Chapter Four

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Louis' POV
It's been 2 weeks since a Harry asked me to be his boyfriend and everything was going good, until this weekend.
He has been really distant since Friday and it's Sunday. Only texting me when necessary, never calling. We haven't seen each other since Thursday and we use to spend every day together.
I was more shocked then explainable when I saw a totally different Harry burst through my front door that afternoon.
I was sitting on my couch, watching an old Disney film by myself. Mum was out, running errands. Dad was working.
Harry burst through my door, me looking over, surprised. He looked at me with sad eyes for half a second before tears started to pour freely and he ran up to me. He sat down next to me and hid his face in my chest. This definitely wasn't my Harry.
Usually it was me, cuddling into him, crying about whatever and him holding me like a child.
I looked down to get a better look at him and gasped.
His arms were covered with sleeves of tattoos. He was wearing black clothes with black shoes to match.
"What happened baby?" I whispered in his hair, trying to hide my shock.
He looked up at me, now having a lip and eyebrow piercing, I tried to keep my face from being anything but concerned but I'm not lying, I was feeling a lot of emotions. Concern, shock, worry, sympathy, confused. Where was my Harry?
"Th-they made me do this. They made me get ta-tattoos and these hor-horrible piercings!" He yelled in anger and fear.
"Who?" I asked gently.
"Chant and Tate!" He yelled back.
Chant and Tate were these punk kids at our school, they use to bully me a lot and they threaten anyone and everyone to get their way.
"Th-they said, if I didn't join their gang and got tattoos and piercings and shit, th-they wo-would hurt you." He weeped.
How did they find out about us? I questioned myself but regretted it.
"Stop worrying about yourself and show sympathy for someone else for once, you dickhead." A small voice in my head taunted me. And for once, I agreed with it.
Harry continued crying and I pulled him closer.
"Shhh." I soothed, rubbing small circles in the skin on his hip.
"Look at me! I look like one of those ugly punk asses!" He yelled in anger.
"You're beautiful no matter what Hazz." I spoke, nuzzling my chin into his curly, brown hair.
He didn't say anything else but I could see a blush creep up his cheeks.
"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked after he stopped crying.
He nodded and I opened up "The Aristocats" on Netflix. Harry loved it because of all the cats.
A small smile creeped up his face and he looked up at me.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you more." I replied.
After a few minutes I got up and headed towards the kitchen, hearing Harry's whines for me to come back. I chuckled and grabbed a bag of crisps from one of the old cabinets, heading back towards the living room.
I found Harry sitting straight up, watching the movie intently. I set the bag of crisps next to him and sat down on his lap, cuddling my head into his neck, he slouched a little bit, to get more comfortable, and pulled me in closer, putting his arms around me. I placed a gentle kiss to his neck, not wanting to be anywhere but there.
Halfway through the movie, I looked up to see a teary eyes Harry. I reached over for the remote and turned off the tv. He just continued to stare at the tv.
"What's wrong baby?" I questioned, looking back up at him.
"You don't have to pretend to love me anymore Lou. I wouldn't like me anymore either. Now I'm just some punk freak." He said, looking down at me.
I hated seeing him like this. He thinks I won't love him anymore because he's covered in tattoos and piercings? He's dead wrong. I love him for more then just what he looks like. I love the butterflies I get in my stomach when he's around. I love how he treats me like I'm the most precious thing in the world. I love everything about him. The tattoos and piercings just show how much he loves me. He didn't get them to look bad ass or impress anyone. He got them because I was threatened.
"I'm not pretending, love. I really do love you. I love you so much for doing this just to protect me. I love everything about you Hazza." I speaks softly against his neck.
I lightly pepper kiss on his neck and jaw line. I move over to his lips and soon they're connected together. I lightly tug at his curls, making him moan softly. He smiles into the kiss and licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gladly accept and part my lips slightly. His tongue wanders my mouth and his large hands move up and down my stomach.
No girl, dey didn't do the dirty.
I feel like I'm not gonna go on with there make out session cause I suck at that shit.
You know how a kissing scene goes because you've read Larry fanfic before but, if you haven't then stop right NOW and go read a better Larry fanfic because I suck at writing and reading Larry fanfic for the first time is like having your V-Card taken.
Goodbye lovelies!

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