6 - Dine and Dash

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Mark's P.O.V.:

"Shut up," the Irishman said and averted his gaze toward me with awe.

"I'm serious. Let's go somewhere right now. I'd find that enjoyable." I spoke smoothly. He looked away quickly and covered his mouth, then rubbed his stubble.

"Are... are you sure?" Jack asked me. I nodded and chuckled. He eyed me suspiciously.

"Alright... I'm not sure if you're just being a dick and messing with my emotions."

"I'm not! You've got to trust me, Jack. I'm not that terrible." I muttered. My arms swung side by side as we walked down the sidewalk. My hand twitched, my fingers reaching toward his but couldn't seem to find their way together. I hadn't been as brave as Jack, I hadn't had the courage to hold him close as I had wished.

"Jack, I..." I paused after speaking. He was shivering. He looked up at me with those icy blue eyes and I put my large sweater on him.

"Mark, you're gonna be cold..." Jack said. I smiled softly at him.

"I'm alright. You look better in my sweater than I do..."

B-Bmp. B-Bmp.

"T-Thanks, Mark... but I don't want you to get sick, though-"

"Shush! I won't hear of it any longer!" I interrupted him, leaving Jack with a smile. We were close to the restaurant that I had thought of during our walk. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was nice enough that they could require reservations if they wanted. It had been an Italian restaurant about a mile away from the school. I hesitantly pulled Jack closer to my where he had been before, keeping my eyes forward even though I could feel his gaze on me and my red face.

"We're... we're almost there..." I cleared my throat after speaking due to the silence between us. After a few more minutes of awkwardness, we arrived at the restaurant.

"Table for two?" The waitress spoke sweetly. I nodded as she showed us to our table. I picked up a menu to peer over it at Jack. He was staring intensely at his kids menu.

"Oh my God. What are you doing."

"This crossword puzzle is hard as balls! Help me!" Jack groaned. I sighed and smiled at him. The word he has to find was spaghetti. I had found it extremely easily.

"Are you a wizard?" Jack chuckled. I made spooky sounds at him and wiggles my fingers. He laughed with me in the dimly lit restaurant.

"Aren't you afraid somebody will see us..? Will we get into trouble, Mark..?" Jack asked meekly. I took his hand in mine and kissed it gently. The waiter cane and quickly ordered our food as we continued to talk.

"I don't care, Jack. I'm enjoying being with you. I-I mean, not like we're 'dating', but you know what I m-mean." I stammered over my words to notice Jack's expression soften and sadden.

"I-I didn't mean to upset you, we just never- I mean we-"

"It's okay, Mark. I get it. You're not into me." Jack sighed.

"No! That's not what I said! Can... can we talk about this tonight..? If you'd want to spend the night at my place so we can t-talk about... us..." I twiddled with my thumbs and looked at the floor. Jack agreed and our food soon came to us. He quietly ate his chicken Alfredo as I stole bites of his in secret, due to the fact that my order had been mixed up, but I had been too shy to ask for another.

"So... tell me a bit about yourself, Mark. I don't know much."

"Uhm, well... I'm kinda addicted to video games. I do spend my time evenly with practicing guitar, Korean, meditating and exercising, though! I'm not a total hobbit or something." I explained. He giggled and leaned forward. I contributed to ramble about myself before asking him.

"I'm not that interesting. I like video games and rarely see the sun." Jack shrugged. A laughed and snuck another bite of his food.

"Shit," Jack muttered.

"What? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I, uhm... forgot my wallet."

"I was going to pay anyways." I shrugged.

We paused for a moment.

"But wouldn't it be fun to dine and dash?"

"What? No! That's mean!" I exclaimed. He frowned.

"C'mon, Markkkk..." he groaned. I sighed and pulled a fifty dollar bill from my wallet and hid it in my sleeve. As he pulled my arm quickly as we ran, I let it float down into the table.


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