Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Brianna's POV:

"Savannah! Wait!" I yelled, desperately trying to get her attention. She didn't stop or even acknowledge me; she just kept running. "Please, just let me explain!"

"What is there to explain? Obviously you and Josh are getting along great." Makeup was streaked down her face, and her eyes were puffy from the tears. She turned back and continued to run, ignoring my protests.

Heads were turning to stare at us and whispers erupted as we passed. I did my best to ignore everyone and focus and Savannah. How was I going to explain to her how Josh was a two-timing jerk? How would I convince her that the kiss was as unexpected to her as it was to me?

She pivoted to the right, headed for the doors. I followed suit, continuing to call her name. "Savannah, stop, please. I need to talk to you!" She slowed, but didn't stop.

"Just leave me alone, will you?" she called over her shoulder. She plopped down on a bench outside the building and buried her face in her hands. My breathing came in quick gasps as I took a seat next to her.

"Savannah, you know I love you, right?" She looked up at me, her tears shining in the moonlight.

"I don't know what to believe anymore." The look of hurt and betrayal reflecting in her expression brought tears to my eyes. How on earth was I going to explain this? She was shaking violently and the tears were pouring from her eyes.

"I would never do that to you, never."

"Then what on God's green earth was that? Huh?" Her voice grew louder with every word she spoke.

"The was the result of a two-timing jerk of a boyfriend! Not your best friend who loves and cares for you and only want what's best for you!" My voice rose to match hers. She stopped talking and stared at me, studying my face. When she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper.

"What happened?"

I proceeded to tell her everything that Josh did from the moment he left her sight. By the time I got to the part where Savannah found us, we were both bawling and clinging to each other for dear life.

"I can't believe I ever liked him," Savannah cried, venom in her voice. I let out a shaky breath and pulled away, wiping my tear-stained face on my sleeve. I dug my phone out of my pocket to check the time; 11:34.

"Crap! I have to get home," I shouted, causing Savannah to look worriedly at me. "I'm 34 minutes past curfew," I explained.

Without a word, she nodded and stood up, taking her keys out. The ride home was uncomfortably silent. I didn't know what I was going to say to my father. We both knew I was in for it.

"Good luck Babe," Savannah whispered as she parked in front my flat. She reached over the counsel to wrap her arms around my neck.

"I'm gonna need all the luck I can get." With a final sigh, I shoved open the door and got out, waving good-bye to Savannah.

"God help me," I whispered to the sky. Gathering my courage, I forced my feet to the front door.

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