3-Moving Again

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As soon as I got inside my house I wasn't sure if I should be embarrassed or happy. I mean I literally made a fool of myself today multiple times, but 'KENTA JUST WALKED ME HOME!!!' I mentally screamed and did a victory dance to myself, pumping my fists in the air and spinning in several circles with my eyes shut.

"WhatーChiya, is that you? Why are you making so much noise? CHIYA! YOU'RE ALL WET! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Go hurry and change. I'll dry your clothes. I don't want you to get sick now honey."

"Ok mother, I will," I replied, grateful for her lack of questioning. I was already tired enough as I was. I made my way upstairs. I changed into some comfortable clothes and headed downstairs with my clothes for my mom to wash.

"Here ya go Mom."

"Not so fast Chiya!" As soon as those words came out, I felt trouble coming.

"Y-yes? Mom? What is it?" I said trying my best not to show any fear.

"What's this?" She held up a jacket. WAIT A MINUTE, WAIT A SECONDーthat's Kenta's! I face palmed, hiding my flushed face.

"Chi, is this a boy's jacket? Come on you don't have to hide it, I'm all ears. I won't judge."

"What?" I say completely dumbfounded.

"Tell me over dinner, I gotta put your clothes in the wash. Tell me all about him," Mom said with a wink. It was at this moment that I internally began to cry and bang my head on an imaginary table.

"Mom. It's just a friend's jacket. He lent it to me because we both got stuck in the rain," I said as we talked in the living room while the food was still cooking.

"Yeah huh, sure. And I bet he wishes you lent your jacket to him right now," Mom laughed, placing her arms in a relaxed way behind her head on our soft tan sofa.

"Ughh!" I let my head hang down in exhaustion.

Mom and I proceeded to talk, me protesting and she retaliating. Father suddenly knocked on the door just a little after we started eating. We welcomed him in from the cold night's air.

"Darling, I thought you would be home late today?" Mom said as she led Dad to the table. He was visibly shivering so much that he hadn't even removed his thick trench coat.

"I was, but there's been a change of plans. I have good news," though the way he said it it didn't seem so. Things never seemed good when it came to my dad. "The company has lost a major manager and they've promoted me to his job." He took our silence as a signal to continue. "So we'll have to move right away."

I was speechless. "We just got here though!" I exclaimed which you must never do in front of my father.

Before when I was little, we didn't move, and Mom still worked so I was left at home alone a lot. But as I got older Dad's work progressed more and he got a higher position in the company each time, requiring moving.

"That just makes it easier to move. The office is in a good location too. It'll be great for the family. In addition to my raised pay, we've even been offered a fantastic house." Mom didn't say anything but looked sourly at Dad. "Now let's eat," Father said with a grunt. I looked on with dismay.

"Excuse me, I don't feel like eating anymore," I said clearing my spot from the table and heading to my room.

I still don't understand how we're suddenly moving again. Does that mean I need to go to a different school again? Does that mean my first day at my new school is a waste of time? How about the new friends I've met? How about Kenta? HOW ABOUT KENTA? I don't know. This day is a jumble of emotions. From shyness, embarrassment, cheeks blushing... It was just so overwhelming. From the smiles and laughs... and just the happiness in general. It was all so new to me. But of course with happiness, comes sadness to balance it out. Suddenly I'll come home and then all the joy fades away. I was thinking that maybe I'd like it here. It wasn't that hard making friends. And then poof, all my hopes, they're gone now. Why?

A cloud of sadness came upon me, making it seem like it was raining again. I just want to stay here. I actually became close friends with someone and now it'll just all go away. I'm guessing it'll take around a week for us to move find a new house. So in the meantime, I'll just try to make memories with Kenta and school while I still can.

Author Note #3 FairySaiii
FairySaiii  hi readers!
this is FairySaiii and I wasn't much of an author of the book, but, I created the cover and edited when it was finished with @RoseShower, all of these girls worked pretty hard on this story and I just want you all to see that. this short story actually turned out a lot better than I had expected ! chiya is just so relatable and I'm sure you can find someone in your life that you relate to kenta hehe ;)) I hope you all enjoy the story ! and thank you for choosing to read blush blush amongst all the original books on wattpad haha wink wonk

(( ps, I made a one shot ff for this book and it'll be up soon !! ))

~~ FairySaiii

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