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It was three in the morning.

Castiel was still trying to adjust to being a human, though he found sleeping very difficult. He never understood why humans needed to close their eyes and lay down for hours at a time. Why did they get so tired?

Castiel rolled onto his side, blinking at the darkness in his room. Suddenly, a cold breeze brushed past him, and he shivered.

Why is it so damn cold?

The ex-angel sat up, slipping his feet over the side of the bed and walked over to the window, wanting to discover what was causing him to feel like this. His eyes widened to the sight of white droplets falling from the sky, covering the green earth. They piled up onto the Impala's roof, and on the front yard of the bunker.

Of course, Cas had never seen such a sight before.

Pulling the curtains closed, he rushed out of his room and burst into Dean's. The Winchester was sleeping, but jerked up to the sound of Cas entering. "Cas," He groaned, his voice full of sleep. "I'm not even gonna ask what's going on. It's three in the morning." "Yes, I know Dean, but I must alert you of something." Cas babbled. "There's strange white things falling from the sky, and they're falling onto your car."

"It's snowing, Cas." Dean replied, rolling onto his side. "It happens when it's cold. Do I need to explain it to you, or can I go back to sleep?"

Cas didn't need to answer. Mostly because Dean pretended to fall back into his slumber at that instant, snoring loudly. Cas sighed and slipped out of Dean's room.

When he returned to his own room, Castiel decided he needed a better view of this "snowing".

He pulled his trench coat over his shoulders, slipped on his shoes, and headed outside.

Dean's eyes fluttered open at the sound of the door closing. He pulled himself out of his bed and threw on his own jacket, then slowly made his way out.

When he opened the door, he stopped at the sight of Castiel, standing in the middle of the yard, only in his pajamas and trench coat. He nearly laughed when he watched Cas dust the snow out of his dark hair.

"Whatcha doing out here, Cas?" Dean asked him, walking up next to him. "I wanted to have a better view of this 'snowing'." Cas replied, turning his attention back to the scenery. Dean nodded, and watched with him. He noticed Cas was shivering, and he sighed, slinging his coat over his shoulders. Cas looked at him with a confused look just as a snowflake landed on his nose. Dean chuckled and kissed his nose, making Cas look even more confused, if that was even possible.

"Shut up," Dean grinned, pulling Cas into him. They stayed outside, not speaking, but smiling and watching the snow continually fall. It was perfect.

That was, until Sam stormed out of the house in his pajamas towards them. "What the heck are you doing outside at three am?!"

AN: Hey guys. Sorry if I don't update that often this week, I'm pretty busy. Today is my birthday, tomorrow I have to start school again, Wednesday I'm going to church, Thursday I have dance, and Friday my mom won't be here, including most of Saturday and Sunday. Please give me some ideas for more one-shots- I'm running out of my own! Thanks.

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