Chapter 24

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Ok ya'll, here it is! The long-awaited chapter 24! I've had lots of comments telling me to put it up so I figured I'd do it sommer then later :) enjoy!

Chapter 24:

Harry's POV:

"Harry!" Brianna yelled as she ran into my arms. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she buried her face in my jacket.

"Oh Brianna," I almost moaned in the pleasure of seeing her. It had only been 24 hours, but it had seemed a life time. "How are you doing babe?"

She shook her head as she pulled away and wiped her face on her soiled sleeve. "I can't see her yet. I have no idea how she's doing." Her voice cracked and she couldn't go on.

"She gonna be okay. Everything will be okay," I said into her hair, pulling her back into my arms.

Savannah came up behind her, the purple bags under her eyes prominent. "Good to see you," she said in a tired, husky voice.

Looking past her, I could see their luggage piled carelessly in a corner. They had been camping there the entire time I was gone.

"Okay, I'm getting you guys out of here," I instructed, letting go of Brianna after giving her shoulder a final pat.

"No!" Brianna shrieked before pausing to recover her emotions. "I mean, I don't want to leave. What if my mum comes to while I'm gone?"

"We're only getting a hotel room to store the luggage and sleep at night. The rest of the time you can be here, if want to that badly," I assured her. I could see by her studious expression that she was assessing the situation.

After a few long moments she nodded. "Okay, but let's make it snappy."

I tried to hide my smile as I walked past her to grab the luggage. She was a persistent one. What she wanted, she usually got.

Heaving the suitcases, I walked with the girls to the rental car. Unlike them, I had spared the time to rent one, knowing we would need our own mode of transportation.

"Harry, you can just drop me off at my flat," Savannah called from the backseat.

"Just show me the way." I drove around Inverness under the instruction of Savannah. After a couple wrong turns, a few moments of awkward tension, and the occasional yelling session, we made it to her house unscathed.

"I can drive myself back to the hospital," she called over her shoulder as she lifted her bags from the back.

"Savannah, wait," Brianna yelled and jumped out of the car, running around to embrace her. Through the rear view mirror I could see the warm hug and a few words being exchanged, one more hug, and then a final wave good bye.

It was a few minutes before Brianna climbed back into the car. "Finished?" I probed.

"Shut up and drive." She crossed her arms defensively and jutted out her bottom lip slightly.

Laughing, I backed out of the driveway and drove to the nearest hotel.


"Holy cow Harry," Brianna exclaimed as the bag she was holding dropped to the ground by her feet. She slowly turned in circles, taking in every inch of the room, her arms spread out. "You didn't have to book something so fancy."

A smile spread across my face. "Anything for you babe."

She shook her head as she walked over to me, slipping her slim arms around my waist. Was it just me, or had she lost weight? "Brianna," I asked in a serious tone, "Have you eaten anything in the past twenty four hours?"

She froze for a moment, as if thinking about it. Then she looked up at me sheepishly. "I haven't thought about it," she whispered, her warm breath tingling against my skin.

"You need to get some food in that belly." As if on que, her stomach growled loudly in agreement. "See? Even your stomach says so. Let's go get some grub."

She giggled. It was so good to see a smile on her tired face. Before we left, I leaned down and kissed her. Every little worry seeped from my mind. Her lips were soft and warm against mine.

"Mmmmhm food sounds good," she moaned as she pulled away.

Flicking a tendril of hair, I placed a kiss on her temple before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and leading her out the door.


"Harry Edward Styles, put those fries in your mouth or I will for you!"

"I vant to suck your blood!" I yelled in my best vampire voice, a drop of ketchup dropping from the tip of the fry I had stuck halfway in my mouth on either side.

"Oh my word, you're worse then Savannah," Brianna muttered and buried her head in her arms in embarrasment.

Dropping the facade, I stuck the fries into my mouth and chewed them as I mumbled out an 'I try.'

"Ew." Her nose wrinkled in disgust. She reached over and swiped a dollop of ketchup from my chin.

Suddenly a vibration echoed throughout the restaurant. She jumped and grabbed for her phone, leaving me alone with my fries.

I shoved in another mouthful of food just as a high pitched squeal exited Brianna's mouth. "She's awake! She's awake!" she yelled over and over.

Within seconds we were out of the door and on our way to the hospital. As soon as I put the car in park, Brianna was out of the car and running into Savannah's open arms. They waited for me to catch up before entering the building holding thousands of the sick and injured, determined to see Brianna's mother.

Brianna's POV:

"Can I see Martha Jacobs please?" I asked, much more cooly and collected then last time.

The same lady looked up at me with the same large, brown eyes. "Room 502. But only one person at a time," she instructed.

I nodded and mumbled a thank you before leading Savannah and Harry to my mothers room. When we finally found it, I had to force myself to breath in calmly and walk in slowly, as to not frighten her.

"Brianna?" my mum said in a croaky voice.

"Oh mum," I whispered as a tear trickled down my cheek. I ran to her side and wrapped my arms around her frail body, embracing her for the first time in months. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you more," she cried into my shoulder. I could tell her speech was slightly slurred; probably from whatever drugs she was being given.

I didn't say anything, but thoughts and questions ran through my head. Where was dad? Did he help cause the stroke? How was life at home? "Mum..."

She placed a shaky finger to my lips. "Shhh." Instead of speaking out loud, I communticated with her through our eyes. Obviously she didn't want anyone else to know about life at home. "I'm okay. Really, I am. Your father's fine and so am I. There's no need to worry," she garbled.

"Alrighty Mrs. Jacobs...oh hello," a dark skinned nurse said as she sauntered into the room. "And who might you be?"

"Brianna Jacobs, Martha's daughter," I answered, standing to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you. I just wanted to say that Martha will be able to go home within the next day."

A giant smile played on my lips. "That's great! Did you hear that?" I asked, turning to my mother. "You can go home tomorrow!"

She simply nodded with a satisfied look covering her face. She looked so weak and helpless lying in the hospital bed.

The nurse went to tend to other patients, leaving me alone with my mum. I moved to the side of her bed and kneeled in front of her. "I'm never going to leave you," I whispered before her eyes shut and she drifted into a drug-endused sleep.

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