A white, blue, and black pup squirmed. She had no idea what was going on. I can't see! Help! She started to whine.
. What was that?! She started to whine more. Her stomach rumbled. She sniffed trying to find some food. The delicious smell of milk entered her nose. She followed it to the source and started to suckle. This must be my mommy. She has food. I'm going to stay right here. She felt something try to push her away. Indignant, she pushed back harder. No! I'm staying! You have to move! Three more times, did she feel this. She didn't understand. What we're all these bodies? Eventually, she just gave up trying to move them and fell back asleep.
She woke up to find that the squirming had stopped. They were also curled up against her mom. These must be my siblings. I guess I can deal with them. Doesn't mean I have to like them. She sighed and went back to sleep.
The white, blue, and black pup wrestled with one of her brothers. She nipped at his ears. He flipped her over and growled. She pushed him off of herself. Just then her mom barked. All the pups rushed over to her. She looked down at her pups, thinking.
"Yes, mommy?" The white pup yipped.
"Today is the day you get your names."
All the pups bounced. They were so excited! It was about time! They were so done just being called pups. The mom looked down at the white pup first.
"You will be called Freezing Rain because just like frozen rain your heart is soft but on the outside, you are very fierce."
Freezing Rain ran over to the dead elk. Yum! Food! She had been waiting very anxiously for her first taste of real food. It has only been about fourteen suns since her mom and weaned Freezing Rain and her siblings off of milk. Since then she was very excited to try what the hunting party brought. Everybody else had eaten so now it was her turn. Freezing Rain sniffed the elk. She felt her mouth start to water. This smells so good! I can't wait to try it! She plunged her nose into the elk. Looking up she saw Warm Sun and Moon Shadow walk over to eat as well.
"Hi, guys!" Freezing Rain yipped. "How are you liking the elk?"
Both Warm Sun and Moon Shadow were the same age as Freezing Rain. Three hundred sixty suns old. They also had just been weaned off their mother's milk. So, this was their first taste of meat.
Warm Sun gave Freezing Rain a big smile. "It's delicious! How are you liking it?"
Her smile grew wider. "It's better than anything I have ever tasted!"
Warm Sun laughed, "All you have ever tasted is your mother's milk silly."
"Well, you knew what I meant! I can't believe this is what all the other wolves have been eating! Could there possibly be anything better?"
Warm Sun shook her head. "Definitely not. There is no way anything can taste better than elk meat." They both plunged their muzzles back into the elk.

Pure Animal
FantasyIn the world of Meswolme flying wolves are basically non-existent. No wolf knew what they were, nor their mystical powers over the elements. Then Freezing Rain was born. At one year (or 2,555 suns) she opened her wings and got cast out of the pack f...