Chapter Seven

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Dedication to DoggieBasher because she always leaves nice comments(:
Louis' POV
Me and Harry spent those 3 weeks together and never once did Chant and Tate bother him and never once did I have an emotional break down. But, the time has come for Harry to leave and my parents to come home. So, as I waved goodbye to him from down the street, my dad's familiar car pulled into the beaten driveway. My parents both stepped out and stumbled up to the house. Are they drunk?!
"How was the trip?" I ask.
"It was great." My dad slurs.
Yep, they're definitely drunk.
"Las Vegas was awesome." My mom continues.
Did my mom just say awe- wait. Las Vegas?!
"What do you mean Las Vegas?!" I yell.
"You idiot! We weren't on a business trip. We needed time away from you!" Is all I make out of the messy sentence.
"So you left me here for 3 weeks alone just so you could go partying and drinking?!" I yell in anger.
"Shut up fag!" My dad yells back. What the fuck?! He's never said that to me before!
"If you have a problem with our lifestyle then you can go live with your boyfriend!" My mom joins in.
"Fine." I whisper. I step outside into the warm air and call Harry.
"Hello?" His voice rings through the phone, making me a little happier.
"Hey um, can I come and stay with you for a couple of days?" I say, barely above a whisper.
"Sure but why?" He questions.
"I'll explain later."
"Okay. I'll be there in 10."
And with that we say our goodbyes and hang up.
I step back into the house and begin to pack up necessities. I stuff all of my clothes and my phone charger into one bag and pull out another from under my bed. I pack in bathroom supplies like a tooth brush and deodorant. I walk back downstairs and wait outside, ignoring the yells from my parents. After only 5 minutes, Harry's car pulls up to the curb and he helps me load my stuff into his car.
"So, explain." He says once we are driving.
I tell him about how my parents came home drunk and how they weren't really on business. I also tell him about how they practically kicked me out.
He awkwardly clears his throat "you could stay with me for a while."
"What about your mum?" I ask. He nods his head in agreement.
"Shit, I don't have enough money to get my own place." I say while putting my head in my hands.
"You know, my mum has been bugging me to move out. She said that if I wanted I could move into the barn and she would have the funds for me to fix it up." He replies, smirking at me.
"We've only been together for two months Harry." I say.
"I know but we'll be ok." He says with a smile. I look up to see we're in his garage. That was fast.
I sigh and smile at him. "Thank you."
He smiles back and kisses me on the cheek. "Let's go talk to my mum then."
"She's home?" I question.
"No but I'll call her." He says, getting out of the car and walking into the house while I follow him.
After half an hour of Harry being on the phone, he finally hangs up.
"So?" I ask right away.
"She said yes!" He yells, tackling me from his bed that I was sitting on.
"Oh my god!" I yell back.
"Wait." I turn back. "Did you tell her I was living with you?"
He nods his head.
"Okay go back to celebrating then!" I laugh while he joins with me.
"She's sending the money to my bank account and we can start tomorrow. We can be done with the barn itself within the next few weeks then we can start furnishing." He states happily.
"Oh god. Thank you so much Hazza." I say, finally settling down and laying back on the bed.
"Anything for you." He replies, laying next to me and kissing my forehead. I smile and lay my head on his chest.
We just sat there for a while but I guess I fell asleep because I woke up to the sun shining in my face and Harry pleading me to get up.
"Come on Lou, I'm hungry." He whines.
I laugh and get out of his bed. Why is it that our relationship can change so drastically in such a small time frame? It can be great but it can also be a nusense. Right now? It's great.
"Gemma's at a friends' house and mom won't be back till next week." He says while we approach the kitchen.
"Cool. So we start today?" I ask.
He nods his head in agreement. "What're you hungry for?" He asks. I've started eating again the past couple weeks only because Harry seems so happy when I do. I've even put on a couple pounds. Which, in my eyes definitely isn't good but Harry likes it so, whatever.
I shrug. "Whatever you feel like making."
He smiles at me and cracks some eggs into a pan on the burner.
Once they're done he hands me a plate with eggs and buttered toast along with hash browns. I pour us each a glass of orange juice and meet him at the table. He smiles sleepily and that gives me butterflies.
"Y'know, even after two months, you never fail to give me butterflies." I think out loud but blush immediately.
"And after two months you've gotten 1o times cuter which I didn't think was possible. Congratulations, you've been the first to break the cuteness scale." He says with a cheeky grin and places a kiss to my cheek.
I smile and roll my eyes, taking a bite of my food.
After breakfast we dress in work clothes and head down to the barn. Harry moves his old truck outta the way. Seeing it reminds me of the night he asked me to be his boyfriend which brings a smile to my face. If it weren't for him I would probably be 6 feet under in a casket right now.
He cuts the engine which catches my attention. He walks back towards the barn and I follow him inside.
It's dark besides the light seeping through the cracks of the walls. The floor is scattered with wood from where the barn ceiling fell.
"You sure this is safe?" I ask, stepping over some wood.
"Probably not." He laughs, picking up some stuff from the floor and throwing it in a garbage bag we brought.
I laugh with him and begin to throw some of the stuff in my own bag.
The barn is huge compared to my house which seems really weird considering my house isn't to small.
3 hours and 14 garbage bags later, the barn isn't so messy so we head back up to the house. When we get in the house Harry is already on the phone with the people who'll redo the walls and ceiling.
"They'll be here in half an hour." He says once he's off the phone.
"That's quick." I say in surprise. I was expecting a couple of days at the least.
"Yeah I thought so too. Apparently they're not as busy in the Summer." He shrugs.
"Well, what're we gonna do till then?" I ask. He shrugs.
"I don't know but first lets wash our hands." He states, walking over to the sink in the kitchen. He turns on the warm water and fills his hand with soap, washing off all the dirt. Once he's done, I mimic him but spend extra time getting dirt from under my nails. He laughs at me while drying his hands. I smile back at him and continue to pick at my nails.
I feel his large arms snake around my waste and his chin rest on my shoulder.
"What're you doin Hazza?" I ask.
"Just loving on my boyfriend." He smiles. I shut off the water and turn around to face him.
"Will you hand me the towel please?" I ask.
"Nope." He says, showing off his dimples.
"Okay." I say and rub my hands against his shirt to dry them.
He fake gasps. "You know you'll have to be punished." He says, faking being serious.
I smile at him but burst out in laughter when he begins to prod at my ribs, tickling me.
I throw my head back, laughing. My knees become weak and I fall to the floor but Harry catches me from hitting my head. He continues tickling me and when I'm laying down he puts his legs on either side of my torso so he's straddling me.
"Harry!" I gasp. He smiles down at me.
"Harry stop!" I say in between breathes. He stops for a minute and I gasp for air.
"What're you gonna do for me?" He smirks, getting off of me and helping me up. I smile and put a light kiss to his cheek.
"Aww boo bear. Not even on the lips?" He whines.
"Maybe if you were nice and didn't tickle me I would." I tease. He pouts but heads towards the door when we hear a knock.
Harry shows the people the barn and they say that it will take about a week to redo but in all honesty, I thought that this was pretty quick.
Until then, we were still allowed to lay down carpet and continue to pick up the mess. However, we decided to wait on carpet so we got the right dimensions. So, there we were, continuing to fill garbage bag after garbage bag with old, rotted wood. It was already becoming dark and the guys started to pack up their stuff while me and Harry waved goodbye and headed towards the house. Once we reached it, we stepped inside and tiredly stumbled up to his room.
"Hey Hazza. Can I grab a shower?" I asked once we were in his room.
"Sure." He smiled, pointing to where the towels were. I nodded in a knowing way and walked into the bathroom, closing the door.
I ran the water to the right temperature and stripped of my clothes. I got in and immediately began to wash my hair. After 10 minutes of washing and rinsing, I shut off the water and got out, wrapping the blue towel around my torso. I blushed, remembering that I forgot to bring in clothes. Of course. I opened the door, the mirrors becoming less foggy, and preyed that Harry was downstairs or something. But, to my dismay, he was sitting on his bed, fiddling with his fingers. I became even more red and leaned down to grab my clothes from my bag.
I heard him whistle playfully and stood up.
"Shut up!" I yelled playfully and slapped him with my shirt.
"Ouchy! Kiss it better Lou!" He faked being hurt and held out his arm. I rolled my eyes and went back back into the bathroom, closing the door. I quickly changed into my pajamas and threw the towel and my dirty clothes into the black hamper.
I opened the door to see Harry, still pretending to be hurt. I rolled my eyes.
"It still hurts Lou." He whines.
I laugh lightly and kiss his arm while he smiles.
"Come here Lou bear." He says, gesturing for me to cuddle him.
"Ew no Harry. You smell bad. Go take a shower, then you get cuddles." I tease.
He pouts and gets up from the bed, quickly heading into the bathroom.
He's back out and dressed within five minutes but it feels like more because I sat around doing nothing. He lays back down on his bed, his hair still really wet.
"You promised Lou." He pouts.
I smile and lay next to him so my back is pressed against his chest. I feel him smile and breathe against my neck.
"Your hair's wet." I laugh, feeling water seep into my shirt.
"That's okay." He mumbles, scooting in closer which I didn't think was physically possible, but Harry just proved me wrong. I laugh lightly.
"I love you Hazza." I breathe out, reaching over and turning off the lamp.
"I love you too Boo Bear."

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