Chapter One

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Louis' POV
"Fag!" Kenny yelled into my ear as he pushed me up against my locker. I did my best to ignore the much taller, masculine boy in front of me but it was easier said than done. As he continued to spit inaudible words at me while I was sandwiched in between him and my old grey locker I started breathing heavily. This always happens when he bullies me physically, because of my anxiety. I did my best to calm myself down but nothing seemed to work until a curly headed boy came over and convinced Kenny to get off of me. Kenny finally agreed and with one last kick to my stomach, he walked away. The curly headed boy looked at me with a weak smile. "Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.
I tried to say yes but was still in the middle of one of my small anxiety attacks. Being unable to speak, I nodded.
"No you're not." He disagreed, leading me over to the councilor's office. I tried to pull away but he just tightened his grip on my wrist. As we stepped inside, him in front of me, I calmed down a bit.
"Harry? It isn't time for your appointment until after school I thought?" The elderly woman said to the green eyed boy, who was apparently called, Harry.
He awkwardly coughed, pretending to clear his throat. "Oh um, yeah. This is um-"
But before he could finish asking my name Mrs. Hogsett came over and draped her arms over me in a hug.
"Louis!" She practically yelled. I pulled away, never being much of a people person. Whenever I came in for my appointment she would always hug me, I would pull away. It was always the same.
Harry coughed again "Um? You two know each other?"
"Oh yes! Louis comes in all the time to talk to me!" She spoke, louder than necessary. Don't get me wrong, she's a wonderful lady but sometimes she's embarrassing to be around.
As Harry looked over at me with a questioning look, my face immediately heated up and I could feel my cheeks turn red.
"Oh boys! Sit down please!" The woman said, breaking the silence.

Harry's POV
"Oh boys! Sit down please!" The woman said, breaking the silence as she sat down in her own chair.
Me and the boy called Louis both sat down, a chair away from each other.
"So why are you both here today?" She asked, with a fake grin on her face.
I looked over at the cute boy sitting next to me but he obviously wasn't going to make eye contact or speak up.
"I found Louis here being bullied in the hall." I said sadly to the old woman, still looking at Louis.
She looked over at Louis sternly "Who was it this time Louis?" She asked, concern clear in her voice.
He continued to let his head hang low but I could see his cheeks turn red again.
"Louis." She said again.
He closed his eyes, tears were threatening to spill.
"Louis." She said once again, her voice full of frustration and small ounces of worry.
I looked up at her, I can't believe I'm about to do this for someone I just met. "Can I talk to him alone please?" I asked.
She looked at Louis then back at me and nodded, getting up from her noisy office chair. She walked out of the room and closed the heavy door. As soon as I knew she wasn't listening I stood up and walked over to the small boy. I crouched down in front of him. "It's okay, just cry." I whispered
He looked up at me with watery eyes for a minute then back down at his lap. He put his head in his hands and let the tears flow endlessly. I had only just met him but I knew that this was the start of a beautiful friendship.
I picked the seemingly weightless, fragile boy up bridal style and sat down in a floral print chair in the corner of the room. It looked like something I would find in my grandma's house.
I sat down in the highly uncomfortable chair with the weeping boy in my lap, his face buried in my chest. I could feel his tears seeping through my shirt and wetting my skin.
After a few minutes of Louis crying he got up from my lap and looked down at me. No longer feeling the touch of his skin, I began to grow lonely.
"I'm sorry." He spoke. His eyes were red and puffy and his cheeks were stained with tears. Both of our shirts were wet and his hands were still shaky.
I smiled up at the beautiful boy standing in front of me. "Please don't ever cry." I spoke.
He gave me a questioning look. "Why? I don't even know you."
"Because you're too beautiful to cry." I said with a genuine smile.
Without saying another word he sat down on my lap again and rested his head in the crook of my neck. I definitely didn't mind this at all. His feathery hair tickled my neck but I liked it. I could hear him take in small, steady breathes and I could feel his hands stop shaking. The highly uncomfortable chair suddenly seemed comfortable when I was laying with Louis. After a few minutes I looked down to see the fragile boy sleeping and snoring softly.
When Mrs. Hogsett walked back inside she looked over at us and smiled, for real this time. She was like the mother I never had. My mum is always to busy with work and Mrs. Hogsett knows things that even my real one doesn't know. Like how the scars on my thighs and wrists aren't really from the cat and how I've tried to kill myself a total of three times. She even knows I'm gay and my real mum doesn't even know. When I was younger my mum always told me how gays are bad and they're going to hell for loving the same gender but that never effected me when I was little because my dad was a much more caring, lovable person. Now all I have is my mum because my dad died of cancer and it's hard to accept that I'm gay because of her. My dad was always okay with it and he never told my mum. That's why I hurt myself, because my mum hates gays. My mum hates ME.
After a few minutes of talking, Mrs. Hogsett agreed to excuse me and Louis from all of our classes, making up some excuse for our absence. I carried the sleeping Louis, bridal style, through the school and out the front entrance, to my car. I got a few rude looks from people but I ignored them. I opened the passenger door to my car and carefully set the sleeping angel (yes, angel) in the leather seat and buckled him in, doing my best not to wake him. I hopped in the driver side and pulled out of the school's small parking lot.
After driving for 30 minutes I pulled up to the gates of the mansion that me, my mom, and my sister Gemma shared, along with our ten to fifteen maids.
I typed in the password to the gate, allowing me to get in and drive up the cement driveway. I pulled into my spot in the garage, In between where my mom's car is suppose to go but she's gone away on business and Gemma's car.
"Shit." I mumbled under my breath when I remembered Gemma was home. I wasn't afraid that she would tell mum about Louis once she got back in a couple of days but I was intimidated by the fact that once Louis left she would give me a lecture on how school's important and how you should never skip and all that trash that Gemma reminds me constantly about. I know Gemma wouldn't tell mum because that would raise suspicion about my sexuality and neither of us want that. Gemma knew I was gay even before I knew I was gay. She still hasn't told anyone.
I carried Louis into the house and up the stairs to my room. When I walked pass Gemma with him in my arms she raised an eyebrow and followed me into my room. I laid him down gently on my bed and pulled my comforter up to his chin. When I turned around to face my now questioning sister she grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me downstairs.
"Ouch!" I cried, rubbing my wrist when she finally let go.
"Who was that?" She asked.
"That's Louis." I spoke quietly.
"Well why aren't you in school and why is he here?!" She yelled.
I explained the whole thing to her and she gave me a look that I couldn't identify. She unexpectedly hugged me and gently patted my back.
"Oh! My little Hazza is so sweet!" She said, squeezing my cheeks, forcing me to smile.
I slapped her hands away from my face and rubbed my now sore cheeks. "I hate it when you get all girly on me."
She simply smiled and rolled her eyes before going to her bedroom.
I trotted back up the steps to my own bedroom and found Louis, half asleep looking around my room.
"Where are we?" He questioned.
"Oh, we're at my house, in my room." I said, feeling my face heat up into a blush.
"I'm tired Haz." He replied.
"Well let's go to sleep then." I said with a cheeky grin.
I lead him over to my bed again, partly afraid he would trip because he was so tired but mostly because I wanted to feel his skin against mine again.
He laid down and I followed behind him, keeping my distance because he was probably into girls anyways.
After a few minutes I still couldn't sleep so I listened to his soft snores. Only moments later he came closer to me, his back against my stomach and chest. I took this as the okay to put my arms around his small torso.
"Goodnight Haz." He said with a smile.
"Goodnight LouBear."

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