Big Ben and Mother Mishaps

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Chapter 11

...Big Ben and Mother Mishaps...

"Ben?" I ask incredulously as he sits down beside me on the street corner. "Benjamin Wallace? Why are you here?" I ask gesturing around the deserted street.

He chuckled, throwing his head back as if I were the most entertaining thing on the planet. "I could as you the same thing." He says, the fluorescent street light flickering above us and reflecting on the slopes and sharpness of his face.

Ben was a friend. A very close friend that I'd known for years. We both fought at the arena from time to time and hooked-up here and there but never as far as sex. It was just to get frustration out.

When in doubt always shove your tongue down a hot guy's throat.

"Well, I was on my way to the arena... And then I saw a beautiful girl crying on a street corner." He smirked when I reached up to feel my face. "Thought I could save a damsel in distress and be all Prince Charming and shit."

I looked forward, away from Ben's smirking figure, and rolled my eyes. "Sorry, no saving here." I said whilst blinking back the tears and breathing deeply.

Of course that was a lie.

My tank was empty, my brother was lost, and I was sitting alone on a street corner in the dark.

I didn't even care that at the moment I looked like a prostitute in my tight leather black shorts as I sat on a street corner close to midnight. I didn't even care that there had been a rusty looking old man standing across the street staring at me. I didn't care that I'd most likely have to beat the shit out of said old man if he came closer.

I was done caring.

"What happened?" He asked as his eyes met the side of my head and I felt him burning holes in it.

I shrugged.

"Your mom?" He asked. I shook my head and stood.

Turning to Ben, I spoke. "Listen, I'd rather not talk about it." I said briskly and he nodded.

Walking away towards his black motorcycle, parked on the edge of the street, he hopped on. Revving the engine, he looked around seemingly lost and then his eyes trained on my and he motioned his head in a way that said 'get on'

"C'mon I'll take you home." He said smiling a little.

I rolled my eyes but walked towards him with my arms crossed. "What part of no saving here did you not get? I don't need your help."

He snorted, driving up closer to me. "You truly are as stubborn as you are beautiful. I can't just leave a maiden on the side of the road, now can I?" He asked smirking but I didn't budge.

Rolling his eyes, he sighed. "Just get on the damn bike Auden." He demanded and this time I rooted my feet to the ground and looked away from his figure.

"Babe, if you don't get on the bike, I'll leave you here. And by the look of things, your tank is empty and you smell like a baby prostitute." he said driving closer. Now, I was tempted to push him off the bike and I would have done just that if I had another ride home.

Stomping and yelling to the sky, I glared at him.

Ben held out a helmet for me, knowing that I'd been outsmarted and he smirked as I snatched it from him. I secured the helmet on myself whilst still glaring at him. Pulling off my leather jacket that was sticking to me like a second skin, I placed it on the seat.

"What about the car?" I asked as I reluctantly slid on the back of his Ducati. Wrapping my arms around his tight torso, I felt the bike jolt a little as he chuckled in a way that told me he was trying to convince himself that I wasn't as dense as I most likely sounded.

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