Chapter Twelve

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I have an obsession with the song Ripped Away by This Wild Life, it's so sad. I like sad songs, they're more meaningful then catchy ones.
*sigh* My Niall Horan fanfic got deleted and I have a feeling it was my sister when she was playing on my phone. There's gonna be some ass kicking if I find out who deleted it. Im to lazy to rewrite it so sorry :/
Harry's POV
I watched as Louis nervously walked down the isle, his arm linked with his mom's who looked like she might break down in sobs at any moment. Just a few weeks ago she found out we were to be married and she apologized her little heart out, pleading for forgiveness. Louis agreed and we invited her to the wedding along with his dad. Only 3 months ago I proposed but we didn't need much time for planning. We definitely wanted a Summer wedding and didn't have much time for it, unless we wanted to wait a year. We didn't. We quickly planned the wedding and to my surprise, there wasn't much arguing about it. Louis had almost fully recovered from his depression and eating disorders in that time, not wanting to deal with it after our marriage. I stood at the end of the isle, waiting for Louis. Once they finally reached me, his mom unlinked arms with him and headed back to her seat. After only a few minutes, we said our "I do"s and before I knew it, my lips were planted on his. Applauds escaped from the crowd and we walked back down the isle. We decided to have our wedding in the garden in my mom's back yard. Our theme color is pink which is pretty girly, I know. Louis chose it and I promised we could go with whatever he wanted as long as he agreed to go get help. Pink flowers, yes VERY girly, were neatly placed along the edges of the isle. Gemma really liked the idea of pink. Okay, enough about the pinkiness of our wedding.
Before I know it, we're already in the car, me in the driver's seat. Our bags are packed and in the back seat. I put the keys in the ignition and pull out of the driveway.
Louis' POV
"Are we almost there?" I whine. Even after being married I guess I haven't lost my childness. I've been a lot happier after Harry forced to see a councilor. I'm even average weight now. I've never once thought about suicide since the counciling. Every once in a while I refuse a meal or get sad but who doesn't?
"Almost." He laughs from beside me. Harry refused to tell me where we are going for our honeymoon but said it wouldn't take more then six hours to get there. It's only been five but it's almost 21:00 (9:00). We'll be gone for about a week but he said we can come back sooner if I wanted to.
I don't know when, but somewhere in between five and six hours, I fell asleep. I woke up to the engine being a cut and I tired looking Harry grinning at me.
"We're here." He smiles softly.
I sit up from my awkward position and see we're surrounded by trees. A log cabin sits infront of us and Harry gets out of the car. He comes over to my side and opens the door for me. I smile and thank him before following him up the path to the cabin.
"Want some help?" I ask, catching up with him. He looks down at the bags that he's holding.
"That's okay boo bear." He smiles, showing off his dimples.
I laugh and grab a bag anyway. We reach the front door and he fumbles around in his pocket. His face looks worried.
"What?" I ask cautiously.
His face turns pale. "I left the keys to the cabin on the bed." He speaks slowly. My face loses it's color and I gape at him.
His face turns to a smile and he starts laughing. "Just kidding love!" He manages.
He pulls out the keys from his pocket and opens the door.
"Oh my god Harry, are you crazy?! You had me scared shitless!" I yell, stifling a laugh.
"You love me." He laughs, setting our bags on the floor and turning on a light.
"You're lucky I do!" I joke.

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