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2 years later

Okay, Chiya you can do this. I was in my car checking my bun in my compact and stressing over whether or not my pink and beige summer dress was fit for the occasion. Just because you haven't seen them in person for a very very long time, doesn't mean it's awkward! I mean you've kept in touch so it'll be fine! JUST USE YOUR STRENGTH! And with that I grabbed my purse and pushed open my car door. I'd driven back to the city where I'd met Kenta and the others and was going to meet up with them. I was going into my first year of college and I hadn't seen anyone since I'd left.

I stepped onto the playground from the park we used to walk to after school. Almost everything had stayed the same. I could even see the exact place where I'd gotten hit by that ball. Aghhh... even thinking about that now still makes me want hold my palm up to my face in embarrassment and pain.

Though my friends had grown older I recognized them easily. Sana's hair was shorter and darker but her smiling face was the same. Miriko no longer had a romance novel in her hand as it was entwined with a non blushing and well dressed Ren's. Kai's hair was longer and he was trying to irritate a red faced Sana. And then Kenta. Taller and more muscular, but he still had that gentle and caring look about him. He was first to notice me.

"CHIYA!" he called out. The others ran to me and surrounded me in a big hug.

"You look great! I love your bun!" Sana remarked as she squeezed me in her arms.

"It's so nice to see you," Miriko and Ren chorused.

"Contacts?" Kai laughed, as he removed Ren's glasses and put them on playfully. I nodded and snickered at their bickering.

"Hey, how are you?" Kenta said taking my hands in his. His voice was a bit shy and it made me blush.

"Great," I said looking into his indigo eyes entrancing as ever. And still handsome as always.

"Why don't we get some ice cream?" Kenta asked, and I remembered our high school days like they were yesterday.

We caught up at the parlor. I learned that Ren and Miriko started going out soon after I left. Sana had gotten into an entertainment agency and Kai was going to a nearby college on a scholarship for sports. We talked about old jokes and about why Sana and Kai still haven't hooked up. Well, when Sana and Kai went to the restroom. Of course, they went together. Though around 5 o'clock it seemed like all the others needed to head out. Similarly to our first time at the parlor, Sana and Kai headed out first. Then Miriko and Ren followed. Except this time the couple was making kissy faces at us and the singles blushing.

"So let's go?" Kenta said holding out his arm. I giggled and accepted it. We walked to a bench in the park, and caught up on more personal things.

"So how are you doing?" I asked.

"Fine. My family is doing a lot better. I got part time jobs a while after you left and was able to help out. My sister has become more outgoing, too."

"That's great! I'm really happy for you." I smiled, knowing that Kenta wouldn't have to be under as bad troubling circumstances.

"How's it going for you?"

"We stopped moving so much a few months ago. My dad finally realized how his family felt about the moving thing. He's apologized and our whole family relationship has improved drastically."

"Wow! That's awesome!"

With all this good news over we came to an awkward silence. I was avoiding a certain question. My eyes moved towards him, as I tried not to move my head. I caught him doing the same thing. Maybe he's thinking what I'm thinking? Alright, if I don't ask now I won't ask ever...

"So are you in a relationship?" We both asked at the same time red in the face. We smiled realizing that there really was no need for the awkward atmosphere.

"No," I said.

"Nope," he replied. Then starting to stutter as a blush overcame his face he started, "So uhh... Well uh... Y'know... I've liked you ever since we met and you got hit by that ball in the face."

"Wow thanks." We laughed. Meanwhile I could feel my heartbeat growing faster at supersonic speed.

"And since the time that you left my feelings have grown even more. We kept in contact ever since and all but I think that if I don't ask what I'm about to right now then I'll never be able to take not seeing you again." I blushed as he folded his fingers into mine and looked at me with pleading and anxious eyes. "Chiya I really really like you. I promise that I will be the best guy I could ever be for you, using all of my power. And I assure you I'm a lot more stronger now! Will you go out with me?"

I couldn't hide my tears of joy or my bursting glee. "I've liked you ever since too. Yes, I would be happy to be your girlfriend."

At that second it started raining. Not hard but drizzling and soaking us nonetheless. Unphased, Kenta picked me up and spun me around screaming out, "YESSS THANK YOU YESSSSS!" I laughed with him and joined his yelling, spreading my arms out welcoming the rain. The droplets were starting to thin as Kenta put me down. The clouds slowly making way for the creeping sun.

Looking into eachother's smiling eyes was one of the best moments I'll ever have. Kenta put his hands on my face and leaned his into mine. Without thinking, as if it was natural, I wrapped my arms around his neck. Then, as the rain stopped and the sun peeked out of its den of fluff, Kenta pressed his lips softly yet lovingly onto mine. I did the same, marking the official start of our love with the the imprint of my lips. I closed my eyes to let the moment sink in but I'm pretty sure a rainbow the color of love was shining down upon us.

As we walked to Kenta's house, our clothes still dripping from the surprise shower, we held hands. Fingers intertwined like our hearts. Everything felt like a dream but Kenta's warmth told me it was not.

"Hey wait where are you going for college?" I asked realizing I'd forgotten earlier.

"Kenchi University. What about you?" Kenta said.

My eyes lit up and I did a little jump. "Me too!"

He laughed at my expression as if to say 'Cute as always.' Smiling, he responded, "Well, that'll be good," as he pulled me closer to him. The iridescent sky hung down on us as he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. Then, from there on we walked along the path to the unknown future.

♥Except this time we'd be together, for sure♥

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Except this time we'd be together, for sure

WAHHHHH THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER IM CRI TT The authors of this book actually wrote this a while ago but we just waited to publish... waited a very Very VERY long time but somehow we're here and that's what matters :D

Thank you so much for reading and supporting this story. It means a lot that you took a chance on this small book and we really love you for doing so :))) We hope you enjoyed Chiya's story and her blooming romance ;)

BTW there is a side story to this book called Crush Crush written by our wonderful editor and cover artist FairySaiii GO READ IT!



-RoseShower behoneybee stainless_pizza Jams4lifeu nessaten FairySaiii

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