Ch. 7 - Welcome to the club

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Tuesday 5 : 22 am the home screen on my phone said, a day had already passed and i couldn't get yesterday out of my head. And before i noticed it i was already flushing red, my head spinning with thoughts of us in the woods.
My arm still wore a cast, and it would be that way until a few months from then. But i didn't worry too much and simply got out of bed, struggling to do so because of the sheets and...

I had no idea what he was doing in my bed, laying all curled up like a puppy by my legs.
His sweater was a bit loose and from my perspective you could see down his collarbone...
"Sh*t! What am i even thinking!??" I thought out loud while i whispered those words.
But.. after all, that wasn't such a bad situation. Kody was almost sleeping on my lap and that was quite a nice feeling.
Although he was a bit too heavy for me.

But that day we had school and i certainly couldn't let him skip his breakfast just because i really wanted to hold him and cuddle him and.... .. Moving on, i placed my healthy arm on Kody's shoulder, shaking him awake.
But little did i know that he would react in such a.. weird way.
All of a sudden he grabbed my hand and softly bit my fingers before starting to suck on them a bit because of how tired he was.
Legitimately that would be a bite.. because of all the times Aiden came to wake him up when he was younger and he.. eventually made that a natural reaction.
Cute.. i thought to myself as i pulled my hand away from him, but he wouldn't let go.
He was pulling on my hand for dear life.

One eye opened up, staring into mine as a mischievous smirk appeared on his face; has he been awake all along or did he wake up just now..??
Kody finally let go of my hand and got on his knees before slowly crawling on top of me, laying again on my chest this time, his legs rocking back and forth in between of mine.
"Good morning baby~" He mumbled in a quite rusty voice due to the fact that it was morning.
My face went completely red, "G-.. Good morning.."
He knew well that i was weak to nicknames; i wasn't used to them at all. He figured that out when he once called me Floofy.. because, well. I was fluffy.
"Slept well?~" he mumbled; inching his body a bit forward so our eyes could meet. His green and dazzling eyes...
I couldn't help but gulp, unsure on what to say. Kody was so.. hot.
I reacted impulsively, placing my hand firmly on his shoulder and leaning forward; letting our lips meet.
We both ignored the bad morning breath and simply melted at the other's touch, his hand making his way to my face and gently brushing my cheek with his thumb.

But that moment was quickly ruined.
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP a loud beeping noise came by the nightstand, making us both jolt and shriek away in surprise.
After realizing what it was i quickly closed off the alarm and let out a long sigh.
"Guess we better hurry now.." He said awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.
"Y-Yeah.. true...." I replied, both of us rushing out of the bed and heading downstairs to prepare ourselves for yet another boring- I MEAN exciting school day.

A cup of juice, a couple of toasts and there we were; already down the road, making our way to school as yet another hint of spring was brushing our hair.
It was still cold i had to admit, but the weather was surely getting warmer and warmer with each passing day.
"So.." i started, unsure whether to make conversation or not.
"So.. Are you gonna stay late in the journalism club or..?"
"Well, i'm pretty sure i don't have any other choice.. but perhaps you can stop by? I mean- they did ask about you yesterday.. so..." I lifted my gaze upon him, his face wore a light blush when he said that.
"Ah-.. but... Wouldn't that be suspicious?" I really wanted to go, but i didn't want to make it any more obvious that we were together.
"It's fine, they won't know you're my bodyguard.. but if you want, i can act more protective towards you so it won't be obvious."
Ah. He totally mistook what i meant by that I thought in my mind; but what were i supposed to say then?
"Oh, i'm simply scared that others will know that we're dating"??! Nope. No way i was gonna say that.
So i simply nodded and agreed... Not knowing of the huge consequences it could give.

"Hey man." My ears flicked upwards at the sound of an unknown voice. I looked up and there i saw him.
"Oh. Hey dude.." i mumbled, slowly getting up from my so called bush where i spent most of the class time in.
"Skipping again?" I added, once i fully brushed off all the dust from my clothes.
"Indeed.. i came here to congratulate you! I just heard the news of you and Kody!"
In that moment i was petrified.
What-.. what does he mean...?? Does he.. Know?
I simply stood there, an evident confused expression on my face.
"The journalism club. Are you alright? Finally Kody is joining a club- and it's great you're gonna be there with him..?"
Oh. He meant that.
"Uh- Yeah! I'm okay!! Sorry.. i spaced out for a moment there... and well, i'm merely going because he asked me to. This way i won't have to wait another hour by myself..." i quickly replied, trying to act as natural as i could be.
Which i was failing miserably at.

After some chit chat he finally got going. I let out a long sigh of relief.
How were we supposed to keep it hidden for long? Eventually people will know.. and then what? That thought scared me; but i didn't wanted to think about it too much and i simply sat down by my bush again, ignoring the fresh but cold breeze ruffling my hair messy.

02: 00 pm A huge mass of students was rushing out of the main building's door; a total chaos of people getting on the bus, some making their way towards some bikes or cars and a few walking down the road and disappearing completely once they were far out.
I had to admit.. I was a bit nervous about the Journalism club. But i tried to shrug it off and make my way towards the club room; sliding the door open.
Immediately a whole new world opened before my eyes, so many students rushing around with papers and so many others who were loudly chatting about important matters.
But they all froze when they saw the door open. Everybody staring at me.
But then the red haired girl who we had met previously gave me a big smile.
"Welcome to the Journalism club!"

Kody came just shortly after, introducing me to the club members; I knew he didn't remember their name that well and simply listened to them conversate, knowing only after they were named.
Cute I thought to myself as he introduced me to everyone; then, Deliah (the club president) took command.
"Alright everyone! Please sit down by the main table. I have an important announcement to make." After everyone did so, she continued what she were saying.
"As you all might have noticed already.. we have two new members. Kody, who we had met yesterday and Lumine. Would you want to perhaps make a brief presentation about you?"
I slowly nodded; unsure on what to say.
"My name is Lumine and i'm currently 16.. I'm Kody's best friend and.."
"And he's living with me."
Almost with a natural impulse everyone turned around to stare at him; his legs crossed and his posture completely unhealthy and wrong.
"..Lumine traveled all the way here and my father took him in.. that's all."
My body finally relaxed at those words.

"So.. you're basically saying that you've adopted him for a period of time.. right?" Deliah said; obviously confused and yet intrigued by the whole situation.
"Yes. Since his father is often out of town because of work.. they didn't want the social workers to make a huge mess out of it.. so Lumine was sent here."
And so the conversation went on.. I couldn't even believe that the people actually did believe the story.. but it seemed that Kody was backing it up pretty well.
Since when did he become so smart??
After a pretty long while of discussing the matter and jabbing some notes down the girls dispersed themselves.
Kody, apparently was still sitting there in the same place he was before; talking to the red haired girl who was now named as Lily with.. not so much enthusiasm.

Then, all of a sudden a loud voice echoed in the room; "LUMINE!!!"
More than startled; my tail jolted up, immediately facing the provenience of the sound.
"Haha sorry for scaring you. But Adriana has called you a few times so.. I decided to be a bit loud."
It was Tally, the speaker..
"Right, sorry about that.. uhm... What did Adriana need..?" I shyly asked, unsure on whether it was the case to even go and check on her.. she kind of scared me.
"Just go. I have more important matters to take care of.. Bye!" And with that she left, leaving quite a confusion of voices and machine sounds behind.
But I decided to not leave the girl waiting so i rushed as fast as i could to her.
"U-.. Uhm. Adriana right?"
"Correct. Now sit down. I have a few questions to ask you."

And with that yet another day has ended; my head still aching from all the chaos that was going on in that room. How did they even handle that much?? Did the journalism club really worked that hard? Huh.. figures..
But i wasn't as happy as i could've been that day... When the club bell rang.. signaling the end of the school day.. Kody wasn't all alone.
Lily was by his side.
I couldn't understand well what they were talking about.. but it was obvious they had some sort of connection.
Was I jealous? No way! Psh.. there's no way I were.. especially after what happened in the woods... but..
Maybe i should've been.
Then maybe, things wouldn't have gotten so bad.

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