Chapter 20

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Heya lovelies :) so me and my friend are each writing fanfics, and we were both suffering from writers block (which I still am!) So we decided to write a chapter for each other's stories. So here's my friends chapter! Isn't she an amazayn writer??

Chapter 20

Brianna's POV

I wake up to a bang and moan coming from my door. "Ow ow ow ow," a voice whispered.

"Shut up!" another whispered harshly.

"Dont wake her up!" yet another said.

All of a sudden the boys' voices rang through my ears as they sang me awake. "It's time to get up in the morning..." they started and a small smile creeped on my face.

They continued to sing, and I found myself falling back asleep; that is until they all started shouting and jumping on the bed.

"IT'S TIME TO GET UUUUP!" Harry yelled right in my ear, which caused me to cringe and pull the blanket over my head.

"Go away," I mumbled.

I heard the boys exit the room except Harry, who was still sitting on the bed. I rolled onto my back and let my eyes trail over him. Looking around the room, I realized it wasn't my own.

Harry seemed to have read the confusion on my face and explained, "Last night you fell asleep on me so I brought you up to my room."

A small blush appeared on my cheeks. "Thanks," I said softly as he smiled and stood.

"No problem. Breakfast is in the kitchen if you want some," he said before disappearing into the hallway.

I pulled the comforter off my body and realized I was dressed in one of Harry's teeshirts. "Harry!" I yelled and he came running back into the room with a worried look. "Care to explain?" I said, motioning to my lack of clothing.

A bright red blush flushed his cheeks and he smiled cheekily. " looked uncomfortable..." he mumbled.

I laughed as I stood and pulled my skinny jeans back on underneath his shirt. We walked down to the kitchen together and I sat at the table as he handed me a plate of food.

I ate in silence while all the boys watched me. I couldn't help but think they were up to something. I finished my food and dropped my plate in the sink, then turned to the boys.

"What is going on?" I asked curiously.

"She's onto us!" Louis yelled as he swung me over his shoulder and ran to the den. He dropped me on the couch as the rest of the guys filed into the room.

"Seriously! What's going on?!" I said, a bit annoyed.

"We have another birthday present for you," Harry announced as they all stood shoulder to shoulder, blocking my view from the entrance.

"But my birthday was-" I started, but stopped when I saw Savannah coming out from behind them. I squealed and ran to her, wrapping my arms around her tightly.

"Happy birthday!" she yelled and I let go with a huge smile on my face.

"How did you get here?" I asked, still in shock.

"Well Harry called me and we set the whole thing up. I was supposed to get here yesterday but-" she started, but I didn't hear the rest because the next thing I knew, my arms were wrapped around Harry's neck and my lips were planted firmly on his.

Emotions taking over, I guess.

I pulled away nervously and I felt a blush forming on my cheeks. An awkward smile tugged at my lips and I stepped away from Harry as the rest of the boys continued to tease him.

He glanced at me and winked. I mouthed the word: 'thanks,' and he gave me a thumbs up.

"Okay anyway!" Savannah interrupted, "I brought movies!" She took the backpack off her shoulder and set it on the couch.

She popped the first movie in and we all settled on the couches. I sat beside Harry and he wrapped his arm around me. Instantly I was comforted by his touch and the feeling of butterflies was back.

Of course, Savannah just had to pick a horror film, which I absolutely hate. I can't sit through one without crying at least three times and screaming every five seconds.

I probably screamed about four times in the first ten minutes. I swore I was gonna pee myself. I didn't know if I could take this much longer.

I screamed again and jumped more into Harry, hiding my face behind him. He pulled my closer and kissed my head, immediately making me feel better...almost.

"You okay?" Harry asked in his adorably deep voice.

"Perfect!" I said sarcastically.

"You know we don't have to watch this."

"No it's fine," I mumbled.

The next thing I knew, I was being lifted from the couch. Harry's arms were wrapped around me as he carried me up to his room.

Last thing I heard before we exited came from Louis, "Probably another birthday present." The rest start laughing, including Harry, and I just blushed.

"What are we doing?" I asked, a little scared, as he set me down and closed the door.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to rape you," he said, laughing as I hit his arm.

He grabbed his MacBook off his desk and sat on the edge of his giant bed. I sat beside him as he typed away.

"A twitcam?" I asked, staring at the screen.

He looked at me and smiled cheekily before clicking some more. Suddenly we could see ourselves on the screen. Questions were coming by the hundreds.

Wow, his fans are dedicated!

"Hey guys! It's Harry here!" he said and I laughed, causing him to turn to me. "What?"

"They probably know that," I giggled. He rolled his eyes and turned back to the computer, reading some of the questions.

"Who's that girl?" he read out loud and laughed. "This is.. uh...Anna."

I gave him a weird look, but understood that he wanted to give me a fake name so my dad wouldn't find me.

"She's been living with us for a while," he said into the camera.

"It's been interesting," I added.

Getting comfortable, Harry switched positions so he was laying on his stomach, and I follow suite, leaning on my elbows.

"Okay next question," he said, scanning the list. My eyes came across one particular question: 'so are you guys dating then?'

Something inside me didn't want Harry to see this question since he hasn't officially asked me out yet, but at the same time I wanted to see what he said.

Sure enough, "So are you guys dating then?" he said and turned to me with a big smile on his face. "Well, are we?"

"I don't know-"

"Do you want to?" he asked out of the blue.

"What?" I asked, somewhat shocked that he was asking in front of all his fans.

He shifted his weight to one arm so he was facing me more. "Anna, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will," I said softly after a few moments of hesitation.

He smiled even bigger, if that's possible, and re-faced the camera. "Well there you have it!" he said as he wrapped an arm around my body.

I smiled and planted a small kiss on his cheek, sealing the agreement.

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