Chapter 26

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Thank you all for the comments!! It's so good to see that people actually read when I update :) oh and sorry it's taken me sooo long to update and for leaving you with a horrible cliff hanger! My cousins came out for the weekend!

Chapter 26:

Harry's POV:

My feet stood frozen to the ground. I couldn't move, but stared at my reddening hand.

What had I just done? How could I have hit her, especially after all she'd been through? Then it hit me. She had run away from her father because he hit her. And now she was running from me for the same reason. And I had promised to always love and care for her.

Before my brian could finish processing the train of thought, my legs snapped into action. I found myself calling her name over and over, chasing after her for all I was worth.

I couldn't lose her. I needed her.

A car horn blasted in the distance and my mind came back to reality. One second Brianna was running along the road, tears streaming down her face, and the next she was unconscious and laying in a pool of blood.

"BRIANNA!" I screamed, my voice hoarse. The driver of the car had screeched to a halt and was running toward her as well. Judging by the looks of the driver, a young, brunette woman, she didn't know a thing about first aid. I knew I had to take charge.

"Call an ambulance!" I instructed. She stopped moving and stared at me, clearly confused. "Now! We don't have much time!"

She nodded and pulled out her phone. I continued to run until I reached the bloody mess Brianna was laying in. Her left leg and arm both looked completely mangled. From distance I knew they were both broken.

Kneeling beside her, ignoring the blood, I placed my ear on her chest, searching for any signs of life. I could feel her chest moving slowly up and down and her shaky breath moistening my face. Good, she was still alive.

I didn't want to move her, just in case she had a spinal injury. I pressed both my hands against her cheeks. "Stay with me Brianna. I don't deserve you. I- I'm so sorry..." a tear dripped down my cheek, splashing onto her face and mixing with a patch of blood. Aside from a few nasty scratches, her face was uninjured.

I stroked her damp hair repeatedly. The sticky, red substance mingled with the strands of hair, causing her originally red hair to almost glow in the street lights.

I moved my lips close to hers and kissed her, passionately yet softly. The wails of the ambulance echoed in the night air. I knew they would be here any second.

"Brianna," I whispered, "I love you."


Brianna's POV:

A deep, male voice registered in my mind. I tried to pry an eye open, but it required too much work. My entire body was in pain and I felt wet and sticky. "What's going on?" I mumbled, or at least I tried to. It came out as a series of painful moans.

"Shhh. Just relax..." the voice said before I blacked out once again.

But I didn't black out completely. I found that I was walking, no, more like floating in a magical-like forest. Trees towered above me. Birds sang beautifully from various branches. The sun filtered through the rustling leaves. It was...peaceful.

A deep growl suddenly echoed through the forest. I turned to see a pair of beady eyes staring into mine. I tried to run, but I couldn't move. Panic filled my entire being.

Suddenly the figure in front of me changed. It transformed into Harry, holding a perfect rose and sporting a concerned expression. "Brianna. It's's okay..."

My eyes fluttered open. I became aware of a constant beeping in the background, and a familiar voice. Harry.

I squeezed my eyes shut as quickly as I had opened them. I didn't want to see Harry again, not after what he did to me.

"Brianna? Are you awake?" I could feel his hand creeping up my arm and trying to take hold of my fingers. I tried to pull my hand away, but pain and a restraint kept it there.

"Go away." I seethed, staring him down.

"Babe I can explain-"

"Just leave okay?"

"I know I hit yo-"

"Save it Harry. I don't want to hear your petty apology," I said cooly. I could see tears misting his eyes, but I refused to let that faze me. If he was gone, he could no longer hurt me. So I was bound and determined to get him to leave. "Please. Just go."

He looked at me then, hurt and defeated. Nodding, he stood up and left. Just like that. Only then did I realize how much pain my body was in.

I looked around to find my left leg suspended in the air, wrapped in a hard cast. My left arm also had a cast, all the way up to my shoulder. Needles and tubes poked out of my good arm, hookig up to a machine beside me. I could imagine the ugly bruises covering my ribs. My skin was burning from small scratches everywhere.

In other words, I was a mess.

I heard a knock on my door. "Yeah?"

"Brianna? You're awake!" Savannah came running to my side. She spread her arms for a hug, but then remembered that I couldn't move. Awkwardly she let her arms fall to her sides and huffed. "How are you? Does it hurt? Oh my word I was so scared. What happened?"

"Woah, slow down girl," I laughed. "Yes, I'm in pain. Lots of pain actually. I-I don't remember what happened..."

She took my good hand in both of hers, lifting it to her chest. "Oh you poor thing. What's the last thing you remember?"

I closed my eyes to help my brain focus. "The last thing I remember was...was Harry hit me."

Savannah's mouth gaped and she stared at me in shock. "He what!?" she screeched.

"He hit me." I moved my hand incased in hers to my swollen cheek. "Right here."

"I'll kill him. I know you don't want me to but..."


I swear, no one can hit my best friend and get away with it. No one."


"So help me..."

"Savannah shut up."

She dropped my hand and stood up, the back of her knees connecting with the chair she was sitting on, tipping it backwards. "I'm going to give him a piece of my mind..." she said as she left the room.

"Savannah wait!" I called, but it was no use. She was gone. I could only hope and pray she didn't do anything drastic.

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