Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Harry's POV:

I smiled to myself as I slipped on a pair of pajama pants. I couldn't seem to get my mind off of Brianna. Something about her was just...different. I had only met her a few hours ago, but already I could feel a special connection.

I slipped under my covers, pulling the blankets up to my chin. Everything that she had told me about herself this afternoon had shaken me to the core. She didn't deserve to be treated the way she was. In fact, no one did. It sickened me to think a father would ever abuse their daughter, especially over something as simple as missing curfew. She hadn't even done anything wrong! She was simply trying to console a close friend.

All these thoughts whirled through my head as my eyes closed and I drifted slowly into sleep.

Suddenly a blood-curdling scream ripped through the silence of the flat. The sound caused my heart to freeze and my body snapped to attention. The scream came again, cold and terrified.

Jumping out of my bed, I flew down the stairs towards the guest room. My body was in panic mode and my brain slightly dysfunctional. I pounded my fists against her door before I realized it was unlocked.

Forcing myself to be brave, I swung open the door and burst into her room. The scream echoed against the walls, this time from the bed in front of me.

I ran over, confused at what was causing Brianna to be so terrified. Her body was shaking violently and sweat covered her body. She twisted and turned, tangling herself deeper into the covers. Her mouth was moving frantically, but no words were coming out.

I shook her, desperately trying to wake her up. Nothing worked. I was running out of ideas. I grabbed her, blanket and all. Instantly her squirming subsided and I could feel her heart beating like a thousand horses against my chest.

Carrying her bridal style, I brought her to my room and gently placed her on my bed. I slipped in beside her, wrapping my arms tightly around her waist and holding her close. Slowly her body stopped shaking. Cold sweat soaked her body.

I snuggled into her neck, burying my face in her damp hair. I had no idea what just happened, but at least she was here with me now.


Brianna's POV:

I woke with a start. My mind was completely disoriented and I started to panic when I didn't find myself in my room. Finally realization settled into my brain.

Josh cheated on Savannah. Dad beat me up and I ran away. Harry Styles bumped into me and forced me to stay at his house. Wow, so much has happened in the past couple of days.

I tried to sit up, but found that strong arms were holding me down.

"Morning," Harry whispered sleepily into my hair.

"Harry? did I get into your bed?"

He let go of me and sat up, causing the blanket to fall from his body. Only then did I realize that he was nearly naked besides the sweats he wore as pajamas. I caught myself staring at his 6-pack and quickly turned away.

"You were screaming last night. I couldn't wake you up and you wouldn't stop shaking. I brought you up here so I could watch over you."

At first I was confused, but then I remembered my nightmare. It was the exact same one I had had on the bus. "Oh," I managed to say.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

"You're starting to sound like my mother."

He let out a giggle, throwing a pillow in my direction.

Taking my own pillow, I tossed it at him before running down the stairs. "Where's the food?" I yelled from the main floor.

Stomping down the stairs, he tugged on a robe. "Follow me."

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