Chapter 5

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"Oh my fuck.. ouch.." I say, rolling off of what I was laying on. I get up and stumble a bit, grabbing ahold of the shelf.

I hear a loud low grunt, and look around from where the voice was coming from.

"Down here." I hear a scratchy voice say, and look down to meet eyes with light blue eyes. "Are you okay?" I say reaching a hand down, gripping the boys hand.

"Yeah I'm fine, but god that was a hard fall." He says standing up and rubbing his elbow. I look at his face, and look down his body, taking in the black shirt and back skinny jeans. His light blonde hair is made into a quiff and his jawline is perfect. I stand there like a complete idiot, stating at him as he gives a confused look.

"So why are knocking people down anyway?" he says and looks at the jeans behind him. I blush and look away to hide it.

"You know, had nothing else to do. Oh and I'm working on these guns." I say, pointing to my flabby arm muscle.

"Hm.. it seems to be coming along well then." He says, slightly smirking. I smile as well.

"Thanks, I guess.." I say and awkwardly walk away toward the shirts.

"Hey!" He says and I turn my heel, facing him. "Your just gunna knock me down and not give me a name?" He says and I nod, walking closer to him. "Danielle, Danielle Riffe." I say and he nods. "Well Danielle, I'm Jacob, Jake for short." he says and I smile.

"Jake.. sounds like a preppy name." I say without thinking, and put my hand over my mouth so no more unwanted words come out. "Preppy?" He laughs.

"Well you know.. I've watched too many movies with prep and popular high school jocks with the name 'Jake'." I say and laugh, yet another awkward sentence I said.

"I don't really have a good comeback, but all I can say, is that I am a gentlemen my self." He dramatically looks up into the air.

"Hmm.. well to make up for what I did, do you wanna get some coffee? on me?" I say and smile. "No, no no. I'm paying for mine. I am a gentlemen, right?" he smiles, making me smile slightly also.


"So yeah.." I say and look around, gripping my medium coffee.

"Hmm.. so how old are you?" He asks and I look over to meet eyes with him.

"I'm 21, how about you?" I say and he smiles and shakes his head.

"24." he smiles and I nod. I walk over to a store that I haven't been in before, and look around at the neon clothes.

"I am actually in college right now to be a pharmacist," He says and I nod, picking up a black dress.

"I'm also in college too.. but I'm focusing on being neonatal nurse." I say and walk to the cashier, checking out the over priced dress. I quickly check out and walk out with Jake. I start to walk to the elevator and his phone starts to go off.

"Hello?" he picks up and starts a conversation.

I get out my phone and see a text from my boyfriend.

Andrew: Hey can we talk? come over tomorrow at 4.

I text back, getting a bit mad.

Me: Okay.

I put my phone back in my pocket and start to think. He has been so fucking mean lately, and its really getting bad. He has been like this sense I've been going out with my friends, and every second I was away from him, all he would do is call and text me.

"Hey, I gotta go. My friend broke down." he looks down.

"Its fine, I gotta go anyway.." I say and smile.

"Do you want my number?" he says and I nod, as we switch phones. Who cares of I get his number, its not like I have a worthy boyfriend or anything.

"Okay, I'll text ya dani!" he says and walks away and I laugh at his nickname he gave me.

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