Ch. 3 - It happens..

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Only a day passed and i, no everyone could already feel the emptiness in the house.
Everything was completely blank without the two; there was no background yelling, no shouting, no sarcastic insults, no teasing, no everything. It was truly indeed empty.
Since Aiden had started working in an office a few streets away because of how all those noises disturbed him; it was only me and Kody in the house. We were all alone, closed in our room, our phones in our hands while we simply tapped away our loneliness

But finally Kody decided to break the silence and speak.
"Hey. Wanna hang out? It's boring here.." he asked, indicating to the door.
"Yeah sure, but where?" Inside i was hoping he would have chosen anywhere but the park, we already went there and it was super boring.
"Dunno.. There's this new game that came out.. Wanna check it out?" He asked. Stars were already glowing in my eyes; it was almost like he had read my mind.
I immediately nodded in a very energetic way and started to hurry to the door; my tail wagging uncontrollably from happiness, making him chuckle from actually being amused by my so called goofiness.

Once we got outside we were surrounded by a sudden wave of warmth shining down our bodies.
The weather had definitely changed since the last time we walked to school.
It was spring break, that's why we were bored out of our minds from the lack of homework or late night studying; not being able to have any imagination to come up with something more interesting to do, but that's when our little trip to the shop has begun. Things got rather.. out of hand. More of like, disastrously out of hand to be exact.

At first it wasn't so bad.. we were walking down the streets, completely oblivious of anything that was going to happen. Like we were so sure of everything and that the world was completely safe.
But it wasn't that actually, the real truth is that.. we didn't expect something so sudden and out of our league to happen.

We were just rounding a corner, Kody's hands in his pockets with his back slightly arched.
That position looked pretty cool although he was doing it not because of coolness but because he was too lazy to make any effort to walk up straight, making it an even more cooler fact in the eyes of a twelve years old.
And believe me, there were many guys at school who had the same mind of a child, which got Kody rather popular.. but being the loner he is; he obviously didn't noticed or cared at all.

While he was walking in his very unhealthy and cool way.. I, instead; was up straight and spread an aura of cheerfulness from being able to take my mind off Sherry, Silver and also Aiden, leaving us all alone by ourselves.
I don't think that.. that was such a wise decision to make, knowing us two. Yes, i was Kody's bodyguard.. but i was also his best friend. Which meant i had to choose what role to play in certain cases.
And those certain cases were outings, small lies, secrets and promises that i had to make.
Some of the things that i promised not to tell could not be repeated a second time even to Kody, that's why i've been keeping them my top notch priority for being a good friend, keeping secrets; big and small, all kinds.
Even Kody's panic attacks and anxiety.. something that only i had ever known. Not even his own father knew about it. Which kinda worried me about him but reassured me on how much he trusted me on that.

Anyways, returning to the disastrous accident that happened on the way to the shop..
Well, i wouldn't call it an accident. More of like a misfortune, a curse or something like that..
Well, we were walking in a totally normal pace. Simply taking our time and not wanting to rush.
That was until we crossed a road. There were no cars around; so it was supposed to be safe.
Not until a vehicle appeared right around the corner, not even bothering to look at the road while it drove, only speeding up every second. Out of my instincts i shoved myself in front of Kody and pushed him back with my arm; hearing him shout his very few last words; my name, "Lumine!!".

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