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Dustin's P.O.V.

"Kick him, Dustin, kick the fag!" Jake yelled at me. Out of fear, I kicked the small, fragile boy in front of me. He cried and cried but I knew if I stopped, Jake would beat me, too. Jake was 6'5 and compared to my 6'1, he could kill me with his bare hands. I didn't want to beat this kid up- like every kids dream I just wanted to be popular. I guess that means beating innocent kids up...
I saw some blood start dripping on the floor and Jake must've seen it too, because he ran as fast as he could to his car. "Fuck- I'm so sorry... I didn't want to do that.. He made me..." I cried, taking off my jacket and putting pressure on the boy's cuts, which were caused by me. "I-It's okay... I k-know it's n-not your fault..." he stuttered. "I'm f-fine... H-Here's your j-jacket... I'm s-sorry I got b-blood on it..." he stood up, handing me my jacket and running off, leaving a trail of tears and blood on the tile floor.
"Fuck!" I exclaimed, kicking the closest locker. I grabbed my backpack off the floor and walked through the halls, heading toward my car. I saw the boy walking home and I ran towards him. He had his earbuds in and I could hear it from 15 feet away. "Hey, umm- what's your name?" I asked, almost yelling, knowing he probably couldn't hear me if I had talked quieter. Luckily, he heard me and took out one earbud.
"I'm Alexis. Don't ask- it's a long story... and you are?" He asked me. "I'm Dustin, and I have time." I responded, and for some reason he blushed, making me blush as well, but a lot lighter than he was. "Can I give you my number? I can text you the story later, if that's okay with you?" He questioned, looking at the ground. "Yeah, sure." I said, pulling my phone out of my back pocket and making a new contact. I handed him my phone and he entered his number, then handed my phone back, shakily.
"Hey, are y-" "I'll t-text you later... B-Bye, Dustin!" He exclaimed, cutting me off, then running away from me. God he's cute, I thought to myself, walking back to my car. I opened the door, got in and drove toward my house. I hope he likes me too.

Most chapters will be shorter like this. Once they get too long I lose track and go in a completely different direction than I mean to.

Hun- New book (YAY) you will be introduced either next chapter or the one after that. I will try to continue BTR as well but idk 🙃

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