Smiling Nerd and My Conflicting Emotions

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Song of the chapter: Imagine by Avril Lavinge (I think it kinda fits Auden convincing Donovan to leave but...)

Look at cute little Donovan smiling to the side. --->

Chapter 6

...Smiling Nerd and My Conflicting Emotions...

"Donovan, I need your help!" I exclaim slamming my hands flat on the lunch table causing everyone seated there to jump out of their skin. Rebecca glared at me as she was just in a conversation with Donovan before my interruption and I couldn't help but smirk at her and mouth 'Sorry.' Even though it was obvious that I wasn't.

Tobias chuckled.

"Y-yes?" He asked, excusing himself from the table of inquisitive nerds and walking behind me as I head out of the cafeteria.

"Do you have a car?"

He nodded.

"Can you give me a ride?" I ask and he nods yet again taking me by surprise.

"When?" He asked scratching the back of his neck looking at me sheepishly. It took me a moment due to the fact that he hadn't stuttered, and i squinted my eyes realizing exactly what he was saying.

Oh that's why, he thinks you're talking about after school, Auden.

"Now." I answer blankly and his eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. I fight back the smirk that is threatening to unleash itself at his surprise and grimace slightly.

"N-now?" He echoes and stares at me, bewilderment clear on his face. He blinks and his lips part ever-so-slightly giving him an innocent look.

Welp there he goes stuttering again.

I nod. "Please?"

He blinks.

Most likely taken back by my use of manners.

Yes, I know what manners are.

He blinks again as if knocking himself out of a trance but the confusion hasn't left his eyes. "Why...?"

I breathed out through my nose. The answer to that question I didn't know. I could've called Maurice to pick him up, I could've asked Aunt Lilly, I could've left Ryder and let him get in trouble, I could've asked anyone else. So why did I ask Donovan?

Because you're not friendly with anyone besides Ryder, I told myself although I wasn't quite sure if that was the case.

Even though I barely knew Donovan I felt a nagging feeling about being around him, I wanted to. I looked at him and tilted my head to the side trying to decipher my attraction towards Donovan. It wasn't his looks, although he was cute in a nerdy way I never really judged off looks. My father looked friendly and you see how that turned out. Rebecca seemed nice but she was a bitch,

And quite frankly Donovan seemed to have the personality of a rock.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I was getting off track about something unnecessary. Ryder was outside high as a kite for God's sakes.

"Ryder showed up, and let's say he's less-than-sober, I left my car at home, and I've never learned to drive a motorcycle." I skimmed over the details and Donovan still looked frightened.

"R-R-Ryder Collins?"

"No. The other Ryder we know." I deadpanned causing the blush to reappear on his face again.

I involuntarily smiled at his adorableness and stared at the tile on the floor.

"Sorry." I apologized, the smile so wide I couldn't take it off my face, no matter how hard I tried.

I probably looked like a freak.

Wait... I never care how I look to others so why does it bother me now?

Because you want Donovan's approval, the annoying voice in the back of my head said.

I quickly shook those thoughts.

Donovan meant nothing to me.

He cleared his throat awkwardly causing me to look up at him, half expecting to see those familiar coffee-colored eyes but instead I was met with his brown hair.

"We... W-we have lessons we h-have to a-attend." He stuttered out slightly embarrassed. And pushed his hands in the safety of his pockets.

"Donovan," I started and lightly placed my hand over my face and sighed exasperatedly. "We're seniors... Ever think of letting loose? Having fun?" I asked.

He shook his head so I tried a different approach.

"You are a straight A student. Trust me you won't miss anything if you miss one day." I suggested and he seemed reluctant still. He stood there and looked at the floor as if waiting for it to swallow him whole.

He seemed to be considering my offer until he raised his head and shook it before going back to possibly counting the tile. This sparked a fury within me. I pushed it away.

"Donny come on. Stop being such a buzzkill. I promise I'll pay for gas." I tried but was met with another shake of his head.

It was my last hope. Something I never thought I'd do. But I already apologized which was something else I'd never done. What else did I have to lose?

I crossed the space in between us and using my index finger, lifted his chin slightly so he could see the plea deep within my eyes. I stared at him for a moment before bringing my hand to my side expecting him too look away but he didn't.

Well this boy is just full of surprises.

"Please Donny? I really need this. Ryder is fucking stoned and I don't have any other way to get him away from school property. I know we're not the best of friends and I know you and Ryder don't know each other but..." I trailed off.

I didn't know how to finish, never asking for anything in life gets you like this. I honestly felt like I never needed anyone so asking for help is like admitting defeat.

"Donovan... I'll make it up to you I swear-"

"I'll do it. I-I'll give you a ride." He cut me off, nodding his head slightly.

I was taken back by this. He... was... saying... Yes? Risking his perfect attendance and his grades?

"Really?" I asked and nearly smacked myself. Of course really.

Wait... What the fuck is wrong with me today? Why does me saying 'really?' affect me so much?

"Y-yeah... I'll just tell Tobias and Becky that I... I'm going with you." He stuttered yet again, giving me a reassuring smile as if telling me that was what he was doing and he wasn't gonna ditch me.

That smile...

It made me happy.

And I didn't like that.


I am really, truely extremely sorry. I got myself grounded yet again... So I didn't update but I just got my baby, Pauly, back.

Yes I named my iPad Pauly.

So I hope you forgive me... I'm sick right now and it's most likely Karma biting me in the ass because I didn't update. So if it makes you feel better I'm suffering.

I love you guys for sticking around.

And please check out my other books...


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