Chapter Eight

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Louis' POV
When I wake up, to my surprise, Harry is still in bed with me, sleeping. I roll over so Im facing him and listen to his soft snores. I smile at the noise and watch his face and smile when his mouth turns into a grin.
"Are you watching me boo bear?" He asks, his eyes still closed.
"No!" I say defensively, my cheeks heating up.
He smiles and flutters his eyes open. His green orbs lock with my blue ones and I smile.
"Boo bear..." He insists.
"Yeeeess." I admit. He laughs lightly and kisses my nose which makes my grin get even bigger.
"What're we doing today?" He asks. I reply with a shrug.
"We should go see how much a treatment center costs." He suggests.
"I told you I don't need treatment." I insist.
"What, so that you can try to kill yourself again? I don't think so." He replies, sitting up.
"And what about you?! I'm not the only freak here!" I yell, oh fuck.
"I didn't say you were a freak, I didn't know I was one either." He says looking down. Fuckfuckfuckfuck! Gawd Im so stupid! Our relationship was going great until I ruined it just now.
"Harry, I didn't." I trail off.
He looks up at me with watery eyes. "Thanks Louis." He says with a sarcastic smile.
"Harry I... I'm sorry." I whisper.
He nods his head and pushes himself up from the bed. See what I mean? Our relationship can take a turn for the worst just that quickly. Of course I didn't mean that, I was just angry he wouldn't leave me alone about treatment. Why am I such an arse? He was only trying to help.
I watch as he walks into the bathroom and closes the door. I listen as he bursts into sobs and I hear him fall to the floor carelessly. I get up and knock on the door.
"Baby?" I say while knocking. He quiets down.
"I'm fine Louis." He replies harshly.
"Please unlock the door." I say barely above a whisper. He reaches up and unlocks the door while I open it. He's sitting on the ground with still watery eyes and when he opened his mouth to say something his voice just cracked.
"Shh." I whisper, sitting down next to him and closing the door. I wrap my arms around his much larger frame and pull him into a side hug while he rests his head in the crook of my neck.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." I whisper after a few minutes.
"I know." He replies quietly.
"You're perfect, you know that right?" I ask.
He smiles against my neck and places a kiss in that same spot, giving me goose bumps.
"Not as perfect as you Boo bear." He replies.
I smile and rest my head against his.
"If you really want me to, I'll go to treatment." I say.
I feel him smile even wider.
A Week Later...
Anxiety. Stress. Tingly. Nervous. Excited.
These were just a few of my emotions. Harry's mom is in the garage and just about to come inside for me to meet her for the first time. Of course she'll think that me and Harry are only friends but that's good enough for me. I hear the garage door open and feel Harry give my hand one last squeeze before letting it go and drop to my side. I feel a bit lonely now too.
I watch as the tall, thin, bleached blonde woman walks through the door and over to Harry, giving him a hug.
"You must be Louis." She says, hugging me too. I thought Harry said she was awful.
"That's me." I reply.
"Well, I'm very busy and need to get to work right away but I'll see you boys at dinner. 17:00 sharp. Don't be late." She says gesturing a smile and walking into her office, closing the door.
"Well I guess we better go check out the barn. The guys said they finished this morning and already took the money from my bank account." He says, pulling on some shoes and tossing me mine. I pull them on and follow him out the door.
Beautiful. That's all that could explain it. In fact, the barn didn't even look like a barn anymore, it looked more like a house then a house looked like a house. What? It was still dull and brown but obviously we would paint it.
"What color?" Harry asked while I was still in awe. It took me a few moments to process his question.
"Definitely Green." He agrees. He pulls me to his side and we stand there, still admiring the barn. One of the two smaller sides was completely made out of window but was separated into sections so it didn't look bad. Instead of giant, barn doors there was a regular sized door on the front and a sliding glass door on the windowed side. There were other windows scattered around but not messily, in a way that looked good.
"Well, we should go get flooring and paint and all that junk." Harry broke the silence.
I nodded my head in agreement.
Hours later, we were back at our ba- house, and were painting the outside. We decided on a green that wasn't too bright but wasn't too dark either. We were both already covered in paint and were only halfway through.
"Lunch break?!" Harry called from the other end from where he was painting. I hopped off the ladder I was standing on and walked over to him. He gave me a dimpled grin and hopped off his own ladder. He took my hand and we began up the path after dropping our paintbrushes in his old truck along with the paint and flooring.
"So." Harry began.
"Yeah?" I question.
"The other day, Gemma asked who the girl in our relationship was." He says with a smile.
"Oh that's defiantly you." I grinned.
"What?! No way, I'm way more manly then you!" He protested, pretending to be angry.
I laughed. "Yep, you're manly alright." I said, slapping his bum.
He fake gasped and threw me over his shoulder.
"Harry!" I yelled but he ignored me and continued walking.
"Put me down!" I yelled again, laughing.
"Aww. But I love you boo bear." He laughed and put me back down. I kissed his cheek and said a "Thank you." before we were back at his house.
We went inside and saw Gemma at the table, eating a sand which. I haven't seen her in almost 2 weeks.
"Gemma!" I yell, hugging her.
"Boo bear!" She yells back while returning the hug. I pull back and notice Harry glaring at Gemma.
"Aww. Is Hazza jealous?" I tease.
"Only I can call him boo bear." He says, playfully slapping his sister's arm.
"Fine. I have a cuter nickname for him anyway." She states, sticking out her tongue.
I roll my eyes at the two and sit down at the table. Harry ignores her and grabs some lunch meat out of the refrigerator along with some bread from the counter.
"Are sandwiches okay boo bear?"
17:00 comes quicker then expected and now we are all sitting at the dining room table, eating dinner. Me, Harry, Gemma and Ms. Styles are all gathered around the table in silence.
"So, I have something to tell you guys." Ms. Styles speaks up.
We all look up at her and continue to eat.
"While I was in America, I met someone. We've been dating this past month." She continues.
"What's his name?" Harry says with slight anger in his voice.
"Her name is Andrea." She replies and looks at her plate. Harry and Gemma's eyes both widen and they look at eachother. Harry sets his fork on his plate and clears his throat. "Excuse me for a minute." He says, getting up and leaving the room. I listen as he bounds up the stairs to his room and closes his door. We sit in silence for a few moments.
"You wanna go talk to him Lou?" Gemma asks. I nod my head and bound up the stairs into his room. He's laying on his bed and looking up at his ceiling. I close the door and lay next to him but instead of looking at the ceiling I study his facial expression. I don't understand what he's feeling.
"It's just my whole life she's told us how disgusting it is to love the same gender y'know?" He says after a while. I look up at the ceiling too.
"If it makes you feel any better, we can come out now." I say smiling. He turns his head to look at me and I do the same.
"We could. Right now." He says smiling.
"Right now?" I question.
He nods his head while still smiling.
"Well let's go then!" I say excitedly and get up from the bed, pulling him with me. He laughs his beautiful laugh and gets up. He places a soft kiss to my cheek and takes his hand in mine.
We walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, hand in hand. Harry's mom gapes at us when she looks up from her plate but replaces it with a knowing smile.
"Well, if you're allowed to come out, then I am too." Harry begins. "Me and Lou have been dating for almost 3 months now. Our anniversary is in 2 weeks." He smiles.
"Come here you two." She smiles. We walk over to her and she hugs us both.
"Thank you for the house, barn thing Ms. Styles." I say, remebering to finally thank her in person.
"Oh please Louis, call me mum!" She says with a smile. I return with a grin and me and Harry clear our plates before heading back up to his room. I plop down onto the soft bed again and he joins me after closing the door.
"Do you think we can finish painting tomorrow?" I ask after a while.
He hums a "Yes." In response and wraps his arms around me, closing his eyes. I run his curls under my fingers and he rubs his thumb in a circle over the skin of my hip and I watch him as he drifts to sleep. When did it become possible for one person to be so perfect?

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