Chapter 7

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(There will never be a not weird photo up here)
(Y/n)- your name
(L/n)- last name
(H/C)- hair color
(E/C)- eye color
(H/l)- hair length
(F/C)- favorite color
(S/f/C)- second favorite color
(F/f)- favorite food
(F/a)- favorite anime
(F/b)- favorite band
(F/l)- favorite lunch
I will update if there's anything new
(Y/n)'s pov
          I walked over to aphmau's house and knocked on the door. Soon after, an ecstatic kawaii~chan opened the door. I noticed she is always happy for some reason. I walked inside and saw almost everyone on my street already at aphmau's. "Okay. So now that everyone is here, we can start. (Y/n), do you know what we are doing?" Aphmau asked me. "Um, yeah. Sort of." I said. I used to do this kinda thing when I was in high school. My mom hated when I would make videos. But I still did it without her knowing, and Dante sometimes helped me get away with it. He was a cool brother. "Yeah. I helped (y/n) when she was younger. She had her own YouTube channel, and I helped her edit." Dante said proudly. I nodded in agreement. "Okay. Then everyone knows what there doing. So let's get started!" Aphmau said happily and ran upstairs. Everyone followed her.

I got my own computer and mic set for recording. How does Aphmau have all the money for all these things, you might ask? I have no freaking clue either. So I found out that the recording was for a game called minecraft, or something like that. And an account was already made for me. Weird. So I signed into aphmau's world that she had made and looked around. It was an exact replica of mystreet. And I had a skin that looked just like me! And as I walked into the house that I spawned right in front of, it was just like me house! "How did you know what my house looked like? You've never been in it." I asked Aphmau. "Um. It doesn't matter. Pfft." She replied nervously. "Yeah. She did it to all of us." I heard Garroth say. I just laughed to myself, and Aphmau started her video. We were playing a game called hide and seek, baby edition! The game started and I was a small little baby with (f/c) pajamas! I was so tiny!!

Aphmau finished her outro and the video was over! I have to admit, it was pretty fun. I think I have to do it again this week. So by the time I got home, it was like 2:00 in the afternoon. And I was starving. I looked In my cupboards and realized all I have is some breakfast food that I stole from my old apartment. I guess I'm going out for lunch. I got into my car and started the engine, when the passenger side door opened. "Hey cutie." I heard a voice say and I instantly knew who it belonged to. "Yes Travis?" I asked while looking at him. "Where ya headed?" He asked while sitting in the car. "Um... To the, uh, park." I said nervously. I'm not very good at lying most times. Then my stomach made the impersonation of a dying whale. "Mhm. Sure you are. And by the way cutie, the park is right there." Travis said pointing out my window to a small park. I sighed and hit my forehead in disappointment. "So. I'm going with you." Travis said and put on his seat buckle. "What?!" I asked loudly. "I have nothing better to do, and I'm hungry." Travis said simply. I just sighed once more and started to drive. I wasn't going to argue with him, too hungry for it. Oh, and did I mention I LOVE food? (Haha. Sorry I brought it up a lot.😅) I guess Travis wasn't horrible company. After he finishes with all the flirting, which takes awhile, he is kinda nice to be around. "So, Travis. I never knew you could stop being a huge flirt." I said Impressed. "Yeah. Okay. Don't think I magically forgot about last night. You know, the moment right before you went inside your house." Travis said with a smirk. I could feel myself start to blush. "W-Well, what about all the other times you did the same thing to me?" I protested nervously. "Your right. But At least I don't get all flustered when someone points it out." He said and crossed his arms. "Shudup!" I yelled childishly and slapped his arm lightly. He just chucked and looked to the road. We pulled up to a small cafe type place. I heard that it was really good. It was called 'Mocha Mugs Cafe'. It was also a place to get lunch. It was pretty cool.

 It was pretty cool

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(From the outside. Don't mind the label already on it)

 Don't mind the label already on it)

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(From the inside. Pretty cool, right?)

"This looks so cool!" Travis said happily. I giggled. "Yeah it is. You've never been here?" I asked (omg I went to type never and it auto corrected to Benetton. Haha). Travis shook his head. "Nope. But I'm pretty sure I've heard of it though." Travis said and I started walking inside with him following close behind. The inside of the cafe looked amazing! We walked over to a small two person table in the corner and sat down. Soon after, a waiter with short brown hair and bright green eyes. "What would you two like today?" She asked politely with a notepad and pen in hand. "I'll just have a (f/l)." I said nicely. "And I'll just have the same." Travis said. "Okay! Coming right up!" The girl said happily and walked away. I felt my phone vibrate, so I took it out of my pocket and looked down at it. "Wow, Travis. I never knew you could get a girl to go out with you!" I heard a voice say. I looked up and saw where it was coming from. "(Y/n)?! Your going out with Travis?!" Dante yelled. Next to our table, was a 3 person table, that sat Laurance, garroth, and Dante. "No. He followed me here and I couldn't get him to leave." I said and slid my phone in my pocket. Dante put a hand on his chest to calm himself down. "So what are you guys doing here?" Garroth asked. "Well, (y/n) came here to get lunch, and as she said, I followed." Travis said. I just nodded slightly. Then our waiter came back with our food. "Here you guys go. Is there anything else you guys would like?" The girl asked politely. We both shook our heads and smiled. The girl smiled and walked away. We ate our food and talked a little. It was nice.
~~~~time skip because I don't know what to write~~~~

        We finished our food and we arguing over who would pay the bill. "No! I brought us here, so I will pay!" I protested. "That's why I need to pay! You brought me!" Travis said. The Waitress just kinda stood in front of us, a little confused on what to do. "You know what. A guy as cute as you shouldn't be worrying about having to pay. It's on the house." The waiter said and smiled at Travis. I could feel my stomach tighten up and I felt resentment towards the girl. What is this feeling? What ever it is, I don't like it. I glared at the waitress with a hint of disgust. "Thank you!" Travis said with smile. I just kept the same dirty look on my face. We stood up and walked out of the cafe. We got into my car and started to drive back to my house.  I still felt that horrible feeling in my stomach. Was this... jealously?
Ooooooooo. Jealous much? Does this mean you are actually starting to have feelings for Travis? Well, that's all I have to say! Thank you to all my readers!See you all in the next chapter! Goodbye all my temmies!😸

1362 words

The New Girl On Mystreet (Travis x reader) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now