Chapter 19: Fast Food

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"We're flying," You said in awe before letting go of his hands.

"Are you cold?" He asked.

"No," You shook your head.

"Don't lie to me, your hands are cold," He stated.

You shook your head again, "My hands are not cold."

"Here, take my jacket," He gave you his jacket and you shook your head for the third time.

"I don't want it," You pushed the jacket away from you.

"Are you serious, right now? I'm being nice!" He grumbled.

"Do you want some of the chocolates I bought...I mean you bought?" You quickly changed the subject and Jimin remembered he needed to be patient with you.

"Yeah sure," He sighed as he nod his head.

"So you want some right now?" I asked.

"No...I don't want to eat them right now-" you stuffed chocolate into his mouth to shut him up.

You broke into a grin, "Chew," you demanded and he chewed slowly.

"It's good right?" You piped.

"Well, it's dark chocolate and I hate dark chocolate." He mumbled and you slumped in your chair from disappointment.

Jimin immediately covered it up with a smile, he doesn't want to see you disappointed, "But I love this dark chocolate. It's really nice." He chimed and you smiled slightly.

"Really? Then I should buy you more!" You chirped and he looked at you, mouth slightly agape, "what? No! It's okay, I'm fine..."

"Oh come bad can the taste really be?" You shrugged and plopped one of the small chocolates in your mouth.

You smiled at him while chewing the chocolate.

Until the bitter taste left your taste buds.

"What's with that face?" He asked, holding back his laugh.

"Eugh I hate it!" You said in disgust and he laughed.

"You were lying when you said it tasted nice," You muttered, arms crossed over your chest.

"You're trembling," Jimin said as he gazed at your shaking hands.

"Is it that obvious..." you mumbled before turning to face him. You shook your head defiantly and told him that you were not cold.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Gosh just stop being so annoying, you're acting like my Mom," You rolled your eyes before turning to face the other direction.

"Well, I'm not your mom okay...I'm just...concern," He scoffed before facing the other direction.

He was uncomfortable in the growing silence so he turned around to talk to you, "Hana, why are you suddenly so quiet..." he trailed as he saw you sleeping.

"No, don't you do it..." He turned around and clenching his fists tightly fighting the temptation.

"See, I'm not a Mom." He said through clenched teeth. Giving up shortly after.

"Screw it. This is only because it's uncomfortable to see her cold." He said before taking out his jacket and covering you with it.

"Wow, I am a Mom." He mumbled to himself shaking his head.

As Jimin was about to fall asleep, he felt a weight on his shoulder. You had rested your head on him. He didn't dare to open his eyes so he kept them tightly closed. The both of you fell asleep like that.

| Airport |

"I can't believe I slept the entire flight!" You stomped out of the airport before adding, "on someone's filthy shoulder."

"Hey!" Jimin exclaimed and pushed you slightly.

"Yah!" You shouted and everyone stared at you both.

"Guys please... don't embarrass me." Jeff pleaded and you folded your arms in defiance before walking to the car Jimin had rented.

"I'm driving." You said as you dashed to the drivers' side.

"We're all going to die." Jimin sighed.

You tilted your heads at him before scoffing, "Oh shut up." You rolled your eyes as you get in the car.

| Restaurant |

"Why do you like to eat so much?" Jimin asked as you both went into a restaurant.

"Why not?" You asked with a 'bish-da-duck' look while sitting down at an empty table.

"I mean, you eat a lot but you're still skinny... you're like Solar noona." He said and you blushed but when he saw you blushing he quickly added on, "that wasn't a compliment."

"Oh, way to ruin my moment." You groaned before the waiter came.

"Hi, what would you like to order?" The waiter said and Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"Where's the menuuu...OWWW!" He hissed in pain as you kicked his leg under the table.

"This is a fast food restaurant dummy. You can see the menu for yourself up on the board." You pointed and the waiter chuckled.

"Ohh..." Jimin trailed while glaring at you.

"I would like a...umm-"

"He'll have a chicken burger and I would like a fish burger with fries and chilli, please. For drinks can we have one large coke with two straws." You said and the waiter nodded his head.

"Wait... how do you get to order my food?" He frowned and you shrugged, "Because you were taking way too long."

"I don't like this." He said as he glanced at the people surrounding him.

"Oh shut up. You'll like it and you'll eat it," You rolled your eyes. Just then the food came out and was placed on your table.

"That's fast..." he trailed in amazement as he examined his hamburger.

"Try it." You said waiting for him to take a bite.

"Okay..." He picked up the burger, looking at it before bitting it cautiously.

Has he never had a burger in his life? Tf!

"Woah..." You gasped watching him devour it as if it was his last meal.

"This is so good!" He exclaimed as he finished just when you were about to eat yours.

"You haven't eaten anything yet?" He questioned as he stuffed his mouth full of fries.

You ate your burger slowly while looking at him stuffing his mouth with fries and slurping coke.

"Here I left some for you." He said before sighing with satisfaction.

You looked at the packet of fries to see that it was practically empty with the exception of two fries.

"It's okay, you can finish them.." you crooked a smile and he grinned before placing the two fries in his mouth.

"Are you finished?" He asked as you finished off the last bite of your burger, nodding your head.

"Check please-"

"Yah! You have to go up to the counter to pay. You take this piece of paper that the waiter wrote down our orders on." You said and he quickly shut his mouth.

"Why don't you pay?" He asked with a smirk. You kept quiet before replying.

"Because I brought you here and you ate most of the food, so if you would please..." you gestured to the counter and he scoffed.

"Fine I'll pay, but next time. We're going to my type of restaurant." He said and you nodded your head in agreement.

He groaned as he went up to the counter to pay for the food.



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