Chapter 16

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(I am literally dan. Soulless.)
(Y/n)- your name
(L/n)- last name
(H/C)- hair color
(E/C)- eye color
(H/l)- hair length
(F/C)- favorite color
(S/f/C)- second favorite color
(F/f)- favorite food
(F/s)- favorite show
(F/b)- favorite and
(F/a)- favorite anime
(F/l)- favorite lunch
I will update if there's anything new
(Y/n)'s pov
"What are you doing?!?" Someone yelled. Me and Travis pulled away from each other and looked to the door. Dante was standing there, wide eyed. (What? You thought I would bring Liam into this? No. Not yet at least. MWHAHAHA!) "What are you doing?! That is my sister!" Dante yelled. I realized he was yelling at Travis. Dante walked over to Travis and punched him square in the jaw. "Stop!" I screamed and held him back. For a guy that is pretty short, he is pretty strong. I put my hands on his chest and pushed him back. Travis was now standing back up, with blood dripping down his face from his nose. "Dante calm down. It's not what it looked like. Sit down, and we'll talk. Okay?" I said calmly while pushing Dante over to a chair. I ran over and grabbed a few paper towels and handed them to Travis. I then guided him over to the couch. "What was that?" Dante asked, trying to calm himself down. "We kissed." I said a bit confused. "Well no dip Sherlock. That was all, correct?" He asked. "Yes." I said. Travis nodded in agreement. "And that was the only kiss. Right? Because I think one of you two woulda told me." Dante said worriedly. "Yeah. And I would've told you." I said. "No we-" I cut Travis off by pinching his sides really hard. "Y-Yeah it was. Travis for some reason, likes to make stupid jokes about that." I said a bit nervously. "And I won't have to punch you again? Because I will, if I need to." Dante said. "You won't. I swear. I won't do anything to hurt her." Travis said with his hands. "If you do, I swear to Irene, that you will get much worse." Dante said with an angry tone in his voice. "I won't. I can promise that much." Travis said while standing up to change the paper towel. "And by the way, I think you might have broken my nose. Just saying." Travis said while holding up his hand. "Sorry dude. I didn't mean to hit you that hard." Dante apologized."Well I'm leaving. See you two later." Dante said while standing up and walking away. "So could you help me over here?" Travis asked. "Oh yeah! Gimme a second!" I said. I called Lucinda to come over to my house. A few seconds later, she appeared in my living room. "What did you need my help for?" She asked. "Um, Travis might have broken his nose. And I don't know what to do." I said nervously. Travis waved at her. "Oh that's easy. You don't worry your pretty little head about that." Lucinda said and walked over to Travis. She started poking and prodding at his nose. I just watched intently as I watched her work her magic.
~~time skip! Brought to you by.... BACON!~~
It was only a few minuets and Travis' nose was completely back to normal. "I'm done here! You two can get back to your lovey dovey stuff. See ya!" Lucinda said happily and then disappeared into thin air. "Lucinda! I will kill her!" I yelled. "I noticed that you say you are going to kill a lot of people." Travis said looking at me. "Who says I haven't killed them. When was the last time you heard from Hannah?" I asked with a grin. "Eh. Maybe I shouldn't have doubted you." Travis said. "So. Whatcha wanna do?" I asked while walking into the living room. "ANIME!" Travis yelled at the top of his lungs while throwing his hands into the air. "Okay? I'm a bit scared now." I said nervously. "You should be." Travis said while walking over and sitting on my couch. I grabbed a huge blanket and wrapped it around myself, like a small cocoon. "Hey. Don't hog the blanket all to yourself!" Travis yelled. "Fine. Come here ya big dork." I said while opening up the side of the blanket and wrapping Travis in as well. "This is comfort." I said while closing back up the cocoon. "What. Me or the blanket?" He asked. "The blanket, duh." I said while looking at him. "Wow. I never knew my competition was an inanimate object." Travis said. I just rolled my eyes. "You're just going to have to try harder." I said. Then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "How about now?" He asked. "Eh. Your getting closer." I said. Then Travis hugged me tightly and I rested my head on his shoulder. "Better." I said and looked to the screen. I was comfortable where I was. Sooner or later, the warmth consumed me and I slowly drifted off into sleep.

Travis' pov
         She fell asleep again. Does she not get enough sleep, or what? (Y/n) started to move in her sleep again and she rested her head on my chest. I love the cute little noises she makes in her sleep. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged very tightly. I smiled at her and kissed her forehead. (Y/n) smiled in her sleep and buried her head into my chest. She was so adorable. Then I heard knocking at the door.    (Y/n) shot up from where she was, and looked around nervously. She got up and when to the door, while I on the other hand just wrapped my self into a ball and laid on the couch. "Adi! Oh my Irene! What are you doing here?!" I heard (y/n) say happily. I peaked over the top of the couch and saw a girl with light brown hair and turquoise eyes. "I came to visit you! We haven't seen each other in forever!" The girl said and hugged (y/n). "I know! Why don't you come in?" She asked. "Okay. Why not." The girl said and walked inside. Then she looked over and saw me on the couch and a huge smile grew onto her face. The girl pulled (y/n) by her wrist to the kitchen.

(Y/n)'s pov
"So. Is that him?" Atali asked while poking me in the sides. "Stop it! And yes it is. And before you ask, all we did was watch a movie." I half lied. I didn't want to lose my hearing today. "Really? Cuz last I saw, you two were cuddling. Tell me everything!" She said excitedly. "There isn't much to say. All we did was watch a movie." I said once more. "You're lying. What else." Atali asked and put her hands on her hips. "Well. We might've... kissed. Then Dante came in and broke Travis' nose. So yeah." I said quietly. "OH MY IRENE! AHHHHHHHH!" Atali screamed. "What! What?!" Travis asked while running into the kitchen. She covered her mouth to keep herself from screaming. Instead, she used her pointer finger to point to me and Travis. Then she started running around my house, yelling. "Is she okay?" He asked me. "Don't worry about her. She's always like that." I replied. Then Atali came rushing back and started jumping up and down in front of us. This girl has too much energy. "I wanna see!" Atali said, still jumping. "W-What?! No!" I yelled. "See what?" He asked. "No! You don't-" I was cut off by Atali "To see you two kiss!" She yelled. "No!" I yelled. By now, my face was as red as a tomato. "Why? I don't see anything wrong with it. And I get a kiss." Travis said while looking at me. "No! You don't even know who she is!" I yelled. "Fine. Then my name Atali." She said. "And I'm Travis. Now get her!" He yelled. I turned and sprinted out of the house. I ran down the side walk with both Travis and Atali behind me. "(Y/n)! Get back here!" Travis yelled. "No! I will break your nose again! I will!" I yelled back. "No you won't!" Atali yelled. She was right behind me now. She grabbed my arms and pulled me back. "Okay! I surrender! I surrender!" I yelled and tried my best to put my arms up. I walked up to Travis and tried to kiss his cheek. But as I did, he turned his head, making me kiss his lips. "OH MY IRENE! THAT IS SO CUTE!! AHHH!" Atali screamed while cupping her cheeks. "Travis!" I yelled and slapped his arm. "What can I say?" He asked while shrugging his shoulders. "Ugh. Why don't you two come inside." I said and walked back to my house. Travis and Atali were talking behind me as we walked away.
I finished chapter 16! Woo! Thank you to everyone for 160 reads! I know! We've gotten so far! See you all in the next chapter! Goodbye all my temmies!😸

1541 words

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