Not Going Anywhere

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Dean stared out of his bedroom window into the rainy bliss outside. He sighed, watching the tiny water droplets hit the glass window pane and slide down to the bottom, creating different patterns on the surface. The lights were off, so the only light that was seen was outside, which illuminated Dean's face.

'I really miss you, Mom,' He thought, hoping the message would be brought to her. 'I can't stand how you aren't here with us today. I wish I could still see you.' Dean fell back onto his bed, closing his eyes. He wished he didn't feel so upset. He wasn't sad all the time. In fact, when he was with his brother and his angel, Castiel, he felt more happiness than he ever had.

A sound in the corner of the room caused Dean to open his eyes and jerk upright. His eyes fell on Castiel, who was standing near the window, watching him. "Hello Dean," he said softly, his voice so deep that it made Dean's heart race a bit faster. "Oh. Hey Cas." Dean said, a bit relieved. "Did I frighten you? I thought you were asleep." Cas asked, walking over to the bed and sitting down on the edge of the mattress.

"Uh, no, actually." Dean said, sitting back against the bed frame. "I actually suspected it was you." Castiel nodded, his blue eyes desperately searching his green ones. "You're upset." He said after a moment. His expression was soft, yet troubled. "I-I-" Dean sighed, knowing it was useless to deny it. Castiel knew him. He KNEW him. He could tell how he was feeling, or if he was thinking of something.

"I suppose I am." Dean looked down, ashamed. For a moment, he didn't hear anything, and he had thought Cas had left. But he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, causing him to look up at his handsome angel. "Dean," He spoke, "Have you been worrying about your mother lately?" "Yeah." Dean nodded.
"And you're worried that you'll lose everyone else, too." Cas said, almost talking to himself now. Dean nodded again, not knowing how to reply to this.

He looked down again. "Dean, look at me." Castiel said. Dean didn't move. He felt his tears stinging his eyes. He didn't want Castiel to see him like this, or else he'd worry him too. "Dean." Cas said again. Still Dean ignored him. "Look. At. Me." Giving in, Dean sniffed and looked up.

"You don't have to worry about any of that." Cas said softly, embracing his love. "I know." Dean said quietly. "It's just.... I don't want to not have anyone with me. A-And I don't want to feel alone again." "You are never alone." Castiel soothed him, hugging him tighter now. "You will always have me, and Sam, and Bobby, and all of your other loved ones. Because guess what? We aren't going anywhere. Never would. Never will."

Dean leaned into Cas's shoulder, burying his face into him. "Thank you Cas." Dean whispered. "For what?" Cas asked him, kissing his head. "You're always there for me... You know... To make me feel better and everything. I'd die without you with me."

"Again. I will never leave you. I don't want to leave you." Cas smiled, wrapping his arm around his waist. Dean sighed into him. He never knew he'd meet someone as perfect as his Castiel.

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