the awkwardness would've kill me.
Then a chuckle emerged from him, a soft and sweet chuckle i promised to protect at all costs.
"Pff.. hahahahah.. Lumine, you could've just told me... .....sure, you can keep it. I have too many anyways..".
At those words i was overfilled with joy; Kody giving me his hoodie? That was too good to be real.
And yet i was too happy to notice, launching myself in his arm to give him a thank you hug.
We just stayed like that for a few seconds before he slowly pulled away, announcing he had finished making lunch.

It was silent. We were both eating from our plates, enjoying each other's company without demonstrating any signs of so. Even though i didn't wanted to.. i couldn't help but notice the stealthy glances Kody gave me from time to time.
Fidgeting with his fork and continuously licking and biting his bottom lip. I didn't know why i was so attentive to these little details.. but i couldn't help but smile at it. Eventually blushing due to him staring at me for longer than before, for then pretending to be looking at something else. I didn't know what i was feeling inside; i felt so bubbly and happy and yet really shy and bashful. What's going on with me?? I thought to myself while Kody slowly stood up and picked up my now empty plate with his as well before putting them to wash. He was really an awesome guy.. even though he was lazy and all.. he decided to learn. Before? He just let everyone do that for him. Not that i'm complaining.. i love cooking for Kody. But after the small talk we had a year ago? He changed.

The talk.. Honestly.. i can't remember it well. But i remember that i told him that.. i couldn't take care of him forever.
I was willing to die for him if needed.. and even though he was not happy to hear those words.. he nodded and managed to learn. Kody surely changed.
I simply sat there, looking at my cast and thinking about all the wonderful things he did for me.
How can i ever repay him for all that?? I thought to myself.
There was no way i could ever do as many things and as he did.. protecting him was my job! So i guess.. you can't count that.. but then.. how??
But exactly when i was so immersed in my thoughts; Kody had finished to wash the plates and was sitting down on the table, staring down at me.
He wore a smirk on his face, as he simply sat there; looking so powerful and big compared to my tiny stature.. and the table he was sitting at, wasn't helping.

"Thinking about the way you heroically saved me from the car?" He said with a chuckle, pointing out that i was staring at the cast on my right arm.
At first i was confused, letting out a soft "huh?" Before noticing what he meant.
"Oh! Yeah sure! I mean, N-no! Wait uh.. i mean-.." I was panicking, not knowing what to say before a slow and steady pat managed to calm me down; just like that.
"Don't stress about it, i know you wasn't. I was just fooling around with you." After that Kody got down from the table and walked away, leaving me there astonished.
F-Fooling around..?? Kody..? ..That's rather unusual of him.. i thought to myself, slowly getting up as well.

While Kody was nowhere to be found; i had decided to return to our room, plopping down on my bed exhausted.
But with my awesome memory i had forgotten about my cast, accidentally bumping it against the wall besides it, letting out a small yelp as i was actually internally screaming from the pain. But i wasn't the loud type to just scream like that, so i managed to contain myself.
Shortly after, Kody arrived as well, holding a book of spells and such; seeing me all curled up in my bed, with my face hidden behind the sheets as i was holding my right arm, still crying and screaming internally.
He sat down next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey! I found this old book somewhere by the shelves of my father's old office, want to look thro-... ....Lumine? You alright?" At first he was excited but quickly changed his expression in worry as he noticed i didn't even bother to look at him and was just cradling my right arm.
He put down his book on the bedside cabinet as he slowly lay down besides me, finally making me realize of his presence. I was too overly concentrated on my pain, not noticing him talking to me even.
My tail almost immediately puffed up, getting startled when he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling our bodies closer together.

"Gah!!... K-..Kody..?" I could feel myself growing warmer, feeling even more flustered when i could feel him breathing on the nape of my neck. He slowly moved an arm away from my waist and moved it to my right arm, putting it close to my chest before using the same arm to hug me, giving me comfort. It was like he had read my mind.
But right when i thought he would say something i noticed he fell asleep; just like that.
I couldn't help but to snicker softly, "Jeez.. Kody.. stop being so cute..." I said, mumbling weakly; not wanting to wake him up before slowly cuddling up to him, enjoying his presence before drifting asleep as well.

That day was surely nice.. i could see me and Kody growing closer and closer together.. But i knew he didn't feel the same way i did with him. I knew it well. Because to him? I was just his brother, a buddy. There was no way he could exchange the same thing i had for him.. But in that same moment.. i thought to myself.. Is it love or a crush? Am i really gay? Is it only a brother kind of love? I didn't knew the answer to any of that, but i knew.. i knew that one day i would.

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