Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Settling in.

When I finally haul in all of my four bags of shit I get a chance to look around my old room. White wall... Purple curtains... The old radio that doesn't work... My old kiddy books... This is it. And my bed I suppose, it's been freshly washed and made with all my old wolf stuffed animals arranged in a welcoming display, mom really must be sucking up to me.

I walk to the closet and hang up the few clothes I brought and examine all the Taylor Lautner posters covering the walls of my new bedroom, I chuckle to myself remembering how my mom had asked what I'd want for posters I'd been obsessed with Twilight at the time, why wouldn't I be? She gave me the books and she'd actually talk to me about it. Of course that phase is long gone.

I take down all the posters and fold them neatly placing them in a pile in a box labeled "cortneys stuff" obviously from my old summer visits. This room was my only safe haven from Chris at the time, mom was never home and when she was she was with Chris. I wanted nothing to do with him, and still don't.

By the time I finish getting my books arranged, drawings hung up, and all the comforts of home arranged there's only one thing left to do. I dig in my last bag and pull out a series of photo collages, I'd decided to put them together to remind me that once this year is over my friends back home will be waiting with open arms... I'd gotten all their numbers, addresses, emails... Any way and every way possible to contact them.

I turn on my speaker and iPod and begin to "blast" my music. I may be a teenager but I'm still considerate! I lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling debating on what I should do... my mother had bought me a phone on the trip up to my surprise and I had texted my new number to all my friends, might be a good idea to check my messages.

Thirty seven text messages. Thirty seven texts asking "hey! Where are you?!?!" "You in Michigan yet?" "Punch your mom in the face for me." "Send pictures! Love you!" I take 30 minutes to respond to each and every one and tell them I'm here and all the events that have transpired thus far. Also not to text me tomorrow do to "mother daughter time." Can't you tell I'm thrilled?

God I'm going to miss them... I only got friends last year when I moved to a new school, I'd been bullied all my life and the few friends I'd had in elementary school moved away. So middle school and my first year of high school were absolute hell.

Starting school here next week is sure to be interesting since I stick out like a sore thumb. Then again I stick out everywhere, short pale, dark eyes dark hair, doesn't help that I like to wear dark clothes either I guess. No I'm not emo or goth it's just my personality, I guess you could say I'm a "tortured artist" whatever that's supposed to mean.

Before I know it all my thoughts are trailing off and my heavy lids close, as I'm drifting off into sleep I'm aware of the simple fact that I don't want to be here and how trapped I really am in this big house.

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