Misplaced Children and Dear Aunt Lily

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A/N I'm so effing sorry that I didn't get this out but we just took our finals. After next week I'm out baby. And you know what that means? More writing!

Song of the chapter: Let her Go by Passenger. (Not sure how it fits but... I kinda love the song so...)

Chapter 10

...Misplaced Children and Dear Aunt Lily...

"Auden Castilla Clark!" Aunt Lily yelled as soon as we entered our one-story house. I ignored her temper and pushed straight pat her to the little kitchen to grab something to eat.

Revenge of the weed... You get munchies.

However ignoring her didn't go so smoothly as she followed hot on my trail and entered the kitchen. "Auden... What am I going to do with you?" She asked, chuckling a bit, as she sat at the table and frantically played with her napkin. Let's just say... Aunt Lily had terrible mood swings.

We could never figure out what exactly was wrong with her.

I shrugged at her change of tone and swung my best friend, the fridge, open. Let's see...


A head of lettuce.


And a jar of peanut butter.

That's all we had in the fridge. "What happened to the food I bought?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows in question as I stared at the 'food' that lay on the shelves.

"Your mother had a party today..." She said simply in her over the top cheerful tone.

I groaned throwing my head back and staring at the ceiling to calm myself down. The bitch invited her drinking buddies over and decided she wanted to feed them ALL of our food.

You see, my mother was never home and when she was, she was either drunk as hell or throwing a party. Normally when she threw parties, I took Tate and we stated at a motel for the night do he didn't have to witness his mother taking body shots off some random sleaze much like I had before when I was younger.

"And you didn't call me?!" I exclaimed, grabbing the apple and slamming the fridge door. "God!" I screamed out in frustration and kicked one of the table legs. "Where's Tate?" I asked Lily as she continued to look at he napkin as if they had some connection.

"He's at daycare?" She answered in more of question form, looking a bit confused. I nodded hesitantly until she opened her mouth again. "Or he could be outside..."

Is she serious?

She doesn't know where he is?!

"When did you last see him?" I asked trying to clam down but it came out rough. My eyes were burning and my head was throbbing from the intense headache that was pounding against my skull. I clenched my jaw as she said her next words.

"This morning..." She sang out.

I looked at the clock, it was nine.

It was fucking nine.

"Are you serious?" I asked groaning and running my hand through my hair. "You fucking lost my brother?" I exclaimed.

She giggled. "I didn't lose him, he's just...misplaced." She shrugged.

I refused the urge to punch her in the face as I clutched the apple in anger and slammed it on the table, covering Lily in the juice.


I ignored her frantic wiping at herself, as if the apple juice burned her, and grabbed the car keys leaving the house in a rush, not caring about her screams for me to come back.

My brother was lost...

My five year old brother was lost.


I drove first to the daycare, trying not to panic as I checked for any signs of Tate.

He wasn't there.

Breathing deeply, I mustered up my strength and tried to push my doubts and disappointments to the back of my mind.

My next spot was one of the daycare lady's houses because often times when Lily forgot to pick Tate up, she called and brought Tate home with her so she wouldn't have to leave him at the daycare.

He wasn't there.

Okay... Now I was panicking.

"Tate?" I asked as if he could hear me as I sat in a random car park in the middle of fucking nowhere with my head laying on the steering wheel.

Did I mention that my tank was on E? No gas. Nada.

I clenched my teeth as I punched the wheel, again, and again until I could no longer feel the anger.

"Dammit!" I screamed, hitting the wheel. "Dammit. Dammit Tate, where the fuck are you?!" I exclaimed before deciding that sitting in the car wasn't doing shit. I got out planning to walk to the nearest gas station to see if anyone could help.

But as soon as my feet hit the pavement I forgot my plans and sunk down on the corner, wrapping my arms around my body.

That was until he appeared.

Why he was here? You tell me.

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