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Lunch break came and Sana, Miriko, and I all went to the cafeteria. Miriko was reading a book while eating. "Miriko, don't multitask. Eat your lunch first," Sana scolded.

"I can't! This book is the feels!!" Miriko squealed.

"What is it about?" I asked and took a bite from my sandwhich.

"It's about a guy and a girl who have known each other since they were kids. The girl highkey likes the boy and that really irritates him. But then their worlds get FLIPPED and now the girl doesn't like him anymore. Then the guy suddenly realizes that he was indeed in love with the girl the whole time." We never got the chance to react to the plot because suddenly, Kenta, Kai, and Ren came over.

"Hello beautiful ladies!" Kai sat down and winked, while folding his arms on the table. Kenta sat in front of me and smiled, his eyes disappearing. I like the way he smiles. He always looks elated and every time he smiles or laughs, it causes me to do the same.

Kenta and I were too busy staring at each other, when we suddenly gotten interrupted by a devilish Ren. "Whatcha two love birds doing?"

"Huh?! What it's not l-like that??" Kenta and I both exclaimed, glancing over at each other in shock because we had both said the same thing.

"Hahaha, I was just teasing you guys, don't gotta get all defensive about it," Ren said with a cheeky smile, staring at us, two tomatoes. In spite of his stone-like appearance, I guess he took great relish in teasing his friends at the most crucial moments. Now there was an awkward silence between us as we tried to avoid eye contact. Miriko noticed and decided to break the awkward atmosphere.

"So umm do you guys wanna go eat or go the park after school again? It was really fun yesterday!" She announced to the whole table. Everyone agreed, except for Kenta and I.

"Sooooo are ya guys coming?" Kai said trying to coax the awkwardness out.

"Yeah I think it'll be fun, right Chi?" Kenta glanced at me. "Uhhh uh y-yea." Wyaaaaa why did he call me Chi??? The thought of me moving popped in my head and I was ready to tell my friends.

"H-hey guy-"


Darn. That stupid bell, why must you ring while I had something important to say. "You were going to say something Chiya?" Sana asked.

"Oh it's nothing," I replied with a sigh.

Kenta seemed to notice and said "Don't worry Chi, you can tell us at the park. Oh! And is your forehead ok? Hehhhe sorry about that." Soon everyone cleaned their tables and threw their lunch away.

After school ended we headed to the park together. Miriko and Sana were walking in the front. They were probably the second loudest next to Kenta and Kai. Apparently they were talking about some anime called "Gakuen Alice" or whatever. However it didn't really interest me since I've never heard of it before. I was walking near the back and I wasn't talking much since well I don't talk much. At least I had Ren walking next to me though... it wasn't weird at all but there was a silence, a comforting one. I'm not that close to Ren but to me he seems like the perfect big brother. While walking I was looking up at the sky that was very, very, very pretty today for some reason and I wasn't looking where I was going. Captivated by the pastel baby blue scenery, I almost tripped and fell over some big pebble on the ground. Luckily Ren had caught me but in such an awkward position...I was basically in his arms...

"Are you alright? You need to be more careful, Chiya," He said in concern still holding me. Everyone had stopped walking and looked back at us wondering what the commotion was. I blushed since I was not use to the attention on me but I responded to him saying,

"Thank you but I'm alright." I said still blushing. Suddenly, I was pulled away from Ren's arms and now I was in Kenta's!!!!! I blushed even harder and looked down almost immediately. Kenta somehow looked annoyed and concerned at the same time. He looked down at me and held me firmly by the shoulders saying,

"Are you sure you're alright? You need to be more careful and pay attention to your surroundings! What if you got hurt?" He stared deeply into my eyes awaiting my answer. I blushed even harder and broke eye contact nodding my head in agreement. He then let go of my shoulder only to hold onto my hands. Ndkchsbfisuagdoa waaaat whyyyyyyy? I looked at him in surprise. He looked down at me in confusion, "What? It's so you don't fall again." I blushed and looked down.

"Woooow now that was a scene! Kekekkekekekkeeke!" I heard someone say. I looked up on the direction of the voice and I saw Sana with one hand over her grinning mouth.

And her eyes were shining with glee like everyone else except Ren. He looked as serious as usual. That's also when I realized everyone was still there and witnessed the whole entire thing. I was panicking so much!! As I was going to look down I had eye contact with Ren and that reminded me of the situation we were in earlier. We were looking into each others eyes but not in a romantic I want you or I like you way. Our staring was broken, when Kenta started dragging me away holding my hand. I looked up back at him, to see him looking pretty pissed... I wonder why though? I finally caught up to his walking pace and now we're walking side by side holding hands with the rest of the group behind us. I was blushing super hard! When I looked back up at Kenta I saw him looking back glaring. I follow his stare to see him glowering at Ren who was walking next to Kai and listening to the others talk about stuff. Ren then looked at us and at first he was emotionless and then he suddenly looked at me and smiled. I was confused as fuuuuuuk. Ren then looked at Kenta and smirked... I was more confuuuused!!!!!!!!!????????? Like what??

I looked back at Kenta to see him with an angry, outraged face, eyes basically on fire. He looked forward again and this time instead of walking faster he straight up ran. Like no joke ran like he was in a race to win 1,000,000,000,000 dollars... and I was being dragged with him. I heard shouting from the back but Kenta wouldn't stop.

I just ran with him trying to matching my steps with his pounding ones or else I would've probably fallen on my face. Anyways by the time we stopped running we weren't at the park we were someplace else. We ended up in front of a cafe. He still hasn't let go of my hand yet either...

Author Note #5
nessaten , here! Heyyooooo~~~ This story was really interesting and fun to make, considering that it was my first time writing something like this (>.<) Thank you for giving this story so many reads! It's all thanks to you that our group has been having more of a great time writing this~ I also have a couple of stories that are on pause, so I'd be glad if you checked them out (=ω) So go right on ahead and enjoy this~~

Other authors including myself and nessaten : Jams4lifeu FairySaiii stainless_pizza behoneybee

Thank you so much for reading :DD

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