Back In The Day

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It was a bright summer morning in the Winchester's home. The sky was clear, no clouds to be seen. The birds chirped with the morning crickets. The scenery was beautiful and calm.

Too beautiful and calm.

Fifteen year old Dean Winchester watched as his father, John, shoved his hunting supplies into a large black suitcase. He mumbled to himself occasionally, and constantly glanced at his watch. Dean smiled and looked down, completely amused and baffled at the same time.

"Dad, I think you're overreacting." He stated flatly for the eighth time. "Yes, it's strange. It's a nice morning, and you haven't gotten to go on a hunting trip for a couple of weeks. But could you please relax?" "Relax?" His father repeated, standing up straight and turning to his oldest son, his eyebrows furrowed together. "Dean, something obviously is gonna happen. Maybe the apocalypse is gonna start, or some demon is gonna go on a killing spree. I'm not sure. But this?" His dad motioned to the scene outside. "This makes me worried."

"And you're leaving now because of it?" Dean asked. John sighed and stared at his son, wishing he would understand the danger that he was in. "It's for the best, Dean. I need to keep my family safe." "But we are safe!" Dean argued, upset now. "We're in a safe house, a safe neighborhood and everything. How can you not see that?"

"Look Dean." His dad gave him a serious expression. "This is my life now. It's for the best. Anywhere I go, I could be in danger. It's worse if you and your brother are with me." Dean felt his heart shatter into pieces. Did his dad really just say that? His eyes filled with tears. At his son's change in emotion, John shoulders sagged. "What about Sammy?" Dean said quietly, his voice wavering. John closed his eyes, fighting back his own tears now. "You'll have to look after him, son."

"So you're just gonna abandon us?" Dean's voice began rising, without him meaning to. "You're gonna just take off, to a place you don't even know you're gonna end up in? That's the plan?" Dean didn't know what was happening. Sure. He'd been on several hunting trips with his father before. But never had he expected this.

"I'm sorry Dean." John said, picking up his bag without looking at his son. "But I have to leave. You're a strong boy, you know that? I know you can keep Sammy and yourself out of harm. I know you can protect him." Protect. The word came out harsh, as if it was a word that was forced out of John's mouth.

"Dad, I think you know something. What's going on?" Dean spoke, fighting the urge to scream at him. "This is ridiculous and you know it." "I'm sorry." His father repeated, so quietly that he had to strain to hear him. "Dad, please... Don't leave." Dean begged.

His dad turned as he reached the door to look at his son. A single tear ran down his cheek. "Goodbye Dean. I love you. Tell Sammy I love him too." And with that, he slipped through the door, and was gone.


Dean collapsed onto the couch in despair. What was he gonna do? He couldn't call now. His dad probably didn't have signal. He couldn't contact him anyhow. His dad had wanted to keep him safe. Dean didn't know if a single email would bring his father great harm. Because of him.

He glanced at a photo hanging on the wall above the television. It was a photo of himself, his father, his brother as a baby, and his mother, Mary. Seeing her brought pain into his heart. His mom had died eleven years ago. She had been killed by a demon, and burned on the ceiling. Dean remembered that night. His father had been shouting in their bedroom. They had fought a few times before that. So, being a four year old, Dean had suspected that it was another argument.

But then he began to feel heat. Heat that burned his skin and made his bedroom full of smoke. His baby brother began to cry loudly. This wasn't normal. Sammy almost never cried like this. It seemed more like terror and pain at the same time. Almost like something bad was happening to him.

Dean rushed out of his bedroom, attempting to run through the hall that was also now filled with smoke. It burned his eyes and throat, and his lungs felt like they were on fire. "Dean!" His father's voice rang out a few feet away. Dean squinted, making out his father's silhouette.

John found his son standing in the middle of the hall, terrified. He quickly handed the boy his baby brother. "Take him outside and keep safe." He ordered. "Go, Dean, go!"

Dean nodded and sprinted down the stairs, and bolted through the front door. The night was calm outside, and stars twinkled above him. A sound of a distant siren blared. Dean blinked. This can't be happening.

Luckily, Sammy had stopped crying, and was now staring at his big brother curiously. "You're okay Sammy," Dean whispered, pulling his brother closer to his body. "I'll take care of you, and you'll be safe." Suddenly, a loud crash was heard above him. Dean turned to see his father jumping out of his bedroom window. He was covered with black ash, and his clothes were smoking.

Dean didn't remember much after that. He remembered the firefighters marching into the house, trying to tame the wild flames. He remembered the policemen asking his father questions about the incident. He remembered the paramedics wrapping them in warm blankets. And he remembered his brother's soft whimpers from his embrace. But he knew something that would haunt him for the rest of his life. His mother, the sweet woman who would do anything for her kids, was dead.



Sammy's voice startled Dean, causing him to jerk in surprise. He looked up to see his brother standing over him with a worried expression on his face. He sat up, suddenly noticing that he was covered with a blanket and a pillow tucked under his head. He didn't remember falling asleep.

"What do you need, Sammy?" Dean asked groggily. Sammy hesitated, shifting his weight on his feet, before answering. "I heard you talking." "What do you mean?" Dean asked, motioning for him to sit next to him on the couch. Sam plopped down and stared at his hands. "You were talking in your sleep." He said.

"About what?" "Mom." Sammy sighed and looked up at his brother. "You were calling her name, over and over again." Dean groaned and sat back. Great. He'd worried his brother. "Oh, I was just... Dreaming. About..." Dean didn't finish, and he didn't have to. Sammy knew. Though he didn't remember that tragic night, or his mother, he knew how much it hurt Dean to talk about it. So he let it drop.

"Where's Dad?" He asked instead. He winced as his brother's eyes filled with rage. "On a hunting trip." He spat. "For nothing." "Is he on the whole idea where he's keeping us safe or something?" Sammy asked, raising and eyebrow. Dean nodded. "What's the point? Ever since the thing with mom," He closed his eyes just saying that word, "Our family has been in danger. We always are. There's no point in leaving again."

Sammy nodded. "I understand. It's frustrating." "You think?" Dean laughed darkly. "But he's trying to do the right thing." Sammy said, pointing the thought out. "I mean, he's probably a bit paranoid from... You know what. He doesn't want to lose us too, Dean."

Dean sighed. His brother was right. No matter how upsetting it was, his dad WAS trying to do the right thing. He knew that. But what he also knew is that his dad didn't realize how hard it was on his kids.

"I know Sammy," Dean said, resting an arm on his shoulder. "I'm just... mad." "I know." Sammy nodded. For an eleven year old, he was pretty smart.

"But no need to worry." Dean said after a moment a silence. He turned to his brother and smiled his famous dazzling white smile that could flatter anyone in a second. "I'll take care of you. Even if it's the last thing I do, I will never let you go."

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