Alternate ending II

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"Well," She says. "I ate more." She grabs Skyler and Sabrina. "Are you happy?!" Sammi Goes to Swallow Sabrina, but Skyler cried out. "Wait! Sammi! please! We're your friends! Don't eat us!"

Sammi Glared. "Why shouldn't I?"

"I'll do anything!" Skyler says.

Sammi thought for a moment. "Eat her."

Skyler and Sabrina gasped. "What?!?"

"Eat her and I won't eat you."

"I couldn't"-

"Do it, Skyler." Sabrina said. "Its for the best."

Skyler turned to her. "Are you sure?"

"Please!" Sabrina said.

{A tear fell down Skyler's cheek.}

"Please Sammi! I... I love her!"

"Aww.. How touching! DO IT!"

"Never! NO!" 

"Oh well. I was gonna let you live." 

{She Grabbed Sabrina's feet. She swallowed her up to her chin. Skyler watched in horror as her love was consumed before her very eyes. }

Skyler started pounding at the door and screaming louder than she had ever screamed before. "HELP!! SOMEONE HELP!!! PLEASE!!"

"They can't hear you, you dumb bitch!" Sammi says. 

{Sammi lurches over and grabs Skyler by the arm. She smiles wickedly before pinning Skyler to the wall. Skyler was thrashing helplessly. She could not move under Sammi's newly gained weight. Sammi began licking her all over her upper body. She made her way down to her feet. She inserted them into her mouth. Sammi gulped loudly as Skyler screamed and pounded against her. Sammi looked Skyler in the eyes as she was swallowed into her doom. She felt Skyler slip down next to Sabrina. Sammi sighed loudly and let out a belch. She sat down on the ground. She rubbed her gigantic gut with pride. She got up and quickly waddled into the showers where she hid and digested her victims.}


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