2 - Different

371 14 11

Mark's P.O.V.:

I woke up, a pounding head ache greeting me from my slumber.

Great. Fucking great.

Sighing, I put on another suit, and tie my tie. Stretching my arms, I walk over to the mirror.

I look like a mess.

Floofing my hair a little, I feel that I'm ready for the day. I grab my suitcase and head out of the door.

"Bye Chica-Bica!" I yell excitedly, petting the golden doggo. I exit my house, and enter my car, only to see a man with bright green hair about 7 houses down playing catch with a dog.

I swear to god, if this is who I think this is...

And I was correct. There stood Mr. McLoughlin, ready and dressed for he day, but playing with a dog.

"Gizmo, catch!" He yelled, as the dog jumped in the air. He clapped excitedly and smiled brightly, throwing the dog a treat. I drove by him.

"Jack... school starts in an hour and a half." I reminded him. He thought.

"Oh! Right! Thanks for reminding me, Mark." He waved bye happily to me, making me roll my eyes.

"Why is he so happy all the time..." I muttered to myself. Feeling a cool breeze across my face as I step out of the car, I finally enter the school. A dead expression across my face, I walk to my room.

Emails, emails, emails.... nothing but them.

I groaned, not ready for another day of school. I could see Jack skipping around in the hallways, then stopping at my door.

"I made you coffee." He grinned, handing me a cup of coffee.

"T-Thank you... Jack." I said, surprised. No ones ever done that for me before...

"No problem! Call me if you ever need anything!" Jack offers, keeping a smile on his face as he slips out of the door. I stare at the coffee. Taking a sip, I go wide eyed.

This is actually really good...

I drank it quickly, as students piled into my room.

Maybe this day won't be so bad after all.

Jack's P.O.V.:

I noticed that Mark was having a kinda bad day, so I decided to make him coffee. He seemed happy about the gesture, because during passing time, he had a bright smile on his face, welcoming students in. I grinned, feeling quiet accomplished. Skipping through the hallway from my pride, I felt my shoelace underneath my other shoe.


I trip over my own feet, watching the floor grown closer.


I mentally scream at myself, but strong arms catch me. A student, perhaps? No, these are far to big. I turn around, to see Mark's face just inches from mine. My face instantly goes red.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" I tell, trying to get back up. He looks to the side.

"Don't worry about it... It's... fine." Mark mumbles, trying not to make eye contact with me. I stumble back up to my feet, and brush myself off.

"Don't be so clumsy next time..." Mark says, looking me in the eye.

"Y-Yeah... I won't..."

B-Bmp. B-Bmp.

He walked off as I ran to the bathroom, clutching my chest.

Why is my heart beating so fast...?

I shook it off, and looked in the mirror. My face was burning red. I calmed myself down, and walked back to my classroom.

-Oh Yeet it's a time skip~!-

"Goodbye, students! Have a wonderful day!" I waved with a smile on my face. I can feel Mark's occasional glance on me. I decided to finally gather up the courage and walk over to him. He seemed like he was a little annoyed.

"Hey, Mark? I was wondering if-"

"Don't call me that." He snapped, making me flinch ever so slightly.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry, I completely forgot that-"

"I'm sure you did. You 'forgot.' Probably the reason why half of your students are failing. I have students in Harvard, state universities, founders of companies like Intel, and yours? They'll all end up homeless, alone, hungry, cold, worthless, all because you 'forget.'" Mark spat. I felt tears prick my eyes.

"I-I came to... apologize..." I choked, looking at the floor. "...and ask if you wanted to have coffee sometime..." I didn't want to guilt him. No, that wasn't my goal. And, even if it was, I wouldn't have achieved it. For Mark's expression never faltered once. He must've just thought: 'this loud Irishman is a complete idiot that's wasting my time.'

It made me sad, though. I thought Mark was different. Different from everyone else. I snapped out of my thoughts as he snatched my phone from my back pocket.


He quickly typed his number into it, and shoved it back in.

"I'll... text you." Mark said softly, in an almost apologetic voice.

Mark's P.O.V.:

This man... what is he doing to me? I don't want to show him a vulnerable side of me, so I'm trying to be as harsh as possible... My heart fluttered seeing as he happily put his phone back into his back pocket. I quickly shuffled away, not showing him my smile. His accent makes me feel warm inside. His ocean eyes make me feel... Safe. Secure. I shook these thoughts off.

"Going soft?" I muttered to myself, chuckling. I've never felt this way about anyone... What is this feeling..? Geez, I pretty much just met him, too. I'm such a creep.

Sighing aloud, I ran my fingers through my hair, deciding whether or not to text Jack.

Man the hell up dude.

I unlock my phone to see that Jack had already texted me earlier, saying that it was him and all. I made his contact and deleted that text.

Mark: Hey Jack.

Jack: Hi! (^-^)

Mark: Haha, wanna grab coffee sometime this weekend?

Jack: Yeah! For sure! Sorry for earlier.

Mark: You don't have to apologize.


Mark: You're even loud over text.

Jack: I get that a lot.

Mark: Coffee?

Jack: Oh yeah hehe

Jack: Shoot, I gotta go. See ya later! <3

Mark: Yeah... Bye.

I sighed, looking at the text. Heart? What does that mean? I feel like a middle schooler right now, God. I ran to my car, driving home as fast as I could. I'm probably sick. My heart is beating out of my chest, and my face feels really hot. Probably a fever.

-Oh hey a time skip~!-

I got home, checking my temperature.


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