28 - Uninvited guests

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Apparently, this party is a big deal ... as expected.

"What are you going to wear?" Mia asks excitedly as I look through my clothes.

"I'm not sure. You should come with me." I look at her and smile, but she quickly shakes her head.

"I can't do that, Aria," she responds. I sigh. I do not want to go to this party alone. I do not want to go at all.

"Do you ... do you still miss him?" Mia asks quietly.

I look at her. When I came back home years years ago, I told Mia everything. I could not keep it all to myself and she is the only person I trust.

I nod slowly. "Every day," I whisper.


When I arrive at the Jones' place, I see people everywhere. It's extremely crowded and I'm even a little early. I find a place to sit.

A few minutes later, Brandon comes up to me.

"Hey," he says. "Do you like the party? Why aren't you talking to some of the business people here? It's good to make good connections. You probably already know that though."

"I don't feel like it," I say, as I look at the many people. "And I don't need new connections. My father has enough, remember?"

I hear him sigh. "Let me know if need anything."

I nod and Brandon takes his leave. I take a sip from my drink.


As any other business party, this party is super boring. Maybe I'm just not in the mood. I don't know. I just know that I wanna go home.

Suddenly, mr. Jones grabs a microphone and everyone becomes quiet. He starts thanking everyone for coming and holds some irrelevant speech.

I look at him, but I'm not really listening.

I feel my phone vibrate in my bag. I take it out and check what it is. It's a message. I open it.



I frown. It seems like a stupid joke, where whoever made it, guessed I have a fountain and a garden. But things don't happen coincidentally in my life. There is always a reason, good or bad.

I check the time. It says 11:46. I can make it, if I'm fast. I know it's stupid to listen to a text message, but nothing can possibly happen in my garden. Our house is surrounded by security.

I stand up and head to the door, while mr. Jones is still holding his long speech.

I hear Brandon call my name, but I ignore him.

I get in the car and tell the driver to go immediately. Brandon starts texting and calling me, but I just put my phone on Night Mode so I'll avoid having my phone vibrate every two seconds.

I get home by 11:58 PM. I hurry to the garden. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. I walk to the fountain and look around. It's 11:59.

"This was probably some stupid joke. I can't believe I took it serio–" I'm not able to finish my sentence, before I hear an extremely loud noise in the air.

What the hell?

I look up, but I cannot see anything. Suddenly I see a huge object in the air. My eyes widen. Above me, is a helicopter. I turn away to run inside, but I feel something being shot in my arm like a paintball.

Everything becomes hazy and the world starts spinning, before everything goes black.


"I think she's waking up."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. She's definitely starting to."

I hear random voices. I open my eyes slowly.

"Where am I?" I mutter.

 I blink a few times and sit up. My eyes widen. I see a face right in front of me.

"Long time no see."

My heart starts beating fast in fear.

"Zeung! You're alive," I say, clearly shocked.

He let out a chuckle.

"You fools didn't actually think I was dead, did you?" he asks.

I don't answer. Instead, I get up. He crosses his arms.

I look around. You've got to be kidding me ...

"That's right. I used my old friend's method to kidnap you. Except that this is a helicopter. And we're not headed to South Korea, but to China," Zeung smirks.

I feel panic rising in me.

This is not EXO. This guy is in fact super dangerous and he is literally going to either kill me or trade me. Or both, if he can.

"You're a sick idiot," I glare at him.

He scoffs.

"I'm so hurt by your harsh words," he answers sarcastically.

I raise my hand to slap him, but he grabs my wrist.

"I guess our little princess is in a bad mood," he says. "Kris, tie her hands."


I look up to a tall man and I don't believe my own eyes. It is actually Kris.

"Hello Aria," Kris says as he ties my hands. "It's been a while."

"K-Kris. What are you doing with this guy? You should be with the others!" I stutter out as millions of thoughts and questions pass my mind.

"He decided to choose the right side. Chinese brothers unite," Zeung laughs.

Kris stays silent.

I can't believe what I'm hearing. This can't be true.

"How could you do this? You betrayed the people you called your family! How could you do this to them?" I ask him frustrated.

He looks at me with a cold expression. He seems unfazed by my words.

"Baekhyun died, remember? All because of you and your stupid love. He should have let you get home and gotten the Golden Crystal for us. Everyone would have been happy. So how could you do this? How could you make him fight for something that never was possible anyway? You knew you'd never be accepted as a couple by anyone, but you were too selfish to see that. So how could you do this, Aria?" Kris says.

I bite my lip. Baekhyun ...

"I-I didn't know it would end like that. I would never–"

"Oh, you knew everything. We clearly told you about Owen Jackson being our biggest enemy. What did you expect? That his dogs would kindly ask to get you back? I'm finishing what Baekhyun started. I will get the Golden Crystal," Kris says harshly and coldly.

It's like he has become a different person.

"Spoken like a true friend," Zeung chuckles. "Well prepare yourself for a nice trip to China, dear Aria."

I slide down and sit with my knees to my chest.

Baekhyun is not here, Kris has betrayed us, I'm kidnapped again and I'm being sent to China. Why are all these things happening to me?


"How could she disappear?"

"I have no idea. She went home earlier than expected."

"It makes no sense. She has security everywhere!"

"She went outside in the garden and never came inside again."

"So she disappeared out in the blue?"

"No. I think someone took her. A helicopter was heard."

"Shit ... Prepare your things. We're leaving tonight."

"You know where she is?"

"I might have an idea."

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