Demon!Dean (Fan Made)

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Dean's eyes were pure black orbs, concentrating on Sam with pure hate and hunger for death. Sam stood before him, pressing his back against the wall, trying to flatten himself so much that he wouldn't have to worry about Dean getting closer to him.

Dean's head cocked to the side as his grip on the butcher knife tightened, his knuckles turning white. He grinned at his terrified brother, his inhumanly white teeth showing. "You act like I want to be cured," Dean growled, stepping closer to Sam. But his brother closed his eyes and gulped back his terror before answering him.

"Dean, this isn't you." He said, not looking his demon filled brother in the eyes. Dean scoffed, half heartedly. "What are you even talking about Sammy?" He asked, so innocently that Sam would have thought Dean was back to normal. Sam shook his head. "My brother would never take time to go out and kill me." He stated. The demon hummed a response, but didn't do anything. "And my brother would always want me to be safe and protected." Sam continued. "Because that's what Dean is like. He's protected me since I was a baby."

"Is that so?"

Sam winced as he felt the demon closer to him now. He shuddered. "Are you saying that I'm not your brother Sammy?" The demon asked him, his voice sharper than before. Sam didn't respond, instead opened his eyes to face the demon itself. It's dark eyes had a small faint glow in the back, almost blue. Though that didn't make Sam feel any better.

"As if you know what I'm saying," Sam laughed bitterly. "I don't even know if demons have siblings."

"We do have brothers in the Underworld." The demon hissed, positioning the knife under Sam's chin, threateningly pressing the blade into his neck. "Some that will take over your world, and rule all of you humans, as well as destroy your whole community."

"Is that so?" Sam asked mockingly.

The demon snarled and added more force to the blade. "I'd be careful if I were you, Sam Winchester. You don't want to upset me or my master." "Who, Lucifer?" Sam guessed, sniffing. "God, I could care less about that guy." The demon slammed his hand against Sam's shoulder, hard. It made it difficult for Sam to move out of his grip. The demon was panting now. "Now listen here human." It growled lowly. "One more comment like that and you'll have yourself killed."

"Is that so?" A voice behind the demon asked, innocently, yet filled with sarcasm. The demon slowly backed away from Sam and turned, facing Castiel. The angel had a sly smirk on his face, and his arms were crossed over his chest.

"Be gone angel of Heaven." The demon spat at him. "This does not involve you, nor does it worry you."

"Hm, I think it does." Cas said, and with that, he threw himself at the demon instantly. The demon was so surprised that he was knocked back, slamming into the wall himself. Castiel positioned them to where he was standing before him, both hands on his head. He took a deep breath before smiting the demon hard. A loud howl escaped from his mouth, before demon was gone. In his place sat the normal Dean Winchester.

"Cas?" He asked groggily, as if he had just woken up from a good night's rest. He turned to face his brother. "Oh... Hi Sammy." He smirked crookedly. He knew he hated being called Sammy at this age.

"Hey Dean." Sam answered hesitantly, then gulped. "Do you remember anything about a demon possessing you?" Dean shook his head, completely baffled. "No, why?"

"Good." Castiel responded, glancing at Sam worriedly, his expression telling him that he was needing to speak with him back at the bunker. "Keep it that way. It's best for all of us."

As the trio headed back out to the impala, Dean leaned against his boyfriend's frame, muttering over and over again about how he felt like crap, and only pie could make him feel better. Cas just chuckled and shook his head.

Dean was back to normal.

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