Chapter Five

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Louis' POV
The next day Harry was forced to go hang out wherever with Chant and Tate while I was left home by myself, once again. He was a great boyfriend and I couldn't find words to explain how thankful I was for him sacrificing what he wants for me but I was tired of being lonely. So, after lunch I decided to go walk around the park by my house. I regretted that so much afterwards.
I walked up to the park and the first thing that catches my eye is Harry bring yelled at by Chant and Tate, before they notice me. They both maniacally laugh and whisper something to Harry before yelling at him again. He begins to walk closer to me while a smile creeps up my face.
"Hey faggy!" He yells once he reaches me, pushing me up to a nearby tree while holding my shirt in his fist. What was he doing? Why was there a sorrowful look in his eyes?
"What're you doing Harry?" I whisper.
He ignores me and punches me in the stomach. Not nearly as hard as Kenny would've but still a lot more hurtful emotionally considering he's my boyfriend.
He continues to kick and punch me and when he's done he drops my shirt from his fist, causing me to fall roughly to the ground. "Get outta my park!" He yells, some moms led their kids away from the scene. I gave him a confused, hurt look which he returned with a sorrowful, regretful one. I would've much rather been beaten 10 times worst then that by Chant and Tate then be beat up by my own boyfriend.
Later That Day...
I was back to sitting on my couch alone, only this time icing my bruised ribs and avoiding thinking about my terrible head ache and how this would take a toll on my relationship with Harry. I would be like this for the next week or so because my parents went away on business. I was broken out of my thoughts due to a light knock on the door. I locked it in case I fell asleep, it was probably just one of my mum's friends. I struggled to get up but did my best to do it painlessly and quickly. I walked to the front door and unlocked it, opening it to see Harry.
"Hey." I whispered, looking down. He nudged me out of the way, stepping in and closing the door, leading us back to my couch.
"Oh god Louis, I'm so sorry. I only did it because they would've done it worst." His voice grew to a whisper at the end when we sat down.
"Yeah. It would've hurt more physically but it hurt so bad emotionally when you did it Harry." My voice spoke out faintly.
"Let me see." He said, lifting up my shirt without any warning.
I sighed and pulled it off while pulling away the ice that has been there off and on since the incident. He gasped lightly at the terrible bruises. You could clearly see I had been beaten, the bruises shaped almost perfectly like a fist. He ran his fingers over the bruises and the few scratches, causing me to wince. I saw tears well up in his eyes. Wait, shouldn't I be the one crying?
Without saying anymore he leaned back on the couch, bringing me with him and burying his face in my hair. My back was pressed against his chest and my right side was against his left.
"Harry, it's okay." I whisper. It truly was, he was only trying to prevent me from going through more pain then I had to.
"Oh god! No it's not! I'm a monster!" He yells into my hair, making me shiver. He wasn't, the real monsters were Chant and Tate.
I pulled away from him and put my legs on both sides of his torso so I was straddling him. I rested my head on his shoulder so my chest was pressed against his.
"Shhh." I whispered against his neck. His crying eased while he brought his arms to wrap around my waist and his head was leaned up against the top of mine.
"I'm sorry boo bear." He whispered.
"Don't worry about it Hazza." I replied.
"I love you boo bear." He said after a long pause.
"I love you more."
"I'm tired boo bear." He said.
"Let's go to sleep then." I replied, about to get up but he tightened his grip on my waist.
"I got it." He whispered, picking me up. My legs were still wrapped around his torso and his arms around mine. My head was still resting on his shoulder while he carried me up the steps to my room. Once we got in he closed the door and set me on my bed while I cuddled into my blue blankets.
"I'll be downstairs if you need me." He whispers.
"Hazza." I whine. "Stay with me please." I say, grabbing his arm so he can't move.
He smiles down at me and shakes my hand away. He crawls into the bed beside me and his arms drape over my torso, pulling my back to his chest. This time, it's his turn to rest his chin on my shoulder.
"I love you so much boo bear." He whispers against my neck. Placing a small kiss on that same place I begin to drift into sleep, mumbling a "I love you too Hazza."
I wake up to the smell of bacon but become lonely when a sleeping Harry isn't next to me. I follow the smell into the kitchen and see him cooking the food in a pan. He doesn't see me yet so I go behind him and snake my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his shoulder while he smiles.
"Morning." I mumble tiredly, placing a kiss to the soft skin of his neck.
"Good morning sleepy head." He says, turning around to face me.
"Hungry?" He says when I don't say anything. I want to say yes but I know I can't.
"Not really." I shrug.
He frowns and hands me a plate anyways, turning off the burner to the oven. I frown back at him and put the plate on the counter next to us.
"Louis, baby. You have to start eating." He says sadly. I hate seeing him sad.
"I do." I try to sound convincing.
"Hardly ever. It's unhealthy. You're perfect the way you are Lou bear." He says back sternly but softens at the end.
I look away from his gaze but I feel his eyes darting into me like arrows. He takes me by my waist and picks me up and sets me on the counter behind me. However, his sleeve goes up a little and I saw marks that I hoped I would never see on him.
"Oh god Harry. What was that?" I ask worriedly, secretly hoping I was imaging things but when I lift his sleeve up again I regret everything. I'm so stupid! He's been so sad lately and he told me he has hurt himself before! He's been wearing long sleeves instead of the t-shirted v-necks he loves so much. How could I be so unthoughtful.
"Stop." He says, pulling his sleeve down.
"NONONONONONO! No Harry! Please don't do this!" I yell, tears already pouring without warning. I pull up his arm to my lap again and lift up his sleeve even when he tries to pull away. His arms are covered in new cuts and ones that are only a few days old. How have I not noticed?! I was so caught up in my own feelings that I forgot about his.
"Harry, no." I whisper, letting some tears fall onto his scarred arms.
"I hurt you." He whispers, his voice cracking. I look up to see he's crying now too.
I begin to sob uncontrollably and I place my head against his chest, my eyes now looking to the floor but flicking up to his shirt every couple seconds. He wraps his uncovered arms around me in a hug.
"I'm sorry." He whispers over and over again in my ear.
"You're so perfect Harry! Why would you do this to yourself! You're so smart and funny and handsome and loving and thoughtful and everything I wish I could be!" My voice shoots without warning.
He laughs lightly through tears and shakes his head. "You don't wanna be like me baby."
I open my mouth to talk but all that comes out is an inaudible whimper.
He picks me up like he did yesterday and walks into the living room, sitting us down on the couch. We don't say anything while I cuddle into his side and drift off into sleep.

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