Chapter 8

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"What are you doing here?" Veronica says, raising an eyebrow. I look at my phone, not really caring who it is. I see a new message, probably from Jake. I go to click it to open it but I'm cut off by a familiar sound.

"Well nice to see you too." A very familiar voice says. I look up to see who it is, and my mouth drops open.

Of Mice And Men.

I look at them, walking into the house from the door step. They were really good looking, to tell the truth. I look at what their wearing, mostly tight jeans and cut offs. The tall man (who which I saw earlier, holding the door for me.) has a bright smile on his face. He is really good looking, but a bit more than the other guys. Did I just say that? Oh god.

"Well what do you guys need?" She says and puts her hands in her hips. I look at them, and the tall handsome one looks at me, smiling. I snap out of my daze right after I realize I'm staring into his brown eyes. He looks away and looks at veronica.

"How are you?" He says going in for a hug, and the other boys giving her hugs too.

"I'm great actually, Andy left for his tour today.. so I spent my time with Danielle," She says and looks in my direction. The other boys look in my direction, also, Making my cheeks burn.

"Hey, I'm Austin, and this is.." He says and smiles, pointing to the gingered hair man next to him.

"Alan." He says and smiles a bit, and the rest of the boys introduce them self's. Austin, Alan, Valentino, Phil, and Aaron.

They walk over to where I'm sitting and they all sit beside me. Just my luck.

"Hey guys." I say and smile awkwardly. I really wasn't a people person. They all smile and I get up to get a drink.

"Do you guys want a drink?" I say and they shake their head. "Thanks though." Austin says, and looks over to Veronica, starting up their conversation with the other guys.

I walk into the kitchen, once again. I go to the fridge and open it, my eyes landing on a water. I open it and take a sip, and getting out my phone.

Jake: Okay see ya babe (:

I smile at the text and hear someone open the fridge. I look over and its Austin.

He leans into the wall, and then bends down, grabbing something.

"Hey," He says and stands up, looking strait at me. "Hiiii." I say and lean on the island, taking another sip of my water.

"What brings you here?" He says and I sit my water down. "Well, as you can tell, my lovely beverage is my reason. What's yours?" I say, somehow earning a lot of courage to talk to him.

"Eh food and shit." He says, taking a bite of his sandwich. I laugh and look at my phone. Nothing.

"So I saw you today, right?" He says, "At Starbucks?" He takes another bite.

"Yeah I remember you." I say and smile and sip my water.

"I should of recognized Veronica.. but its been a long time." He says and explains.

We talk for a few more minutes, getting in about his tour and what their doing this year. He is so sweet, its unbearable.

"AUSTIN WE'RE LEAVING!" Someone yells from the living room.

"Alright see ya Danielle, nice meeting you." He says and goes in for a hug. I hug him a bit tight and he hugs back. God he smells to good.

"You smell really good." I say while still hugging. He let's go and smiles with a playful confused look on his face. I laugh and blush. "Sorry.." I say and look up to a grinning Austin.

"Oh and nice meeting you too Austin..." I try to remember his last name.

"Carlile." He smiles. "What about you?" he asks.

"Riffe." I smile back.

HEYYYY THERE. make sure to check out my other story Space Enough To Grow. YOU WILL LOVE IT! I swear! Okay bye lovelies!


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