Chapter 1: I'm Married?!

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Jimin is older than his real age in this book. He is three years older than the reader and the reader is 24 years old.



"Honey, why does this envelope say that you're going to get married in two days?!" Your mother squealed as she extracted the letter from its package.

"My daughter is getting married?!" Dad exclaimed as he dropped his newspaper, rushing to your Mother.

"What? My boyfriend didn't say anything about marriage..." You shook your head as you took off your smelly sneakers that you'd been wearing the whole day, while working at Starbucks.

"She's getting married!" Your mother seemed overly excited, while your dad was frustrated.

"Mom I'm just 24 years old, my boyfriend didn't even say anything to me about marriage...and even if he did, in a letter? I would have broken up with him ages ago." You sighed as you walked over to them.

"'re not getting married to your boyfriend, though." Your mom tapped her chin before looking at you with her eyebrows raised.

"WHAT?" Your eyes widened as you took the page from her.

'Work the marriage or Not?

Hello! You've been selected as a contestant in the show, 'Work the Marriage or Not?'

We are glad to announce you as a married woman in two days' time! Your future Husband will be unknown for now but his name is Park Jimin. That's all you need to know and, apart from the fact that he meets the expectations of your dream guy, as written in your sign up form.

Thank you for participating this show! We can't wait for you to meet your future Husband and whether it works out!

- Manager of 'Work the Marriage or Not''

"What the..." You trailed off as you read the paper.

"Did you...sign up?" Your mother asked and you tried recalling if you ever did sign up for it.

"Oh shit. Yes, I did..." You groaned before adding, "But I thought they wouldn't choose me! I wasn't thinking straight when I signed up...I was so focused on getting a revenge from my boyfriend because we broke he had cheated on me, but that was a long time ago-"


"Two months ago-but we're over it! We're as close as ever." You protested and your Mother rolled her eyes while your dad shook his head.

"What am I supposed to do now?! I'm getting married in two days time! With someone I don't even know!" You wailed and your Mother laughed slightly.

"Mom! This is not funny. I love my boyfriend, what am I supposed to do now?" You placed your palm on your forehead in worry.

"Get a wedding dress?" Your Mom said and you just stared at her as she laughed.

She was enjoying this and you knew it. She had always hated your boyfriend and criticised him whenever he came to the house.

"Maybe this accidental marriage you have so thoughtlessly put yourself into, is a blessing. I mean...God listened to my prayers, now look! You're with someone else." She laughed as she walked away.

"Mom!" You groaned as you crossed your arms over your chest, annoyed.

"It says that the guy is your supposed dream guy...isn't that cool?" Dad asked and you rolled your eyes before leaving him alone in the living room.

"What?" He asked.

"Just trying to cheer you up. Gosh, this is what I get, everybody neglecting me? Maybe the new husband could play Golf with me...since Hana's boyfriend sucks at it." He muttered and his wife just looked at him in disappointment-but she was not surprised.

"Mr Lim. Get over it, he's not your husband. He's Hana's." Your mother reprimanded your father and he laughed.

"Wouldn't it be awesome if you try golfing?" He asked and your mother shook her head vigorously.

"Nope. No. Never. The place is too hot and the sport is not my type." She raised her head and he scoffed.

"Okay, okay, enough. Help me with this." She pulled him to her computer.

"Wait-wait...stop. Isn't Park Jimin the one who owns the biggest company in Korea?" Your Father told your mom and she just stared at the computer screen.

"Oh my gosh!" Both of them squealed, jumping up and down.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"I'll get that!" You yelled as you quickly made your way to the front door and opened it.

The waiting sight made your eyes widen in shock. There were cameras everywhere, a van in your driveway, and a familiar female was standing right in front of you with a microphone, as if she was here to interview you.

"Hello! We're from 'Work the marriage or not?', and you've been selected after signing up! Let me introduce you to my crew. This is Jeff, and he will be your cameraman after you get married to your future husband. I am the host of this show, Choi Yeri. And now, how do you feel after-"

"No! Just no!" You slammed the door in their faces and your parents stared at you, shocked.

"What do you think you're doing? You signed up for this and you're getting married in two days' time." Your Mother frowned as she walked to the door and reopened it, displaying the people's shocked faces.

"Sorry about that. My daughter just forgot what she had signed up for." Your mother gave you a pointed look, making you roll your eyes.

"No, I know what you're doing, Mom, but I'm not going to marry him, whoever this wannabe loner is. I love my boyfriend, and I ain't breaking up with him." You sassed as you snapped your fingers at her.

"You are. Talk back to me one more time, missy, and you will know what I'm capable of." She snapped her fingers, copying you, a smirk on her face.

"Uh. Hello to everyone who's watching this...this is awkward. I have never seen this before." Yeri said to one of the cameras.

"Uhh, that's not part of the script-"

"Goddamit Jeff! I know that... but it wouldn't fit in because I didn't know that there's such thing as people saying no to this, since they signed up for it themselves in the first place." Yeri sighed frustratedly.



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