Going in to the closet?

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Prompt: U should write about how they first met and they keep happening to bump into each other randomly and they decide to become friends. They become bffs then eventually they start to realize their feelings. They start to act super awkward around the other until someone (Sadie) pushes them together by locking them in a closet or something.

Or nico starts to hang out with another god and Anubis gets like super jealous and tries to pick a fight.


"Wha-? Sadie, open the door!"

Anubis glanced back at Nico behind him. The dark-haired teen is banging his fist against the door to the cleaning cupboard they're currently locked in.

Stupid Sadie, she didn't have to go to such lengths to push them together.

Anubis sighed and sat down on the floor at the other side of the tiny room, a drying mop flopping down onto his shoulder – he picked it up and threw it aside.

"I won't let you out until you've resolved whatever is happening!" Sadie shouted through the door. "I don't care if you stay in there forever, you're my friends, and I won't have you two be angry at each other even though you're best friends!"

Nico groaned, "We'll starve."

Sadie scoffed, "You'll survive a week before you die from dehydration."

"Damn it," Nico muttered.

Anubis heard Sadie's footsteps move away from the door and down the hall. He rubbed a hand against his face and sighed again.

How'd he let it get this far? It wasn't like he'd meant to start a fight with Ethan, okay maybe he'd meant it but that wasn't the point.

Anubis narrowed his eyes. Ethan Nakamura, just thinking about him made him grit his teeth. He'd so obviously been making the moves on Nico, how could he not react?

He glanced up at the other boy. Nico was still facing away from him, probably still angry.

Anubis felt his chest clench painfully. He'd hurt Nico. He'd hurt him because of how he felt about him. He shouldn't have hurt him at all. Even though it was technically Ethan he'd hurt, Nico was still furious at him.

But he'd felt such anger at seeing Nico with Ethan so many times. Nico was his best friend, not Ethan's.

Ever since they'd met at the Mythomagic event on campus, they'd bumped into each other - whether it be the cafeteria or at the library, even at the coffee shop ways off campus – they'd meet.

They started hanging out since they didn't really hang out with that many other friends. Anubis had Sadie and Carter (and occasionally Walt) but Nico didn't really hang out with anyone. He'd seen him with a couple of people sometimes, and he knew now that Nico knew many of the older college students, but not that many at his own age. Anubis had then made it his mission to hang out with Nico as much as he could.

It didn't take long for him to view the other as his best friend and Nico had told him he felt the same. He'd also told him he'd never had a best friend before, which may have made Anubis value their friendship that much more.

Over time, Anubis had started to view Nico in a different light than before. He wasn't sure when the turning point had happened, but he'd suddenly started blushing out of nowhere when Nico smiled at him, and his chest felt tight when he heard him laugh.

His feelings had slowly progressed to the point where he felt very lonely when Nico was out of town and nothing could cheer him up other than Nico returning.

Sadie had called him out on it many times and finally confronted him about his issue when Nico was visiting his dad.

"What is your problem, Anubis? You look like your pet died," Sadie had said. She never was the subtlest of people, that was one of the reasons Anubis liked her.

Anubico Oneshots based on promptsWhere stories live. Discover now