You And Me

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Dustin's P.O.V.

~4 months later~

"What do you want to be? Like, for a job?" I asked the Three Stooges, a.k.a. Alexis, Angel, and Melanie. We were all sitting in a circle, like a cult, playing 20 questions, even though we already knew almost everything about each other. "Um, maybe a forensic scientist. It's always been fascinating to me." Angel answers first, knowing right away. "I always wanted to be a singer." Melanie answered quickly. "Alexis had wanted to be a singer when he was 13 or 14. I don't know why that ended. He's so good at it." Angel said, looking at Alexis, who was leaning his head on my shoulder. "Really, babe? You should, you're really good. You and Melanie could start a band or something." I suggested, looking over at my smol boyfriend.
"I'm not that good- really I'm not..." he trailed off, looking down. I rubbed his arm and kissed his head and he started calming down. "Lunch? I'm starving." I stated, looking at everyone for approval. I knew I wouldn't get Alexis' vote because once I said that, he tensed up under my arm. Angel and Melanie noticed too and helped to calm him down. "Hey, Puddin, you're okay. We're all here for you. We all love you." Angel said, holding his hand. Just then I had noticed he painted his nails black. They were still fresh though so he must've done them today.
"I love the black nails, babe." I complimented, kissing his lips quickly. "I did them for you. I thought you'd like them." He responded, standing up to get dressed. "Taco Bell?" Melanie suggested. "Sure, I know Alexis will eat it. I'll just get something else. Taco Bell makes me sick." Angel said, going upstairs to get dressed as well. Melanie and I talked for about 5 minutes because we were already dressed.
My boyfriend looks amazing. He is wearing the purple dress I got him for our 1 year anniversary, and a black, leather, crop-top jacket Angel got him when she went to London. He's also wearing some all black high top converse that go up to just before his knees. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his small waist. "You look beautiful, babe." I pulled him into my chest and I could feel him loosen up at my touch. "Thanks, Dust." He replied quickly, before turning to go back upstairs. "I have to go help Angelica with something." He said, going up the stairs. I love him.


I'm going to start a book of this same story just in a different P.O.V. So if you have any suggestions as to who I should do the book for just- comment that here —>

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2017 ⏰

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