Chapter 11

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Hey guysss! so I'm starting this story again because people were telling me to start it because its so amazing. so here you go!

Danielle's POV

"Okay well.. see ya I guess.." I say, scooting out of my booth. Austin looks up at me and frowns. I start to walk and I hear Austins voice.

"Hey wait." he says, getting out of the booth to stand with me. I turn back to him and I smile slightly as he looks down and then up at me.

"Do you want my number? So we can talk?" He says and smiles sweetly at me and I give him a gentle smile back.

"Sure." I say. I want to say more like "I've been waiting to get your number." or "I love your band so yeah.", but, I know if I do that he will probably think I'm either weird or crazy. so, I'm just going to stick to one word answers.

"Um here." He gives me his number and I get out my phone and put it in quickly. This has went better than I thought.

"I'll text ya sometime." I say and smile while turning to walk away.


I drove in silence. I can't believe how this day went by. It actually went worse to better. Not my regular day, but it is an odd one.

I'm still pretty mad at An- I mean, my ex boyfriend. Which I still hate to say it, or even think about it, in that case.

But hey, no more him, no more stress, and freedom. I wouldn't really call freedom actual freedom. More like, now I get to talk to guys and actually go places kind of freedom.

I can't believe he would do that.. he was nice. Well, nice in a way. Now I hate him. Yes, I know, hate is such a strong word. I literally mean hate. as in I hate him.

I shouldn't be thinking about this too much all together. I don't want to get stressed over some stupid break up. I need to get past it and be the bigger person.

I open my car door and get out, dreading the sunshine and happy attitude. Don't get me wrong, I want to smile, but o can bring my self to actually smile.

I unlock my door and walk in, not even looking around. Really all I want is to sleep and not think about anything.

I walk to my bedroom, kicking off my shoes to a random place.

I go to my bed and pick up the sheets to my unmade bed, and get under them.

I drift to sleep to myself.


I groan and turn over, putting my pillow aver my head to cover my ear. Its way too early for this. Speaking of early, what time is it anyway?

I pull off my pillow on top of my head and look at my phone, and realize its Liam, one of my close friends.. Fuuuuuuu-

I pick up my phone and answer it.

"Hello Mrs.Riffe," He speaks slowly into the phone.

"What Liam?" I say and he cuts me off.

"I haven't seen you around the campus this week. Are you I'll?" His accent is so heavy, I can nearly understand him.

"I'm actually very busy this week." I make up a excuse. "And next week." I add before he can speak.

"Hmm. okay." He says and I can imagine him shaking his head.

"Well you need to be here soon." He says and hangs up. Frick Frick Frick.

Well now he's mad at me and I need to get going to my college. If I don't go, I won't graduate.

I look at the clock, 6:15 am?

That's way too early. But, anyways, I am already awake. Might as well start getting ready.

I get up and put on a new shirt, leaving my PJ pants. I don't feel like dressing up, or even going outside for that matter.

I look in the mirror and look at my makeup less face.

To be honest, it didn't feel like getting up and doing anything. I just wanted to stay in bed all day and sleep.

I take another glance at my bed, and decide to go back to it.

I flop down on my stomach and nuzzle my face into the still warm covers.

I go to the sleep and wake up to my phone going off.

"What the frick?" I mumble and look over, not bothering to get up. I see my phone light up and go off. Must be a text message.

I get up off my back and pick my phone. Its a message from.. Austin.

I dont want to sound strange or fangirlish (if that's even a word), but it my my heart skip a beat when I saw his name. Lovely.

I unlock my outdated phone and look at the message, and smile.

Austin: Hey just checking up on you... how are you?

I hit reply and text back.

Me: Pretty good.. I just want to sleep all day though :/

I hit send and my phone goes to my contacts, and a certain name catches my eyes. Jake. I totally forgot about his existence.

I don't feel like texting him right now though.

Ztt Ztt

Austin: Sorry.. well I hope you feel better (;

I gasp at the end of reading his message and blush. A wink face? what does that mean? Maybe he likes me.. what if he likes me? Gosh I sound like a middle schooler right now.

I jump as my phone goes off and see Austins contact come on to the screen.

I open the message, interested in what he has to say.

Austin: *(: I meant a smiley face I swear!

I laugh and smile, but at the same time a bit disappointed. I was half hoping it was a joke and half hoping he was not kidding. Its fine.

Me: Its fine! Haha I figured it too. (; oh wait oops!

I figure that I should goof around. Its the least I can do to lighten up my day.

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