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Dean didn't know what he was hearing when he woke up.

He thought he was dreaming, first off.

The green eyed hunter had rolled over to catch his boyfriend, Castiel, in his strong arms. But what shocked him was that Castiel wasn't there. The sheets were cool, so he had to have woken up earlier than a few minutes ago.

Then Dean heard it.

It was soft at first, but then got louder by every second. No mistake, it had been music. Classical music, which he was not used to hearing.

"Cas?" Dean called, his voice still groggy from sleeping. The sound stopped abruptly, and Dean heard someone walking to the bedroom. The door opened, and there stood Cas, dressed for the day, looking like he was fully rested and ready for the day.

"Oh, my apologies, Dean. Have I woken you?" The angel asked sincerely, his head tilted to the side. "Oh, um, no, actually." Dean shook his head, rubbing his eyes. "But on that note, what was that?"

"What was what?"

"You know, that music that was playing a second ago."

Suddenly, a blush spread across Cas's face, catching Dean by surprise. "Oh, um, that was... Me, Dean." "You were making that music?" Dean asked, his jaw dropping. Cas nodded and pulled from hidden under his coat out a small, wooden stringed instrument, smoothing the edges tenderly.

"You play the viola?"

"Yeah, Michael taught me how to play when we were kids. It relaxes me." Cas didn't look up at Dean while speaking, knowing it would embarrass himself even more. "I can stop if you want-"

"Babe, you're amazing at that!" Dean exclaimed, cutting Cas off. Cas smiled and looked up finally. "Thank you, Dean. That means a lot."

"And you're not the only one who relaxes while you play that," Dean grinned, walking over to his angel in the doorway and wrapping his arms around his hips. He leaned down and kissed the tip of Cas's nose, causing him to blush harder. Dean laughed.

"Now, I don't know about you, but I'm ready to get some breakfast." Dean said, letting go of Cas and walking out of his room. When he didn't hear Cas follow, he turned, a small smile tugging at his lips when he saw the angel's eyes widen, the blush never disappearing. "You coming?" "Oh, yes," Cas said, smiling at his boyfriend and heading out into the kitchen with him.

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