Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Brianna's POV:

5 pairs of eyes cast worried glances in my direction. Shock laced through me, numbing my body from head to toe. My feet wouldn't move. They remained rooted to the floor.

"Brianna Jacobs, a fifteen year old girl, was reported missing from her home in Inverness, Highland, on Saturday morning two days ago. Her father, George Jacobs, expresses his concern for his daughter."

I watched in horror as my father's image flashed across the screen, my mother cowering behind him. My stomach coiled in anger and I felt I was about to lose my supper.

"I miss her terribly. I have no idea what would posses her to just run away," my father spoke towards the camera. My mum was breaking down in tears, shaking her head frantically, but didn't speak. "Please, if you have seen my daughter, get her back to us. We want her, we need her..."

"And that's not all," the news reporter cut him off. "Brianna is believed to be seen in Paris with the famous Harry Styles two days after she ran away."

A photo of me and Harry, holding hands and running along Paris streets popped up. My head was shaking left and right as the realization of what was happening sunk in. How could my dad do this?

"The police would like you to contact them if you have seen a teenage girl with long brown hair, hazel eyes..."

Louis shut the tv off, which I was more then grateful for.

I couldn't believe it. I came to London to be rid of my dad, yet he still manages to control me. My life was officially ruined. How was I going to get a job now?

"Brianna?" Harry said, cautiously taking a step towards me.

"That wretched, lying, stupid, jerk!" I yelled through gritted teeth. Anger wracked my body, causing me to shake uncontrollably. Tears threatened to break loose, but I fought them back, determined not to cry in front of the boys.

"Shhh, Brianna. It's okay. We want to help you," Liam said, attempting to comfort me.

"We can help, if you let us," Niall gently placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. I shook him off, not wanting his pity; or anyone's pity for that matter.

My head throbbed. "Just leave me alone!" I screamed, pivoting and fleeing for the privacy of my room.

Thousands of thoughts swirled around my head as I dived onto the bed. I clung to the pillow, rocking back and forth.

Who does my dad think he is? He flat-out lied on live television. Anyone who knows me would know that. My mum didn't even try to stop him! She knew where I was, yet she allowed my father to go and destroy the small chance I had left in life.

Why can't my father just learn to let go?

Harry's POV:

"Crap. What are we going to do?" I asked to no one in particular, pacing back and forth, running my hands through my hair.

"Ok first, sit down. You're making me dizzy," Louis said, patting the couch beside him.

Reluctantly, I did as he said. I placed my elbows on my knees and rubbed my face. My heart ached for Brianna. How could her father do that?

"I have an idea," Zayn said. All eyes turned hopefully to him. "We can call up our stylist, she'll understand."

"Yes!" I shouted. "We can give her a makeover! Brilliant." It was the perfect idea. She will still be able to stay here, with me. She can continue to work towards her future, away from her father. Plus, what girl doesn't enjoy a makeover?

"So, who's going tell her?" Niall asked.

"Harry!" Zayn, Louis, and Liam all said at once.

"Wish me luck," I mumbled. Knocking on her door, I breathed in deeply.

"Go away," came Brianna's muffled voice from behind the door.

"Brianna, just let me in. Please?"

"Can't you just leave me alone?"

I sighed. "I know what to do. We came up with a plan."

Nothing but silence came from the other side of the door. Finally the door opened a crack, allowing just enough space for Brianna's head to poke through.

She sighed. A single tear dripped down her face as she opened her mouth to speak. "Harry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you guys."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She had every right to be mad. If I was in her situation, who knows what I would've done.

"Oh Brianna," is all I could mutter. I pulled her close, wrapping my arms tightly around her. I planted a kiss on her hair, breathing in her intoxicating scent. She smelled a mixture of a sweet, flowery perfume and mint. "Don't take it out on yourself. I'd rather you take your anger out on me than to hurt yourself more."

She cried harder, her body trembling against mine. I stroked her long hair, knowing this may be the last time I would get the chance.

She pulled back, wiping her face on her sleeve. "So what's the plan?" her voice trembled slightly as she spoke.

"How does a makeover sound to you?"

She gaped. I could tell her brain was already conjuring up reasons against it. Before she could utter a word, I cut her off, "No buts. Our stylist is coming and you are going to get a makeover, whether you like it or not!"

She nodded, smiling faintly. "Ok then. A makeover it is!"

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