Chapter Three

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"Lou! Are you ready to go!?" I yelled at him from the front door, grabbing my keys. He has been upstairs for over ten minutes, saying he was just putting his shoes on. He didn't respond and I grew worried.
I dashed up the steps and headed into my room, fearing what was before me. Louis was standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom, eyes red and puffy. I closed and locked the door to my bed room and scurried over to him.
"What's wrong LouBear?" I asked, taking his hand.
He sniffled a couple of times before answering, "why do you even want to be friends with me?"
I hugged his waist from behind and rested my head on his cold shoulder.
"I have a surprise for you Lou." I stated, without answering his previous question.
He mumbled something to himself and walked down stairs, heading for the front door. I grabbed the keys to my old pick up truck and headed down a dirt road that led from our house.
"You coming Lou?" I called at him, because he was in the garage.
He jogged towards me and we began to walk together.
"Why aren't we taking your car?" He questioned after a couple of minutes of silence, besides the night animals around us.
"We are, it's just my old truck that we keep at our barn. Both the truck and the barn are beat up and worn down so we don't find much use in them." I shrugged.
He didn't ask anymore questions after that and soon we were hopping into the front of the rusty, blue truck. I stuck the key in the ignition and the engine roared loudly, causing Louis to cover his ears. It quieted down after a second or two and I drove towards the surprise location.
"Sorry it's so loud, it hasn't been driven in at least a couple of years and it's older then me." I said, sticking my hand out the window and patting the side of the truck.
Louis smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "It's cool. It makes me feel American."
I laughed at his random and untrue comment and he joined in with me. Louis became anxious and kept questioning me about where we were going and what we were doing but I hummed a tune to myself, the radio being dead.
As a big willow tree came into view I stopped and hopped out of the truck, grabbing a picnic basket from the bed of the truck. Louis followed behind me with a smile on his face.
We walked through the tall grass and plants, towards the giant tree. This is where I would come a lot when I was a little kid. I didn't have many friends so I would come here and play by myself, pretending that the fish in the pond near it were able to talk. My dad came out here after a while and tied a tire to one of the branches for me to use as a swing, that was right before he got sick. The dirty old tire still hung low on the tree, the rope barely hanging onto the branch. As me and Louis arrived at the tree I dropped the basket on the ground and pulled out a blue picnic blanket.
"The sky's beautiful Hazza." Louis commented.
I looked up at the sky and he definitely wasn't lying. The sun had set a while ago and the bright stars hung high in the dark sky. Fire flies began to fill the air and noises from owls and crickets only made the scene even better. I laid out the blanket on the shorter, greener grass that surrounded the tree and sat down. Louis joined me and made himself comfortable. I grabbed some food from the bag and passed some to Louis. He began eating an apple and I looked at him intently before beginning to eat some crisps.
"Would you stop staring at me like that? It's making me uncomfortable." Louis laughed. I shook my head out of my thoughts and set my food back in the picnic basket. I laid down on the soft blanket and looked up into the dark sky. Louis mimicked what I had just done and scooted in a little closer.
"Can I ask you something?" I questioned.
"You just did." Louis said with a laugh.
I hit his shoulder playfully. "Come on Lou! I'm serious."
"Fine, fine. What's up?" He chuckled.
"Last month, when you said you loved me, did you mean it in a friendly way or something else?" I asked, breathing out. I've waited for over a month to ask that and it felt good to let it out of my system.
He looked at me with brilliant blue eyes and smiled. "I don't know, I do want us to be more then friends though."
I looked back at him with a grin on my face. "Then will you be my boyfriend?" I asked.
His smile got even bigger which I didn't think was possible. "Of course."
"Good." I smiled and lightly kissed the tip of his nose.
We both looked up at the sky again, listening to the crickets chirp but after a few minutes Lou began to shiver a bit.
"If you're cold I can go get blankets from the truck." I stated.
"No. It's fine." He replied.
Taking matters into my own hands, I pulled him close to me while he got comfortable and snuggled his head into the crook of my neck.
We laid there for who knows how long before we decided to go back to the truck. I was about to start the engine when I hears Louis's small voice.
"Can we stay here?" Lou yawned.
"Sure." I mumbled back, not really wanting to drive home because I was really tired.
Louis and I gathered blankets in the bed of the truck, making it as comfortable as we could. We snuggled up into the blankets. Once again, looking at the stars. I texted Gemma, telling her where I was so she wouldn't freak out. Lou nuzzled his head on top of my chest and our legs were intertwined. Soft snores soon mixed with the light wind and animal noises. I looked down to see Lou half asleep and I kissed the top of his head. I was so happy to be able to call him mine.
I know this is short and I'm a sucky writer. DONT REMIND ME.
Happy Easter!

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