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(A/N Credit to whoever drew the pic above. I wish I had the skill to draw that)


Twigs snapped underpaw. Branches whipped by. His heart pounded. The wolf skidded to a stop when he saw Freezing Rain and Bowing Wind hover over the clearing. He peeked out the trees just enough to see what they were doing. He shrank back when Freezing Rain growled, thinking she had spotted him. When she didn't fly over to where he was he dared to peek again just to see them flying off. She must've found out who Marcellus' leader was. This isn't good... He thought to himself. Everyone knew who Freezing Rain was at this point. Whether she knew it or not Freezing Rain was by far the most famous wolf in the whole forest. Word got around not only from pack to pack of this fearsome wolf with wings but from animal to animal. They, however, had no idea about her mother. Only those high up on the chain of command knew who she was and her role in Freezing Rain's life.

I have to be careful about this. I definitely need to look for her before she gets out of hand, but I'm not turning her into her mother. That bitch needs to be put down.



Minnow closed her eyes, the wind blowing past her face. She spread her wings farther. Then a thought hit her, "Since when did I have wings?" She frowned. It was just a dream. She never had wings, and never will. She was special but not THAT special. Minnow heard a voice calling for her. "Uuuuuuggghhh. I don't wanna wake up! I actually get to feel like I'm just like them." Suddenly she felt her world shaking. "FINE!" She pulled her eyes open. Minnow glared at the person who woke her up. "What do you want? Why did you have to wake me?" Blowing Wind laughed. "It's because it's time for breakfast sleepy. Come on." He waved his tail forward, gesturing that she should follow. Minnow groaned but got up. Shaking herself she felt like her fur was ladened down with dirt, dust, and bugs. "I need to bathe after breakfast." Bleary-eyed, she walked over to where Freezing Rain was eating. Freezing Rain smiled, blood covering the tip of her muzzle. Minnow laughed. "You have a little something on your muzzle Rain." Freezing Rain's tongue flicked out and licked up the blood on her muzzle. "Delicious. Good morning Minnow."

Shaking her head she replied, "Good morning Rain. I take it the hunt went well?" She shrugged. "With winter fast approaching either we're gonna have to move or find a way to store the meat because prey is about to go scarce. But that doesn't matter right now. What matters is that Blowing Wind and I have talked and we decided that we think you should try hunting by yourself."

Minnow's heart skipped a beat. "M-me? Hunting?" Freezing Rain nodded. Minnow looked at Blowing Wind. "You think so?" He smiled.

"Minnow don't sell yourself short. You are getting quite good at being a wolf. Just think when you first joined over five thousand one hundred ten suns ago you had no idea how to fight or to even fend for yourself. Now you do. You have made leaps and bounds at the same time it took Freezing Rain and me to learn the same. We both believe in you to do this well," Minnow blushed at this. "But I'm not done. One of us will be there to help you drag it back to camp, but you have to find it and kill it. " Minnow nodded. "When will I start?"

Blowing Wind glanced over at Freezing Rain, "We were thinking tomorrow morning. I will join you to help bring it back."

"Ok. Thanks for helping me get this far guys." They both nodded Freezing Rain, who hadn't spoken much during the conversation, gestured to the elk. "Eat up." The  same time she finished that Freezing Rain heard a bush move. She mentally shrugged. Probably nothing but a mouse moving around in there. What made her hackles rise was something else. A scent she didn't recognize and multiple leaves crunching. She spun around and growled, showing her teeth. "Who goes there?" Freezing Rain barked. It echoed throughout the clearing, making her seem much louder than she actually was. A gray wolf stepped out of the forest. He stood proudly.

Seemingly dauntless he stepped closer to Freezing Rain. He stopped and backed up. Not a lot but a bit to put distance between himself and Freezing Rain. Subconsciously she had opened her wings when this confident wolf started walking towards her. Blowing Wind also noticed and raised his own hackles and snarled. " You heard her. Who are you?"

Looking closer the wolf saw Blowing Wind's wings as well. He must've came from the Vanished Woodland Pack to teach her.  He started to speak a strange language. Blowing Wind growled, deep and menacing. Stepping until he was nose to nose with the strange wolf he said slowly, "I don't know who you are wolf or what language you were speaking but if you don't answer Freezing Rain right now trust me when I say it won't be pretty what happens. Understand?" The wolf simply backed up until he was a considerable distance away from Blowing Wind and said, "I am Fallen Leaf. I used to work for Datoka," he briefly looked at Freezing Rain. "Your mother." Upon hearing her mother's name Freezing Rain jumped on Fallen Leaf. He landed hard on his back as two of Freezing Rain's legs pushed on his chest and two barely missing his tail. "What do you know about her?" She growled teeth a whisker-length from his own muzzle.

"I said used to. When I heard what happened to her first in commanded I decided I should look into who was powerful enough to do that. I eventually found his corpse and the corpses of all his followers. From there I followed your scent. You're not that hard to track. If one simply looks up so often to make sure they are still following it."

"And why would you want to look for me?"

Fallen Leaf thought for a moment before replying, "For years Dakota has tortured flying wolves like yourself to make sure she was the only one. When I heard of someone powerful enough to take down Marcellus I knew they could help me and the group of rebels I've founded knock her down a few steps."

Freezing Rain's heart stopped. She had been looking for a group of animals to help get back at her mother, and this wolf had already done all the hard work for her! She couldn't believe her ears. She backed up. Hope filled her chest. Fallen Leaf rolled over and shook himself. Before looking the pack over. He was about to speak when he saw Minnow. "Is that a no fur's pet?" Minnow bristled. "Former I'll have you know! I'm basically a wolf now!" Fallen Leaf creased his eyebrows. Blowing Wind jumped in. "She wanted to be wild so Freezing Rain decided to pull her under her wing so to speak and train her. She's been with us close to five thousand one hundred ten suns now." Fallen Leaf nodded. "Ok well I feel like I need to explain myself. I'll start from the beginning." 

"I had been a lone wolf for awhile, finding it more comfortable to be by myself. One day Dakota found me blocked by a huge snowdrift. Suddenly the wind picked up to the point I had to dig my claws deep into the soil to keep from being blown down. The snowdrift flew away to reveal a wolf as black as night. I gratefully ran over to her to say thank you. She then walked off. I went to follow her when she growled and told me, 'I only helped you because I'm a nice wolf. Now leave me alone.' I backed off and went to hide in the forest. I stalked her back to her camp when I saw more wolves like her. They started to scold her for running off. And I heard one of them say something about keeping a secret. She lashed out. Literally. The wind blew around her and at the same time a wolf started pulling tree branches around the group. What's strange is then the branches started pulling towards Dakota. Like she was fighting the wolf for control over it." 

Fallen Leaf heard all of them gasp. He laughed quietly before continuing. "The branches flew towards Dakota and she started using them as a whip. That's when I closed my eyes. I can still hear your their yelps and howls of agony. She must've spotted me and realized that I saw everything. That's when she took me under her own wing. She tried to teach me to control the elements like her but I never could do it. Every time I said I couldn't however she threatened to hurt me like she hurt those wolves in the forest." He shuddered, tears silently sliding down his muzzle. Freezing Rain bristled. It sounded just like her mother. 

Freezing Rain licked his cheek. "You can stop if you want. You don't have to through this again." Fallen Leaf shook his head.

"I can keep going. Eventually she gave up on me leaving me in the forest. That's when I started looking for if she had done that to any other animals, particularly wolves. It turned out she had actually betrayed an entire pack of wolves like me. I told them my story. They told me their's. It turns out she's been doing this for generations."

(A/N What do you think about Fallen Leaf's story? Should they trust him? Could Blowing Wind actually be from a flying wolf pack? Tell me in the comments! If you liked it don't forget to give this a big gold star. I will see all you wolves in the sky!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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